Pirate Family

Chapter 106 Boy and Boy

"Excuse me, which direction is Oghongmu?"

An uninvited guest came to a pirate ship sailing in this endless sea.

This is a boy with black hair and a hat. She looked no more than twelve or thirteen years old. He squatted on the railing of the ship, smiled and asked the way to the vicious pirates on the ship.

Next to the pirate ship, there is a raft drifting with the waves. Does this little boy rely on this raft to cross the boundless sea?

The pirates were taken aback when they heard the boy's words, and then burst out laughing. A burly man walked up to the boy.

"I said, you brat with no hair yet, do you know where you are now?"

"I'm on your boat." The boy said lightly, "Can you tell me the direction of Oghongmu, I'm in a hurry."

"Ahahaha!" The pirates laughed in unison, they didn't expect that they would meet such a fool in the process of going to the bloody Oliver boss.

Didn't he know it was a pirate ship?

"Little guy, I'd be more than happy to tell you where Oghongmu is." A fat pirate walked up to the boy and pointed to his crotch. "The premise is that you get through here."

The fat pirate's face was full of provocation, while the companions around him looked on gloatingly. They know this fat pirate too well, even if this boy got into his crotch. It is also impossible for him to tell him where Oghongmu is. It will even further humiliate the boy.

"Are you sure?" The boy tilted his head. The pirates only heard a bang, like a hammer smashing a piece of meat, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking. The fat pirate was punched in the lower abdomen, and the whole person was directly sent flying, and fell into the distant sea.

"What kind of monster is this?" The pirates were shocked, as if they couldn't believe that this little boy had such terrifying power. They all kept silent, for fear that the child's fist would hit them next time.

"So, now, has someone told me where Oghongmu is?" The little boy slowly withdrew his fist and looked coldly at the surrounding pirates.

"Oghongmu, on this permanent pointer." The pirate who walked up to the child first, that is, the captain of this pirate ship, offered a bounty of 20,000,000 (twenty million) Bailey's pirates , Baiyu Kunqi, respectfully handed over the permanent pointer in his hand.

Because the route of the great route, weather, currents, etc. do not change according to common sense, but the permanent pointer will always point to a certain island and will never change.

Therefore, the navigators of the pirate group will use the permanent pointer to determine the route.

The one in their hands records the permanent pointer of Oghongmu, the country of wine. It is relatively rare because it is not on the main route of the paradise. If they didn't want to join the boss Oliver as soon as possible. It also cost a lot of money.

But now, in order to survive, he doesn't care about so much, the great plan of Oliver the Bloody Hand? How can one's own life be important!

They just want to send away the God of Plague in front of them!

The young man confirmed the permanent pointer handed over by the pirate, and just turned around to leave, when he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the pirate flag hanging high on the pole of the pirate ship from the corner of his eye.

"Are you pirates?" the young man asked casually, but it made Kun Qi and the others tremble. He said bravely.

"I am the boss of Oliver! If you kill me, the powerful bloody Oliver will not let you go!"

"That's right, we haven't committed a crime, why are you judging us." The pirates around also explained loudly, as for whether it is true or not, who knows.

"Blood Hand Oliver? I haven't heard of it." The boy raised his leg and stepped lightly on the deck. "But you must have committed a crime."

The entire pirate ship shattered as if it had been subjected to some huge force, and the pirates frantically struggled and called for help in the seawater that rushed into the ship. The young man jumped back onto his raft lightly. Putting on the hat, he said indifferently.

"Your sin is that you are too weak."

"Eliminate the weak, this is my justice!"


"Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!".

On the Royal Salute Ship Adela, Lorne is now punching on the deck. Sweat dripped from his naked upper body and wet the boards under his feet.

As we age, bones begin to take shape. Physical exercise began to be put on the agenda.

Because the fruit is a sensory fruit without any offensive ability, Lorne can only develop in physical skills, sword skills, and spear skills if he wants to become a strong man.

However, compared to elegant sword skills or handsome spear skills, Lorne is more interested in exploring the potential of his body.

Fist to flesh is the romance of a man! With the fruit of perception, he has a terrifying fighting intuition, coupled with the physical talent brought by the Vinhill family blood.

Lorne asked himself, even if he was compared with the group of monsters in the new world, he was still comparable!

"Nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine!"

"Ten thousand!"

Lorne swung his fist, and the sweat on his fist splashed. Kofir handed Lorne the towel he had prepared long ago.

After a short rest, Lorne was ready to take a comfortable medicinal bath. This is a secret recipe from Drum Island, the country of medicine and medicine, which can effectively relieve physical fatigue.

Moreover, Lorne had to take this medicinal bath three times a day! Every time a different formula is used, striving for the perfect recovery of physical strength.

This is a formula formulated by the former chief medical officer of Magnetic Drum Island. He once served the king of Magnetic Drum Island, but due to some reasons, he left his hometown and came to Adela.

Inspired by the holy truth, he joined the church and became a devout believer. This formula is his secret treasure passed down from generation to generation.

The secret recipe is quite easy to use, at least Lorne is full of praise after trying it. It's just that the price of the material is a bit...expensive.

Around the Lorne family, whose power has greatly increased, it is also a bit difficult to bear the burden. The so-called poor culture and rich military, is it so?

"Master, dinner is ready, and you can enjoy it after you take a bath," Kefir said respectfully after putting on a bathrobe for Lorne.

"Yeah." After exercising, Lorne was also a little tired, just in time to take a comfortable bath. But when he turned around, he suddenly saw a small raft floating in the sea.

Standing on the raft was a black-haired boy wearing a black top hat. He looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, younger than himself.

But Lorne could feel that there was a beast-like power in this boy's body. In terms of power alone, he was even much stronger than himself.

There are so many monsters in this sea, Lorne couldn't help sighing.

At this time, the boy also noticed Lorne, and he took off his hat as a gesture of care. Lorne nodded slightly,

Two teenagers of similar age, one on the plywood of the big ship and the other on the small raft, faced each other across the sea.

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