Pirate Family

Chapter 1016 The Defeated

"Then, you bastards who invaded Murloc Island, are you ready to pay the price?"

Daken looked at the pirates in front of him, and spoke slowly from his mouth in a cold voice.

The pirates were taken aback for a moment, and then let out a loud laugh.


"What is this murloc talking about?"

"Is he crazy?"

Several leading pirate captains even had mocking smiles on their faces.

Even the guardian of this country, Neptune, who had the title of Sea God, died in their hands. This country has become a paradise for pirates. Does this murloc want to turn the situation around by himself? ?

wishful thinking!

And Lorne frowned slightly. Because of his ability, his five senses were quite sharp. Even in the confines of the deep sea, he could tell that the talking murloc was the one who was kidnapped by Xuancheng before. who killed Shirahoshi and led all the pirates to Murloc Island,


In other words, was all of this guided by this person and the murloc who fled in a hurry just now?

In an instant, Lorne understood. At this moment, he had to lament his fate, because what Daken did at this time was surprisingly similar to what he should have experienced in Fishman Island in his memory.

It's also trying to seize the dominance of the Murloc Island, it's also trying to provoke conflicts between the Murlocs and humans, it's also...the two joined hands.

And at this time, Lorne also knew the identity of the other murloc hiding in the shadows.


"What are you laughing at?"

And Daken looked at the pirates who laughed disdainfully at him, and said dissatisfied.

From under his clothes he took out a small bottle full of small white pills.

These are some "bonuses" that Hody gave him after the deal with him.

According to Huo Di, these small pills are the secret treasure of Dragon Palace City, and after taking them, they can greatly increase their combat effectiveness. Daken was dubious at first, but after taking one pill, he no longer doubted it.

This feeling of strength all over his body made Daken extremely intoxicated. Even if those famous pirate emperors stood in front of him, Daken had no doubt that he could defeat them with a single punch.

He was quite sure that even without using his abilities, he could crush himself in an instant before taking the pill. This level of strength increase was astonishing.

Even in front of the Pirate Emperor, he might not be his opponent in this state.

Thinking of this, Daken raised his head and looked at the young man with black hair standing not far away.

And now, isn't there just a pirate emperor standing in front of him?

Daken took out a few pills without hesitation, and put them into his mouth.

After a few rough chews, Daken swallowed it.

The next moment, the muscles all over his body suddenly swelled up like steel, and his clothes couldn't even cover them and burst apart.

Bloodshots continued to spread in Daken's eyes until his eyes became extremely red.

"Hoo hoo."

Panting heavily, Daken raised his head and looked at the enemies in front of him.

"You all will die!"

The next moment, his body suddenly disappeared, and then passed Lorne's side, appearing in the camp of pirates ahead.

A pirate who was still laughing saw Daken's tall body appearing in front of him before he could react.

Then, an iron-like arm slowly stretched out, gently pinching his neck.

Rub it.

The sound of bones breaking was clearly visible, and the entire battlefield was silent. All the pirates opened their mouths and looked at the murloc in shock.

They, none of them saw clearly what happened, but Daken appeared in front of them in just a moment, and then, this pirate with a bounty of up to 40 million Baileys and good strength became a Daken's first wraith.

"kill him!"

At this time, a supernova finally realized that the murloc in front of him might not be as weak as they thought, and they had to rush forward to defeat the murloc.

Just like when they defeated the sea man before.

The three to four meter long mace smashed towards Daken's head, but Daken didn't dodge it, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"too weak."

As Daken said, his thick arm grabbed the wrist of the pirate holding the mace, and then, the pirate felt as if his wrist was cast with iron, unable to move.

The mace stayed one centimeter above Daken's head, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't smash the last centimeter down.

"You and I are not creatures of the same dimension at all."

Daken said arrogantly, and then lifted the pirate up.

Boom boom boom!

This pirate was brandished by Daken as a weapon, and some pirates standing next to him were blown away by surprise.

Daken cleared out a blank area in the crowded battlefield.

"Besides, you are not the only ones who have a lot of people!"

Daken said so.

Then, the sound of howling wind came from the sky, and all the pirates raised their heads subconsciously, and they saw countless murlocs descending from the sky.

These murlocs wield their weapons like death's scythes.

At the moment of landing, it took away the lives of many pirates who hadn't reacted.

Then, the murlocs stood up slowly from the ground, took out a white pill that was the same as Daken had taken before from their clothes, and swallowed it slowly in front of the pirates.

The next moment, these murlocs wailed, and their size continued to grow, like wild beasts that released their own nature, letting out bloodthirsty roars.

"We murlocs are the kings of this sea."

Daken said so, and then, his group of murlocs who had taken the pills and had not had time to release their desires roared and rushed towards the pirates.

They rushed directly into the local camp. Facing the absolute power gap, the low-level pirates had no time to react, and their lives were directly taken away.

Just like they massacred the ordinary people on Murloc Island before, there was nothing fancy in front of absolute power.

It's just that now, they have changed from hunters to prey.

Soon, most of the weak pirates were defeated and turned into cold corpses on the ground.

And several supernovas, leading their subordinates, struggled to support in front of a group of murlocs who had taken the medicine.

The balance of victory was completely tilted in the direction of the murlocs.

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