Pirate Family

Chapter 1015 The Savior

Black Snake bowed slightly to Lorne, and then continued.

"Their fighting power is quite good, even if I want to defeat them, it will be very troublesome..."

"Among them, the brawny man with messy hair at the front is said to have the blood of a barbarian in his body, and he is extremely powerful..."

"And the other..."

Hei just wanted to tell Lorne what he knew, but saw Lorne shake his head slowly.

At this time, he realized that he had done a rather stupid thing.

The strength of those supernovas seemed quite powerful to him, but in Lorne's eyes, they were just ants, at best, a few slightly stronger ants.

But ants are ants after all.

He looked at Lorne in trepidation, and found that Lorne looked normal and was not angry because of his overstepping, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hasn't it come out yet?"

Looking at these immature but ambitious unfamiliar faces in front of him. Lorne seemed like a lifetime away.

Many years ago, those "big men" who ruled this sea looked at me with the same eyes.

In the eyes of Shi Ji, was he also an insignificant ant?

Lorne didn't know it, and now Skee was dead. So no one in this sea can give him an answer.

"What hasn't come out yet?"

Black Snake said with some doubts, but there was a burst of noise behind him.

He turned around and saw a group of angry murlocs rushing out of the tree pit behind them.

They held all kinds of crude weapons, but with a flame burning in their eyes, they rushed towards this side.

And their target was obviously the man standing beside them.

During his adventures in Paradise, Black Snake's hands were not clean, and he never bothered to flaunt how noble he was. Due to various reasons, many people died at the hands of the black snake, so the black snake knew this kind of flame.

This is the fire of hatred.

Just how much hatred has caused a race to become so angry that even at the critical moment of life and death, these people rushed out desperately.

Launched the final charge towards the monster they could not fight against?

Black Snake didn't know, but he didn't need to know either.

The moment these murlocs appeared, the group of new pirates also launched an offensive.

"Cut off this man's head, and then use his blood, it will be our glory!"

"As long as we kill them, our name will spread throughout the new world!"

"No matter how strong he is, he is only one person after all. He is as strong as Haixia Jinpei who fell in front of us. He also has his strength exhausted!"

Several leading captains roared. They looked at Lorne with bloodthirsty eyes, or at Lorne's head.

At this time, in their eyes, Lorne's head seemed to become 0NE-PIECE in the mouth of One Piece Roger.

Fame, wealth, power, you can get everything you want!

And what they have to do is just a very simple thing.

Charge, and chop Lorne's head off!

Behind Lorne, a leading murloc roared.

"It's this man. Not long ago, he single-handedly caused the catastrophe in the Murloc Street, causing countless of our compatriots to fall into a coma."

"King Neptune kindly pardoned his crimes, but this man actually avenged his kindness, created this disaster, and then killed him in Dragon Palace City."

"Let the centuries-old Dragon Palace City be reduced to ruins, and now it is still burning with raging flames!"

"Finally! This sinful lunatic used despicable tactics to kill King Neptune!"

The eyes of this murloc were tearing apart. He recalled the scene in Dragon Palace City that he saw through the projection screen. All the murlocs respected King Neptune very much. His body was covered with blood and wounds, and he fell powerlessly on top of the pile of corpses. middle.

In front of him, the black-haired human looked indifferent.

"Kill him! Use his blood to honor King Neptune!"

The strong murloc at the front roared, and he led the compatriots behind him, rushing towards Lorne.

The murlocs and the pirates, the two sides in this war were supposed to fight to the death on the murloc island, but at this moment they joined together strangely.

They charged from two different directions, and the target of the attack turned out to be the same person.

This ironic scene actually happened at this time.

Beside Lorne, the bearded and one-eyed captain's subordinates had never seen such a scene before, but they were trembling with fright.

They howled in fear, and then fled to the side, lest they be involved in the cholera.

The Black Snake's men, on the other hand, obviously calmed down a lot. After the initial shock, they quickly came to their senses, and then moved closer to Lorne and the Black Snake, putting on a defensive posture.

It should not be said that they are braver, but that Black Snake's men know one thing better,

That is, Black Snake is as ruthless as his title, if they escape, they will face a more terrible thing, a thing ten times more terrible than death.

"It finally appeared."

But at this moment, Lorne spoke slowly.

He raised his head, looked towards the sky, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Have you finally come out after hiding for so long?"

The black snake subconsciously followed Lorne's gaze, and then he saw the dazzling sunlight.

It was already noon at this time, and the sunlight delivered by Yangshu Adam was scorching hot and dazzling.

Then, a small black dot appeared above the sky, and the dot grew larger until it became the silhouette of a person.

"what is that?"

Black said in surprise. He saw the man who fell from the sky, no, it should be the murloc who fell from the sky. Surprised.

It turns out that the person Lord Lorne has been waiting for is him?

"Oh heh heh!"

"Your savior has come!"

This murloc that fell from the sky hit heavily near the roots of Yangshu Adam, that is, in front of the group of murlocs that rushed out of the shelter. He smashed a deep hole in the ground, then struggled to stand up, patted the dust on his body, and said as if nothing happened.

"I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

"Who are you?!"

A murloc at the front stopped and looked suspiciously at the man who fell from the sky.

He wears a top hat, curled hair and a beard, and he wears many necklaces. If it weren't for his four legs that undoubtedly confirmed his identity as a murloc, the leader would not hesitate to attack this person who hindered his revenge.


The man chuckled and continued.

"My name is Vander Dyken."

"It's a murloc."

"at the same time,"

He paused, looked at Lorne, and continued.

"And your savior."

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