Pirate Family

Chapter 107 Reason

"This kid is very strong." Kofir closed his eyes and felt the breath of the boy on the raft. After a long time, he opened his mouth and opened his eyes, full of solemnity.

Kofir's armed color is not strong, and the fighting method mainly relies on the surprise of changing fruits, his superb magic technique,

But he has been cultivating knowledge and domineering for twenty years. It can be said that he is the most knowledgeable and domineering person in the entire Vinhill family.

It is rare for this raft boy to get such an evaluation from him.

"Do you want me to find out more about him?" Kefir said seriously, "He has a disgusting aura about him, if necessary."

Kofir made a neck-cutting gesture with his right hand, and there was a hint of ferocity on his face.

"No," Lorne shook his head, he knew what the so-called disgusting breath in Kofir's mouth was referring to. But at this moment, he had an idea in his mind, "I have a hunch that keeping him may not be a bad thing."

"Only follow the young master's arrangement." Kefir immediately understood Lorne's thoughts, bowed slightly and backed away.

Leaving Lorne alone looking into the distance, the raft gradually disappeared on the sea level.

"Is it really you? If it's you, then it's fun."

The interior decoration of the entire Adela royal salute shows what luxury is. The bloated Ackerman III was soaking in the hot spring, and several scantily clad girls around him were sending food to his mouth.

But he was full of enjoyment, holding a girl with one arm, and galloping over her graceful body with the other, his face was full of lust.

But the girl couldn't get away from Ackerman III's thick arms, and looked at his face that was getting closer and closer, her cheeks were flushed, and her face was full of spring.

"Ahem." Just as Ackerman III was about to succeed, Lorne walked in wearing a bathrobe. Seeing such an unbearable scene, he could only cough a few times in embarrassment.

He had just finished taking the medicated bath and was about to enjoy the dinner prepared by Kofir when he was suddenly summoned by King Ackerman III.

At this moment, it was not the time to turn against the "Glorious Emperor", Lorne had no choice but to throw down the tableware in his hand and walk in. I didn't expect to see such a beautiful scene as soon as I came in.

"Uh, you're here, Mr. Wayne." Ackerman III let go of the girl and smiled awkwardly. "Come and try this special hot water, the royal special offer!"

Relieved, the young girl quickly ran to Lorne's side. Serving this legendary priest, compared to the bloated and fat Ackerman III, the handsome and fit Father Wayne is more popular with girls.

When Lorne entered the bath, he immediately knew what the special hot water Ackerman III was talking about was referring to.

This kind of silky feeling like removing milk, even if compared with his own medicated bath, it is not too much, this Ackerman III will really enjoy it.

"So, what's the matter with His Majesty summoning me?" Lorne said suddenly, feeling a trace of hesitation in Ackerman III's heart.

"Well, I want to ask Mr. Wayne to take a bath, can't I?" Ackerman III hesitated for a long time before getting along with such a lame reason.

Looking for a big man to take a bath? You ask yourself believe it or not? Lorne couldn't complain.

"Let's get down to business. His Majesty Ackerman is busy with state affairs, so how could he waste time?" Lorne went straight to the point. He didn't like staying with this "Glorious Emperor". He felt that if he stayed for a long time, he would become stupid.

"Okay," Ackerman III put away his poor performance and said with some embarrassment. "I heard that my cousin and niece have some contacts with you?"

It turns out that what you are coy about is saying this. Lorne despised Ackerman III's indecision in his heart, but he still pretended to be puzzled.

"Your Majesty's cousin, who is that?"

"It's Adela's wine merchant, Agatha." Ackerman III said. "Her name is Ackerman Agatha, and she is a direct line of my brother."

"Oh, it's Miss Agatha! She is a kind and loving person, and she has made great contributions to the construction of the church."

"Huge contribution? Isn't that sending a lot of money?" Ackerman III muttered. "Oh, no, what I said is, are you familiar with it?"

It turns out that your superficial concern is only about money? Lorne sneered, Agatha was a pillar pushed out by the Vinhill family. Adela's liquor tycoon, of course, can be called absolutely rich.

More than familiar? If Lorne wanted to, they would have slept in the same bed long ago.

"Miss Agatha is the main funder of the construction of the church, we have some overlap." Lorne said lightly.

"Is that so?" Ackerman III was a little disappointed, "Then can you help me persuade her not to hate her family anymore, after all, Ackerman's blood is flowing in her body!"

"Why do you want to convey it through me? Aren't you family members?" Lorne said pretending to be surprised.

In fact, he has already learned about the dirty and filthy things through various channels. This reduced his perception of the Ackerman family to freezing point.

Such a disgusting family, no wonder Agatha never wanted to mention her surname.

"Actually," Ackerman III hesitated. "This is nothing more than some misunderstandings by the children. If you sit down and talk about it kindly, it will pass."

will pass? That stupid eldest prince of yours seized the opportunity to occupy Agatha's family property when her parents died, and even coveted her beauty in an attempt to possess her.

If Lorne hadn't happened to come to Adela and disrupted the country's structure, there might never be such a flower of Adela in this world.

At the beginning, you saw that Agatha had been exhausted, so you ignored it. Now that Agatha has risen again with the help of Lorne, what kind of family affection do you mention?

Doing things like this is several times more disgusting than the most vicious pirates!

"I'll do my best," Lorne said. After getting up and saying goodbye, he put on his bathrobe and walked out of the room.

The sea breeze outside was a bit strong, and Lorne's body, which had just taken a bath, was a little cold. But he didn't care, he had to use this icy sea breeze to calm himself down.

He was afraid that he couldn't help but kill Ackerman III.

Lorne's Vinhill family can be regarded as one of Adela's most powerful forces. In the case of United and Old Blind Dog's own old Raleigh, it is not difficult to overthrow Ackerman's notice.

But he dare not.

The world government doesn't care about the power changes within the franchise countries, and some of the franchise countries even have feuds with each other and fight endlessly.

However, once the world government discovers that foreign forces are trying to occupy a country, it will send a powerful army to clean up the robbers occupying the country.

Even if they are as strong as the later Crocodile and Doflamingo, their forces can easily wipe out a country, but they are still going every step of the way, seeking a justification.

And Lorne was waiting for this justifiable name.

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