Pirate Family

Chapter 1014 The Humble

After hearing Lorne's words, a trace of ecstasy flashed across the face of this powerful pirate.

He stood up quickly and looked at Lorne humbly.

It's like a knight who has been commended by the king he is loyal to.

The king's praise is his own glory.

"I have an impression of you."

Lorne looked at the man in black dress for a while, and then said slowly.

"You...you should be from Beihai."


Black Snake said excitedly, he didn't expect Lorne to remember him.

"Many years ago, when you came to Beihai to subdue the Vinsmoke family, I happened to be there..."

As if thinking of some unbearable memories, a trace of shame flashed across Hei Snake's face.

"At that time, I was captured by Vinsmoke's men. It was you who appeared and saved us."

"You are my savior!"

Black Snake said tremblingly. He couldn't calm down his excitement.

At that time, the Vinsmoke family was in full swing. With the acquiescence of another top force in the North Sea, the Don Quixote family, this powerful family continued to expand, and it was vaguely about to devour the North Sea.

The kings of many countries were secretly captured by the troops of the Vinsmoke family, and even the kings of several countries that resisted the most fiercely were beheaded by the head of the Vinsmoke family, the man named Gage. at their own feet.

Achieved that famous painting,

"One king kills four kings!"

And the Black Snake at that time was a little nobleman who was captured by the Vinsmoke family. He was hiding in the captive camp at that time, fearful and restless, lest he would offend the "big shots" of the Vinsmoke family because of certain things. , and then lost his life for nothing.

And just when everyone was desperate, Lorne came.

He only did one thing, and that was to single-handedly defeat the mighty Vinsmoke family. That incomparable power left an indelible impression on Black Snake's heart. It also opened the door to a new world for this man.

He rekindled the blood of his youth, even though he was no longer young.

After Lorne left, the Vinsmoke family completely disappeared in the North Sea. Although there were gossip that the proud man Gage succumbed to the Vinhill family, all of this had nothing to do with the Black Snake relation.

Black Snake mobilized all his forces to seek famous teachers throughout Beihai. He had already reached the age of 40, and like a child, he learned martial arts from different powerful fighters.

He is looking forward to the day when he goes out to sea and meets his idol on the sea.

"Is that so?"

Lorne nodded noncommittally. In fact, he didn't remember the man in front of him. He just saw that his clothes were in line with the style of the nobles in Beihai.

"Just now, did anyone escape from here?"

Lorne asked another question that he cared about. He had caught the breath of the mastermind behind the plot of the Murloc Island Rebellion.

"It's a strong murloc with blue skin!"

Black Snake said without thinking. Combined with everything that happened just now, how could he fail to guess that the terrifying monster chasing that powerful murloc was the man in front of him.

There is no need to ask what happened, just knowing that the murloc is Lorne's target is enough.

And Lorne's goal is also his goal.

"He hid in the gap between the roots of this towering tree. Please allow me to go in and catch him instead of you."

The black snake glanced at Yangshu Adam's roots, and said slowly.

"With your noble body, you shouldn't appear in such a dirty and dark place."

Black Snake said so. A cold murderous intent flashed across his face.

At this time, everyone remembered that the man in front of him was a supernova, a newcomer who had not yet arrived in the new world and had a bounty of more than 100 million.

Cruelty is synonymous with newcomers like them.

When the one-eyed pirate was instantly killed by Hody, everyone had expressions of surprise on their faces. Only the black snake looked as usual.

Because, in his opinion, the strength of the one-eyed captain is quite average. If Hody can do it, he can also do it.

That's why he didn't refute the one-eyed captain when he first divided the benefits.

In this sea, after all, strength speaks for itself.

"No need, he will come out by himself."

Lorne paused, turned around, looked outside, slightly surprised.

"Now, are the real actors starting to appear?"

Another pirate team, or in other words, the group of pirates who left from the ruined Dragon Palace finally returned to Fishman Island again.

Perhaps it was the guidance of fate, they walked towards Yangshu Adam without any hesitation.

However, this time, Lorne did not believe in such a coincidence. He had no doubt that all of this was the work of the man hiding behind the scenes.

"Do you want to exhaust my physical strength with the number of pirates stationed here, and finally defeat me?"

Lorne said to himself, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Perhaps it is a bit immodest to say this, but Lorne does have this qualification.

He can be said to be one of the ability users in this world who is least afraid of this kind of war of attrition.

Even, Lorne can remove one of these.

Not only because of his ability, he can directly manipulate the perception of these "weak people" and turn them into his own puppets. There is also the domineering "overlord color" controlled by Lorne, which is the best ability to deal with this kind of "miscellaneous fish". A weak-willed opponent is not qualified to be an enemy of the overlord color.

There is one last very important thing.

That is, after waking up from that long coma, Lorne's body has been greatly strengthened.

Maybe not as good as "Kaido" and "Charlotte Lingling" who are born with strong bodies, but Lorne is confident that even if he is an old white beard, he will not be inferior too much.

The combination of these things created Lorne, an invincible monster, the "demon" who defeated the "strongest creature in history".

The pirates were not surprised at all when they saw Lorne pass by, and a few of them even showed a hint of belligerence on their faces.

"They are the other few supernovas in the Chambord Islands this time. They have always looked higher than the top. Because they have not met the real powerhouse in the new world, they don't know what the real power is."

"Even a few of them are still planning to pull down a certain pirate emperor and replace him after arriving in the new world."

Black Snake explained.

"They approached me, but I rejected it, because I know one thing very well, that is how humble my own strength is in front of the Pirate Emperors."

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