Pirate Family

Chapter 1012 Ants and Ants

After hearing Hody's words in the phone bug, Daken took a deep breath.

The main character always comes out at the end, and it took so long to lay the groundwork. It was finally time for him to come out.

He stood on the trunk of the Yangshu Adam, looking down at the Murloc Island below.

Countless pirates are gathering towards Yangshu Adam, as if they are chasing something.

"The performance has finally begun."

Daken said that, of course he knew that the surviving residents of Murloc Island were hiding in a certain tree hole in the root of the Yangshu Adam tree at his feet, and he also knew the purpose of these pirates coming here.

But he didn't care, because the fishman island was, after all, the fishman's island.

This group of human pirates was nothing more than a tool for him to seize the dominion over Murloc Island.

And now that King Neptune is dead, it is time for these tools to run out of service life.

"It's my turn to play."

Daken smiled slightly, and then leaped, jumping off the Yangshu Adam.


"This is the place."

A one-eyed pirate came to the root of Yangshu Adam and said slowly. This towering tree was well protected by the murlocs, and a wooden fence surrounded the tree.

Yangshu Adam's roots are well developed, and the roots spread across the land of the Murloc Island, like twisted giant snakes, and there are many gaps between these giant snakes, like hollow houses.

It's just that a gap has been torn open in these wooden fences, and there are countless messy footprints on the ground.

"Those murlocs are hiding here."

The one-eyed pirate took a deep breath, then turned his head away.

"We agreed, after we capture this group of murlocs, we will divide the bill according to the head."

"I have a lot of subordinates, so I will take four copies, but you, Black Snake, only have a few people, so you will take three copies."

Before starting to act, the One-Eyed Pirate began to distribute benefits.

Black Snake, who was wearing a black dress, nodded noncommittally.

It is the tradition of pirates to take the lead in distributing benefits, because it can effectively avoid tearing up after the fact.

However, there are also many pirates who don't take these as the same thing.

Because, this sea, after all, speaks with fists, who knows what happened afterwards?

"The man with the beard is in charge of guarding the murlocs we caught earlier, and I will divide half of the men to block the entrance, and then the other half of our manpower will be with your men, Black Snake, to attack this place. The so-called shelter."

"Anyway, the people hiding inside are all old, weak, sick and disabled. It is impossible for us to be the opponents of our elite pirates. Even if they only need to hear the horn of our charge, these people will collapse and drop their weapons and surrender."

"It's just a hands-on deal, it's a good deal."

The one-eyed pirate said slowly, and seeing that no one else refuted, he waved his hand, and his subordinates were neatly divided into two parts, and half of them followed behind the one-eyed pirate.

The one-eyed pirates didn't care if the bearded man would guard against himself and take the murlocs they caught as his own.

Because these murlocs are nothing more than a drop in the bucket compared to the benefits they are about to obtain.

Thinking that he was about to own so many slaves in the entire Murloc Island, the one-eyed pirate couldn't help but glisten with greed in his only remaining eye.

With such a huge amount of wealth in front of him now, anyone would have shortness of breath.

"Since everyone has no objections, then prepare to go in..."

The one-eyed pirate hadn't finished speaking when he heard hurried footsteps coming from the street behind him.

A strong murloc with a flat hat and tattoos was running wildly on the street, as if something terrible was chasing him behind him.

Behind the strong murlocs, there are some murlocs wearing the uniforms of Dragon Palace soldiers. Just looking at their distressed appearance, the one-eyed pirates have no doubts that they are a group of elite pirates who were defeated and wanted to escape. Soldiers of Dragon Palace City going to the shelter.

"It seems that there is still an appetizer."

The one-eyed pirate grinned. The pirates around him heard this, and immediately separated, completely blocking all the main points of the street.

No matter where the murloc wants to go, he will run into his pirates.

"Such a strong figure, those noble ladies on the Red Earth Continent should like it very much."

Looking at the strong murloc rushing forward with one eye, he smiled and thought about it.

Now everything is under his control, the defense force of Murloc Island has been defeated by the pirates, and now it is time to steal the fruits of victory.

See who has a bigger appetite and eats more. After the New World passed, it was not surprising that they would immediately become a giant in one party.

"You have no escape..."

One-eyed looked at the strong murloc, just about to let him catch him without a fight, a flash of impatience flashed across the murloc's face, then he frowned and yelled at the one-eyed pirate.

"Go away!"

"kill him!"

One-eyed didn't expect that this pirate who was under heavy siege would be so rampant, telling him to get out?

Didn't he see the situation clearly? In this place, the murlocs have the final say.

It's just that it doesn't matter, it's just a murloc. There are countless such fish in the sanctuary. The one-eyed pirate doesn't mind using the head of this arrogant murloc to show off his prestige. By the way, let the other two pirates, especially the black snake See your own strength clearly.

Fortunately, when the interests are divided up in the end, get an extra piece of the pie.

When all the pirates heard One-Eyed's order, a sneering smile appeared on their faces.

They pulled out the long spears around their waists and aimed at the murloc rushing towards this side.

All it takes is one salvo, and this strong murloc, along with all his men, will be shot into a sieve.

They couldn't wait to see the scene of blood flowing and internal organs scattered.

And a smug smile appeared on the one-eyed face.

He can't compare to those high-ranking supernovas, can't he fix this little murloc?


He roared, all the pirates pulled their triggers at the same time, and countless bullets shot out from the black muzzle of their guns.

Bang bang bang bang!

The pitch-black bullets formed a barrage and flew towards the murloc.

Cyclops could already imagine the scene where this arrogant murloc was beaten into a sieve.

However, that murloc showed a hint of impatience on his face, and spat.

His body disappeared instantly, and the next moment, he appeared in front of Cyclops.

Then a strong arm grabbed the one-eyed head directly, lifting him up.

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