Pirate Family

Chapter 104 Ackerman's Worries

I don't know when, Adela began to be shrouded in fog, especially in the early morning, Adela's capital seemed to become a city of fog. People walked in the fog, and they couldn't even see the faces of people passing by.

The fog will not dissipate until the sun has fully risen. This has become a topic of great interest among the citizens. It is said that Adela's flowers were fascinated by the gods. Only then did the morning mist fall to match the flowers.

The early-rising flower girl shuttled through the mist with a basket of flowers, like an elf.

The red rose long street is deserted, and a carriage breaks through the fog and drives towards the capital of the central city. If anyone can see the red and black badge on the carriage, they must know it. The carriage belonged to the most important man in all of Adra now, Father Vern of Holy Truth.

It is said that he is just and brave, defying power, and personally exposed the dirty business of Jeffrey family's human trafficking. Influence the villains, make them reform and become good people, handsome, I don't know how many girls' hearts have been stolen...

Of course, there are some false rumors behind, at least Lorne, who is sitting in the carriage, doesn't know when he did these things.

At most, it is true that he is handsome.

"Why did that old man Ackerman summon you?" In the carriage, the thick fog gradually condensed into a graceful figure of a woman.

Agatha asked coldly in a pure white cheongsam. For some reason, she didn't like Adela's royal family, the Ackermans. When Lorne exposed the business of that old idiot Williams, Ackerman III did not say anything, but attributed the credit to his own brilliant leadership.

After so long now, what are you still asking Lorne to do? Agatha had an intuition that this might not be a good thing.

"This dress matches you very well." Lorne did not answer Agatha's question, but praised her dress.

The cheongsam from the country of flowers has the function of self-cultivation. The perfect figure of Agatha is fully displayed. Compared with her charming face, the pure white has a strange charm.

"Hmph!" Agatha did not answer arrogantly, her whole body turned into mist again and dissipated into the carriage.

After getting the Mist Fruit, she began to like white. Replaced everything in the house with pure white.

Following Lorne's advice, Agatha began to train her abilities intentionally.

Lorne felt that the most powerful thing about people with natural abilities was not that they could incarnate elements, but that they could control and borrow elements.

For example, the burning fruit can be turned into flames, the thundering fruit can be turned into lightning, and the rustling fruit can be turned into sand grains...

These are the most basic abilities of people with natural abilities.

But they are conditioned by their environment and rely only on the elements released by their own bodies.

Through continuous exercise, improve your mastery of ability. This is the choice of most natural ability users.

But Lorne didn't think so. He felt that the real power of a nature-type ability user lay in his complete control over a series of elements. In a suitable place, the power that a natural ability user can release with the help of the environment is far stronger than their own.

For example, a sea of ​​fire is associated with burning fruit, a thunderstorm is associated with thundering fruit, a desert is associated with rustling fruit...

There is no doubt about this.

The characteristics of fog are scattered and light, and it is a kind of moist water vapor. Not offensive in any way. But precisely because of this characteristic, the range of fog that Agatha can dissipate is far stronger than other natural ability users.

Lorne decided to ask Agatha to do the opposite, and directly began to try to use the power of the environment to maximize the characteristic of fog dispersion!

After a short trial, Agatha quickly mastered this skill. When the fog was the thickest in the early morning, the scope of her ability could even completely cover the entire capital of Adela.

Where all the fog was, it was her eyes and ears.

The carriage soon arrived at the central king city. The soldiers guarding the gate evidently recognized the carriage's markings. After a simple inspection, it is easy to release.

Walking into the glorious hall, Ackerman III was walking back and forth beside the throne, looking a little uneasy.

After seeing Lorne's arrival, he seemed to see a savior. He hurriedly ran down the throne, tightly grasping Lorne's shoulders, looking very excited.

Anxiety, fear. Lorne felt the intertwining of these two emotions in Ackerman III's heart. Then I understood the meaning of His Majesty the Emperor asking me to come here.

He wants something from me.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" Lorne supported Ke Ackerman III. At this time, he seemed to have not slept for several days, and his eyes were dark. The body is vain, and it is almost impossible to stand still.

"Father Wayne, you are finally here! Come and give the priest a seat. Let's sit down and talk."

Lorne sat down and waited for a while before Ackerman III recovered. He sighed first. Then he opened his mouth slowly.

"Emperor Roton from the neighboring country of Oghongmu came to Adela to watch the ceremony. Father, do you still remember?"

"Of course, His Majesty Lawton III is handsome and mighty, and his Lord Joate is also powerful. Of course I remember." Lorne smiled.

"He is here, of course I have to return the gift." Ackerman III said weakly. "The recent reception of Aoge Hongmu is their big festival comparable to the festival of flowers. Lawton invited me to go and have a look."

"This is a good thing, Your Majesty. The frequent visits between the kings of the two countries are conducive to the exchanges between the two countries."

"That's where the problem lies."

"The bounty criminal who was arrested by us some time ago and then handed over to the navy, Brother Temantus, is not a pirate with no background."

"They are the big pirates with a bounty of 97 million, the sons of Oliver the Bloody Hand."

"Now that my son has been arrested, I'm here to seek revenge."

"So that's how it is. He is an unforgivable criminal!" Lorne pretended to be filled with righteous indignation. Ackerman III's weak appearance made him feel funny. He is the king of a country and represents the face of the world government. How can he be afraid of being like this when facing a pirate.

"Oliver the Bloody Hand detained the 500-strong envoy I sent to Oghongmu. Now I really have nothing to do."

"Why are the pirates so rampant?" Lorne pretended to be angry, "Have you asked the navy for support, Your Majesty? You must not let these pirates go."

"I did ask for support, but Aoge Hongmu's reception is only a few days away. I have already promised Lawton III, and I can't keep my word."

"So," Ackerman III finally confided his purpose. "Father Wayne, can you protect me to Oghongmu?"

"To Ogrim?" Lorne remembered at this moment that the slave auction mentioned by old Raleigh seemed to be held in Ogrim.

Thinking of this, Lorne bowed slightly. "Protect Your Majesty, it is my duty!"

After thinking about it for a while, it doesn’t matter if you can’t test the waters and don’t come. I was really affected by this thing before, I apologize (bow).

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