Pirate Family

Chapter 1020

Hodi lifted Povar up. Looking at Lorne, there was a trace of hostility in his eyes.

He was betting that Lorne really cared about his family as rumored.

Only in this way can he leave here alive.

"Actually, there's one thing I really hate."

And Lorne sighed, looked at Hody with pity in his eyes,

"What's up."

Huo Di subconsciously asked, but the next moment, in his vision, Lorne disappeared.

It's not the kind of disappearance that moves so fast that afterimages appear and my eyes can't keep up, but literally disappears.

"Why, do you think that if you catch my handle, you will be able to win?"

Lorne's voice echoed in Huo Di's ear, like a devil's whisper, but no matter how much Huo Di searched, he couldn't find Lorne's trace.

"What is it that gave you the confidence to threaten me?"

Lorne said that at this time, Hody finally found the source of the sound. It turned out that the girl in his hand had turned into Lorne at some point.

He actually grabbed a Pirate Emperor by the neck and lifted him up!

But the strange thing is, obviously he caught the other party, but Huo Di felt that the other party completely overwhelmed him in terms of momentum, like an ant crawling on the neck of a male lion, trying to threaten the other party,


If this matter gets out, the pirates in the new world will definitely admire Hody's courage. But at this moment, Hody, the person involved, directly threw Lorne out as if he had seen something very frightening.

As an ant, he was of course afraid that when the male lion opened his eyes, he would gently crush the ant that was holding him to death.

The body of "Lorne" was directly thrown away by Hody, and then Hody saw that in mid-air, the body of "Lorne" gradually deformed, gradually shrinking into a petite body of a girl.

A strong arm caught the girl and gently placed her on the ground.

"Next time, don't be so careless."

Lorne's real body emerged in the void, he sighed, and said slowly.

I don't know if it was to the girl, or to... Howdy.

And the place where he appeared happened to be the place where he disappeared before.

Everyone looked at Lorne in shock. In their field of vision, Lorne just stood there, doing nothing, and then the ferocious Hodi seemed to see something terrible, and his face suddenly changed. He had to twist up, and then threw the hostage in his hand directly towards Lorne.

And Huo Di also reacted at this time, he was just controlled by Lorne's ability.

Lorne used his ability to make himself mistakenly think that the hostage in his hands was him, and used his fear of him to throw the hostage out.

"So, now, do you have any means?"

Lorne looked at Hody and said lightly.

All the murlocs were in despair. Looking at the not-so-great, even somewhat thin body not far away, they felt a wave of despair.

Totally invincible! The murlocs could not defeat this terrifying demon at all.

And Huo Di looked at the empty hands, and suddenly laughed out loud.


He's crazy.

"Hahahaha, murlocs and humans are all fake. Only power is eternal..."

He took out a small bottle from his pocket, which was filled with small white pills, and without any hesitation, Hody swallowed them all.

"In the face of absolute power, the so-called racial advantage is so small."

Huo Di's body gradually swelled. He was a giant three-meter-tall man. After eating the "Evil Drug ES", his body gradually became larger, and he didn't stop until he grew close to six meters.

Muscles like cast iron tore his clothes, and Hody's pupils completely disappeared and shattered, turning completely white.

Not only his pupils, but also his turban slipped off, and the originally pitch-black hair turned into a piece of white, randomly scattered in the air.

"Power isn't just for you!"

Hody looked at Lorne and yelled.

A sense of terror and oppression that could hardly be expressed in words covered the fishman island. If someone was outside the fishman island, they could see a rather spectacular scene.

The fish in the deep sea kept fleeing from the fishman island as if they sensed something. Swimmed away from the fishman island.

Among them, there are even some overlords in the deep sea, huge Neptunes.

This kind of blood flowing in the blood, the fear of low-level creatures towards high-level creatures, makes these Neptunes even unable to resist.

And not far away, Black Snake looked at Lorne with some concern. He knew that with the pills that Hody took out from his arms, Daken just took a few small pills, and he possessed such terrifying power. , directly swept away the Pirate Alliance, and looked at the bottle in Hody's hand, which contained at least dozens of small pills.

Black Snake couldn't imagine how powerful Hodi was at this time.

Even though Lorne was a pirate emperor, Black Snake couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry."

On the other side, after finishing off the last strengthened murloc with a sword, Ying Gongli came over and said calmly.

"This level of strength is not worth mentioning to him."

Sakura Miyagi said lightly.


Hei Snake said with a surprised face that he is not weak. In fact, after being tempered by Paradise, he has already touched a certain skill of feeling the combat power of others. He knows that this skill has another name in the New World, "Knowledge Color domineering".

In Black Snake's perception, Hody is the scariest creature he has ever seen. Even the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters that he faced when he was training in Paradise before was completely incomparable to Hody at this time.

It is impossible to win at all, this is the only thought of Black Snake, if not for his idol, Lord Lorne, he would have escaped when Hody took those pills.

"Because he is Lorne."

Ying Gongli looked at the thin figure not far away, a trace of admiration flashed in his indifferent eyes.

The reason why Lorne is Lorne is not because of his great reputation.

Rather, because he is strong enough.

"I didn't think of this step."

Hody raised his hand, unlike Daken, even after taking more ES, he did not lose his sanity.

Feeling the incomparably vigorous power in his body, he said slowly.

"Because I know that this kind of power will inevitably pay a certain price, and this price may be unbearable for me."


Hody raised his head and looked at Lorne, a terrifying aura swept over him.

"You forced me to do this!"

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