Pirate Family

Chapter 105 Seven Wuhai list

Ackerman III moved faster than Lorne imagined, or the matter was so urgent that there was no time to waste.

After Lorne promised Ackerman III, at noon, the ships for the visit were ready.

When Lorne came to his senses, he was already on the sea, looking at the gradually shrinking Adela Island behind him, Lorne could only smile helplessly.

Fortunately, as his butler, Kefier followed him closely this time. And he is temporarily in charge of the financial power of the Lorne family, and he has enough checks with him. Otherwise, Lorne still doesn't know how to participate in the slave auction of Oghongmu this time.

"It's been a long time since I've had a sea breeze, and I really miss it." Lorne lay comfortably on a chair basking in the sun, holding the newspaper just delivered by Newsbird in his hand. Kofir is standing straight beside him, ready to call at any time.

"Let me see what's on today's news?" Lorne laughed.

"Under the king, Qiwuhai seven seats go to four, the great route will set off a bloody storm!" This is the headline of the newspaper this time. Below is a detailed description of several powerful pirates who have been recruited by the world government.

The great pirate who has gained fame in recent years, the mighty swordsman, Hawkeye Joracle Mihawk!

The former King of the Confederate States of the World Government, the tyrant who was issued 294,000,000 (two hundred and ninety-four million) Baileys by the Navy Headquarters, Bartholomew Bear!

A bounty of 320,000,000 (320 million) Bailey, the super pirate, Moonlight Moria, who competes with the Kaido Chamber that just invaded Wano Country in the New World!

And a pirate who has just entered the great route, the bounty is only 81,000,000 (eighty-one million) Bailey, the mysterious killer organization, the president of the Baroque Work Club. The newcomer who never showed his true face, Sand Crocodile.

"The bounty is more than 80 million? What do the people at the Navy Headquarters think?" Kofir frowned. The bounty is not too high in this sea. Even Kofir, who is not known for his strength, was offered a reward of 30,000,000 (thirty million) Baileys by the world government.

Of course, this has nothing to do with his enthusiasm for stealing the Tianlongren's heavenly gold. If he hadn't been caught drunk, Kefir's bounty would still be 0.

However, Shichibukai is a powerful organization established to deter the world of One Piece. To be able to enter it also needs to be approved by the world government. What kind of person is this Crocodile, who can be ignorant by the world government.

You know, once he enters the sea area of ​​the new world that really belongs to the strong, he will be noticed by all the pirates because of the title of Qiwuhai on his head. If his strength is too bad, he will lose it to the world government. face!

"Who knows?" Lorne turned the newspaper over. His strength needs to be proved by himself, and other people's bragging is meaningless! Whether this Crocodile is a hidden hero, or has a false name, like the loser who was defeated by Luffy who just debuted like the original book, time will prove everything.

Lorne just wants to prove one thing, in front of the real strong, the so-called strategy, power, will, belief, the halo of the protagonist, everything is meaningless!

This sea, after all, uses fists to reason.

But turning over the information in the newspaper made Lorne stunned. There is also a big title written on it.

"The battle of the strongest pirates, the conflict between legends!"

The accompanying picture shows a dark spire floating in the sky and a pirate ship that looks like a giant whale across the sea.

Just from this still picture, Lorne felt a sense of oppression rushing towards his face.

There is no other, just because the owners of these two things are the only two legendary pirates left in this sea.

Shiki the Golden Lion, Edward Newgate the White Beard.

How the two sides started the war was not written in the newspaper, and even the process of the battle was mentioned in a few strokes. But Lorne could already imagine the brutality of the battle.

Because that's Skee and Newgate! Those two proud men were men whom Lorne had to admire even if he regarded them as opponents! How exciting is the battle between them?

The battle between the two ended in Shiji's failure, and the Whitebeard Pirates also suffered heavy losses.

However, when Golden Lion Shiji retreated, he said something meaningful.

"I don't know where you are, and I don't care where you are. There are many people who want my head, and I will give you a chance."

"Climb up in front of me, I'll wait! Then I'll let you see the gap between you and me!"

The undisguised arrogance is in line with Shiji's character. He is such a lawless man.

This caused an uproar in the sea, and people thought that Shi Kee said this to the group of fans who went to sea after listening to Roger's last words.

But only Lorne knew that Shi Ji said this to himself.

"I will know, know the gap between you and me."

"The gap between you and me is the gap between man and God!"

"However, I am a god, and you are a man!"

Lorne clenched his fists tightly, and his nails pierced his palm without knowing it.


Somewhere in the New World, a blond man in a pink feather coat was holding a newspaper and crossing his legs.

The blue veins on his forehead were exposed, showing his restless mood.

"Hehe, has the world government come to this point? It even wants tens of millions of bounty garbage. I began to doubt whether the plan to join the king's Qiwuhai was correct."

"Ahaha, no matter what you do, the family will support you, Dover!" Behind him, a tall but squatting man said, with snot dripping from his nose to the ground, But he didn't have the slightest thought of wiping.

"I found you! You evil blooded demon!" At this moment, several pirates rushed over angrily after seeing the lying Doflamingo passing by.

"I want to avenge my brother!"

The leading pirate roared angrily, but before rushing to Doflamingo, the whole person suddenly stagnated. He turned around stiffly, aiming the knife in his hand at his companion.

"What's going on? The body is out of control!" He panicked, but the knife in his hand slashed at his companion without hesitation.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

"What an annoying fly." Doflamingo frowned and said in disgust. After a while, when the pirates finished killing each other, he got up and walked to the pirate who was slashing at his companion.

"I'm very angry now, what should I do?"

"You, you devil!" At this moment, the pirate had already broken down emotionally, and shouted at Doflamingo incoherently.

"It's really boring." Doflamingo stared at the pirate indifferently and said condescendingly.

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