Pirate Family

Chapter 1019 The Provocateur

These murlocs are just ordinary people after all.

This time, they were scared. They are really scared.

Compared with the demon in front of him, the previous pirates' invasion of Murloc Island was no different from a small fight.

Because of those pirates, the murlocs could still muster up the courage to take out their weapons to resist desperately, but facing the man in front of them, they didn't have the courage to resist at all.


A murloc looked at Lorne who was gradually walking towards him, subconsciously put down his weapon, and then fled behind him. And with one example, more murlocs also put down their weapons and fled in all directions.

Their courage has been completely defeated.

Hatred, in the face of the absolute power gap, seems so insignificant.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

But not all murlocs are afraid of Lorne. Daken's subordinates, those murlocs who also ate the "Evil Drug ES", growled and slowly approached Lorne, surrounding him live.

Because of taking too much poison, they have become beasts that succumbed to their instincts.

And beasts are not afraid of Lorne, a little guy who looks like an ant.

Several strengthened murlocs stopped Lorne in front, and that direction was Daken's ally, another murloc sanctuary hiding behind the scenes.

It is also the direction of Lorne's last goal.

The enhanced murlocs let out a hoarse roar, and then slowly approached Lorne, like a group of hunters hunting prey.

"What a hassle."

Lorne sighed, frowning a little.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to get rid of these miscellaneous fish, a woman's soft hum came from behind him.

"Sorry, I'm late."

A swordsman wearing a cherry-colored kimono rushed out from the end of the street. Her clothes were stained with blood, and it could be seen that her journey was not smooth.

After seeing Sakura Miyagi approaching, Lorne put down his hand, then ignored the beasts and walked towards them.

Seeing that Lorne dared to ignore him, the strengthened murlocs roared angrily, and rushed towards Lorne.

But just when they were about to touch Lorne, a gorgeous sword light cut over from the end of the street, covering their bodies.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

Painful cries continued to come out. After the sword light slash dissipated, the murlocs standing in front of Lorne had completely disappeared.

Only the broken bodies on the ground and the sticky smell of blood in the air prove that they once existed.

Yinggong pears have always been trustworthy.

The other murlocs roared angrily when they saw that their companions were dealt with in an instant, and continued to rush towards Lorne.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a black suit sighed, and walked directly behind Lorne, blocking the group of murlocs.

"If you want to attack Lord Lorne, you must step on my body and walk over!"

Black Snake said lightly. If anyone could directly provoke Lord Lorne, then their group of subordinates would be too irresponsible.

Ying Gongli and Hei Snake stopped all the strengthened murlocs, while Lorne walked across the battlefield and walked in the direction of Yangshu Adam.

"Hoddy, show up."

His voice was very flat, but it echoed in everyone's ears. In an instant, Lorne's voice spread throughout the shelter.

But no one responded to Lorne.

Lorne frowned, he hated the feeling of being ignored, so he was ready to do it.

Take a little, a little tougher approach.

But at this moment, the voice of a murloc came out.

"I didn't expect my name to be heard by Mr. Lorne. It's really an honor!"

The voice of a murloc came from the shelter.

Then, a tall murloc walked out from inside.

He looked at Lorne and said slowly.

After the group of murlocs outside and Daken who had taken the evil drug ES were instantly eliminated, Huo Di knew one thing very well, that is, he would never escape.

And when Lorne walked directly to the door of the shelter and called his name inside, it confirmed his point of view.

Lorne knows himself!

Hody didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky to be targeted by such a powerful Pirate Emperor. But he knew one thing very well, that is, today, only one of himself and Lorne can leave this ghost place alive.

Fortunately, I still have a hole card.


Huo Di raised his head, looked directly at Lorne, and said slowly.


And Lorne looked at Hody suspiciously.

He knew that Daken's Evil Drug ES was given to him by Hody, which meant that Hody himself also controlled Evil Drug ES.

He originally thought that Hody would take this secret medicine and rush out to fight him to the death, but looking at the aura emanating from Hodi, he didn't seem to choose this way.

"You are strong, much stronger than that stupid King Neptune and Jinbe."

Hody looked at Lorne and said.

"If it weren't for you, my plan might have succeeded."

Hody originally thought that even if Lorne was in Murloc Island, he could make him fall here, so he didn't hesitate, and included Lorne in his plan.

But the facts proved that Huodi was thinking too much. In the face of absolute power, the so-called tricks seemed so ridiculous.

The pirates' crowd tactics broke through the hatred of the murlocs towards Lorne, and made Daken an enemy of Lorne after eating the "bad medicine ES"...

All of this did not affect Lorne in the slightest.

And now, Lorne didn't even explain to the murlocs that King Neptune died at his hands.

He disdains.

Huo Di is very aware of this matter, that is, the hatred of the so-called murlocs, in Lorne's eyes, it is a very insignificant matter at all.

However, Howdy just knew what was important to Lorne.

"I know that if you catch me, my fate will not be much better than that of Daken."

Huo Di looked at Lorne and said slowly, but his eyes suddenly became crazy.

"But! You are not a person without weaknesses!"

Howdy yelled. He suddenly grabbed a person from behind.

A human girl, about ten years old, with short burgundy hair, a cute looking human girl.

After seeing this girl, Lorne's pupils shrank slightly.

Because he knows this girl.

"Her name is Povar."

"What a terrible identity, the daughter of the Fourth Emperor Charlotte Lingling, the younger sister of the Blood Queen Garrett..."

Huo Di looked at the girl in Lin Zai's hand, and a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

"But now, she's my hostage,"

"I heard that you care about your family very much, so now, let me see how much you care!"

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