Pirate Family

Chapter 1018 The Dead

Everyone looked at Lorne, wanting to see how this man would respond to the menacing Daken.

And Lorne just smiled lightly, he didn't even look at Daken, and turned to the side, a group of tied murlocs walked over.

This is the group of murlocs that the one-eyed pirates captured before, but now the one-eyed pirates and the beards are dead, and the black snake has taken refuge in Lorne, so this group of captives naturally belonged to Lorne hands.

When the bound murlocs saw Lorne slowly walking towards them, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, and they subconsciously moved their bodies backwards.

Unfortunately, there is no way back. Because behind them were the sharp spears of the pirates under Black Snake's command. The cold spears directly pressed against the backs of these murlocs. As long as they dared to take a step back, the spears would pierce through their bodies.

However, Lorne ignored the fearful eyes of these murlocs. He walked into the captive camp, and these murlocs subconsciously made way for Lorne.

In the center of the captive, there is a young female mermaid holding a smaller girl mermaid with short emerald green hair in her arms.

The girl mermaid was shot in the abdomen, and blood flowed out from the wound. She was lying in the arms of the woman, dying.

"Why, so careless."

Lorne looked at the girl who was shot, and said calmly. He just came over when he saw these two people hiding in the crowd.

"During the fight between the pirates just now, Kemi was accidentally shot. If the doctor can't be found as soon as possible, she may be in danger!"

The woman holding the girl looked at Lorne and said anxiously.

"It's fine."

Lorne squatted down lightly, stroked the forehead of the girl who was shot, and then the girl seemed to have taken a tranquilizer, the pain on her face dissipated, and she became quiet again. Just now, Lorne cut off the girl's sense of pain, and because she couldn't feel the pain, she felt a lot easier.

Humans are very strange animals. Their physical instincts are often affected by their own thoughts. For example, when a person is seriously injured, when he is dying, his companion will definitely let him hold on, saying that once he falls asleep , can no longer wake up.

And some people with strong will can get rid of the shackles of their own body instincts. Keep your own consciousness sober.

Such people can often survive.

At least, that's what the story says.

Lorne, on the other hand, made Kami's sense of pain get rid of, making her body forget the fact that she was shot. Only in this way, Kemi will last longer.

This time is enough for Lorne to clean up the affairs here.

"It will be fine soon."

Lorne said this to Xia Li, the woman holding Cammy.

"There is one more important thing..."

Xia Li looked at Lorne and wanted to say something, but was interrupted roughly by Daken's voice.

"Damn bastard, how dare you ignore me!"

Daken stepped on four legs and rushed towards Lorne.

The bloodthirsty light in his eyes did not dissipate in the slightest, and they were extremely red. It seemed that he wanted to swallow Lorne whole.

"You will pay for this!"

The murlocs who were closer to Daken were knocked into the air by Daken before they even had time to react.

Daken launched a bloodthirsty charge towards Lorne like a wild beast.

After taking the "Evil Drug ES", he felt that his strength was incomparable, and he couldn't wait to prove his strength in front of this man who underestimated him.

"No, only you have power!"

Daken roared. At this moment, he was only three or four meters away from Lorne, and Lorne was still facing him, and he didn't even have time to turn around!

The distance of three or four meters is nothing more than an instant for strong men like them. With a roar, Daken jumped high towards Lorne.

It only takes an instant, and this proud Pirate Emperor will fall in front of him.

Use his life to atone for his arrogance!

Daken opened his hands wide, and suddenly grabbed Lorne's body.

But just when his hands were about to catch Lorne, he suddenly felt his throat congeal, as if being caught by something.

Then, he was out of breath.

"By the way, I forgot one very important thing."

Lorne grabbed Daken's neck with one hand and lifted the beast up. He turned around and looked at Daken with indifferent eyes.

"I said, I will make you pay the price."

Lorne said word by word. His eyes were extremely cold, looking at Daken as if looking at a dead person.

"let me go……"

Daken felt his heart tremble suddenly, and he said with difficulty. In the eyes, there is confusion.

He didn't understand what the price Lorne said was.

Lorne didn't answer him, but put him down gently.

It turned out that it was a bluff.

Daken breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to regain his strength, and when he had a big fight with Lorne, he suddenly realized. His body remained in place without any movement. But his sight became lower and lower until he fell to the ground.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar headless corpse beside him, Daken finally understood one thing.

Lorne really "let go" of himself.

Then, Daken's world turned into darkness.


Lorne gently pushed the headless corpse in front of him. The corpse couldn't bear Lorne's strength and fell to the ground.

Lorne was lazy, so he chose the easiest way and put Daken's head on the ground.

Looking at Daken who fell at his feet, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he died like this. Lorne snorted softly.

Lorne wouldn't be so angry if he just involved himself in it, but the last thing Daken and the others should do is to involve his "sister" in it.

Since they hurt his sister, Lorne made Daken pay the price.

It's that simple.

All the murlocs stared at the scene before them in disbelief.

The savior of the murlocs, who turned the tide of the battle with his own power and defeated the pirate alliance that invaded the murlocs, unexpectedly fell like this.

Or did he die at the hands of a human in such a humiliating way?

The murlocs felt like they were riding a roller coaster, going from up to down to up and down.

And this last time, it directly caused their mood to sink into hell, and they couldn't get up again.

They scattered involuntarily, looking at the black-haired demon with horror on their faces.

In fear, this demon opened his fangs at them.

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