Pirate Family

Chapter 108 Aoge Hongmu's Tavern

Aogehongmu is located in the middle of the great route. Although it is not as remote as Adela, the country of flowers, it is not an important route.

In ancient grammar, Aogehongmu represents the meaning of fine wine. It is the Lawton family that rules here.

The whole island is oval in shape, and there is a Jiuquan on the island, which can be seen from a distance. It is like a wine barrel floating on the sea, and the residents here are addicted to alcohol and are good at brewing fine wine, so it is called the country of wine.

As soon as Lorne got off the boat, he smelled the smell of alcohol in the air. If a person who is not good at drinking comes here, he may get drunk just by breathing the air.

"It's truly a country of wine." Cofell sighed. He came here not only for the slave auction, but also received a request from Agatha to purchase a batch of fine wine.

"Thanks to the Holy God of Truth, luckily everything went smoothly!" Ackerman III, who was terrified all the way after setting foot on the land of Oghongmu, fearing that a group of pirates would jump out and end his life, finally felt relieved.

Put your hands together and thank God. The movements are well done, but no one knows whether the heart is pious or not.

"Your Majesty Ackerman," Lorne said respectfully. "I have already completed the task of escorting His Majesty, now I request to take a stroll in this wine city."

"Perhaps, this is a good place to preach."

"Enjoy the happy time, Mr. Wayne." Ackerman III said pretending to be calm, and added at the end, "When you return to China, you must remember to come back!"

Finally got rid of this annoying fly. Lorne wandered around the wine city with Kofir.

Lorne was dressed in a holy priest's black robe, with Kefir in a straight suit. There are two handsome guys who are ascetic, one old and one young, and they are particularly eye-catching on the street.

Aoge Hongmu's folk customs are open, and in this short period of time, Lorne politely declined the approach of several girls, many of whom were beauties with a beauty score of 85 or above.

"It seems that the young master is quite popular with the girls." Kofir said with a smile.

"Stop talking," Lorne said bitterly, "I hope no one will notice me."

As a super criminal who was put on a bounty of 570,000,000 (570 million) Bailey by the world government. Lorne hoped that the fewer people who noticed him, the better. At least give yourself enough time to develop.

"The young master is destined to rule the world, and it's normal to be conspicuous." Kefir never hesitated to compliment Lorne. In his opinion, Lorne was the greatest person in the world.

The man who can clean up this world must be the young master of his family. Vinhill Lorne!

The two of them soon came to a building with the sign of "Knife and Sword Tavern".

After many pirates have been bumping on the sea for a long time, the first thing they do when they land is to find taverns and brothels to release their suppressed desires for a long time.

The tavern has become an important link connecting the pirates with the land. Here, fish and dragons are mixed together, and it has become an important place for pirates to communicate.

All kinds of secrets, true or false, are spread on the wine table, among which the anecdotes of these big figures in the sea are favored by pirates.

As soon as Lorne entered, he felt that everyone's eyes were on him. The main reason is that his face is too immature, and the priest's black robe on his body is incompatible with the atmosphere of the tavern.

But the pirates quickly returned to normal. In the tavern, not to mention the priests coming to drink, even the navy and the pirates had a game of boxing.

This is the real lawless place, who cares about status?

"I'd like a glass of Aphrodite's Heart, with ice, thank you." Lorne sat on the bar and started talking with the bar.

Agatha had tasted Oghongmu's Danatus for Lorne before, and this kind of wine with a sad connotation left a deep impression on Lorne. He was very curious about what the dhanatus would taste like after it had been perfectly stored.

"Cold water, thank you." Kofir asked for a glass of cold water. Ever since he was captured by the navy for being drunk, he swore an oath never to touch a drop of wine again.

The bartender quickly brought a glass of pink liquid and a glass of water. The color of this liquid is mesmerizing, like the tulle dress of a girl on a first date.

"It's the first time for this priest to come to Oghongmu Bar." The bartender served the wine, so that Lorne could start talking.

"Oh, why do you know that?" Lorne picked up the pink liquid and tasted it. The wine was as sweet as a girl's first kiss, making people intoxicated.

"Because the local people in Aogehongmu will never order this Aphrodite's heart."


"Mr. Priest must have heard the story of Aphrodite's heart." The bartender continued, seeing that Lorne was confused. "Here, drinking the girl's Aphrodite's heart represents loyalty and eternity. It is an expression of love."

"No girl wants her sweetheart to drink someone else's wine." The bartender looked at Lorne with a smile.

"But also no man wants his wife's wine to be drunk by others." Lorne teased, feeling a strange feeling looking at the pink liquid in the glass in his hand.

Like getting fucked by a bitch who can do it all?

It's not that it's disgusting, it's just an uncomfortable feeling.

The bartender is not very good at business, which disturbs the interest of the guests. This is Lorne's evaluation of him.

But compatibility is a wonderful thing, just like the jailer who took Lorne to see Ken in the city before, and the bartender in front of him. For some reason, Lorne found it pleasing to the eye.

"You're quite interesting." Lorne commented with a smile. And drank the heart of Aphrodite in his hand.

What do other people's opinions matter to him?

"Thank you, Father, for your compliment." The bartender bowed slightly. "However, I see that the priest came here not simply to drink wine?"

"Otherwise?" Lorne narrowed his eyes, he hated others guessing his mind.

"Let me re-introduce, I am Dickens, the owner of the Knife and Sword Tavern. I will serve you wholeheartedly, Your Excellency Father Wayne."

There is a closed room hidden behind the tavern. The walls of the room are inlaid with fragments of Hailou stone, which completely isolates outsiders from prying eyes.

Even Lorne, who has the ability to perceive, didn't find it here.

"This is a safe place for the whole of Aogehongmu. Even the royal palace can't compare with this place." Dickens sat on a white wooden chair and said softly.

"Here, I can serve Mr.

"What can you offer?" Lorne said lightly, sitting relaxed on the big chair.

This tavern is the largest information exchange place in Oghongmu, and Lorne is a famous figure in the neighboring country. It is not surprising that Dickens knows him.

"Any information," Dickens said confidently. "As long as you can afford it, we can provide you with everything."

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