Pirate Family

Chapter 109 Emotions

"Anything?" Lorne narrowed his eyes slightly. "I want Shiji's life, how much do I have to pay?"

"This..." Dickens' confident face turned into embarrassment, "My lord priest, please spare me."

He really wanted to yell at Father Wayne in front of him, do you know who Shi Ke is? That is the man who just had a war with Whitebeard Edward Newgate, a living legend.

If we can get rid of him, we won't be selling information here, just go to the New World and do it alone!

But these words were blown out by himself, and Dickens had no choice but to swallow the evil result silently.

"Okay, I won't tease you." Lorne smiled, he didn't expect this tavern to kill Shi Kee. Besides, even if they were really capable, Lorne would not agree to them.

One's own enemies can only be slashed with one's own hands.

"I want information about the new world, the more the better." Lorne said solemnly, the power of the Vinhill family is only in Adela, the country of flowers, and a few small islands around it. Lorne can only get outside information through newspapers.

This is something Lorne, who wants to conquer everything, cannot bear. He urgently needs to build his own intelligence network.

But before that, he needs to understand the changes in this world.

Real change, not processed news from newspapers.

"There is news, but..." Dickens looked embarrassed.

"As long as the authenticity of the news is confirmed, money is not a problem." Of course Lorne understood what he meant and said calmly.

"Okay, then please wait for me for a while." Dickens retreated, and quickly ran over with a pile of files.

Information about the new world is neatly arranged from new to old for guests to view.

Bearing the brunt is the hottest event recently, the legendary battle between the Golden Lion and Whitebeard.

The dossier described in detail the cause of the incident, what happened, the number of people participating in the battle and casualties on both sides. It is far from comparable to the information in the newspaper.

Lorne smiled after reading it in one go. Sure enough, as I thought, Shi Ke, a single-minded, lawless man, actually ran to the boat of white bearded Edward Newgate and said to the man known as the strongest man in the world.

Come be my left arm, let's conquer the world together!

As expected, Shiki's words successfully angered Whitebeard, and Shiki's Sky Fortress and Newgate's Moby Dick had a fierce battle.

The lowest floor of the Sky Fortress was demolished by Whitebeard Newgate, and the flagpole of the Moby Dick was also interrupted by Shi Jisheng.

The deputies of both sides, Mon Bach, and Phoenix Marko were seriously injured, because they were concerned about other forces taking advantage of the situation, and the two sides were not ready for a decisive battle. So the war didn't last to the end.

This actually made Lorne puzzled. Both Newgate and Shike were extremely proud people, especially Whitebeard, who regarded fighting as a kind of glory. How can it be possible to end a fight because of consideration for others?

The secrets in this are beyond the reach of outsiders.

The rest of the information is insignificant, so I won't list them one by one. After reading these information, Lorne's understanding of the world has increased.

This world has become crazier than the original book because of the breakthrough of the city of advancement. This seemingly calm sea is actually undercurrents.

Even Lorne was uncertain about the future of this world for the first time.

When Lorne got up, Cofell had already paid the bill, and Dickens smiled meaningfully at Lorne.

"Mr. Priest, look forward to our next cooperation."

Lorne entered the bar in the afternoon, and by the time he left, it was already dark. The drunken people in the bar didn't notice Lorne's departure.

The vibe in Oghongmu is very different from Adela's. It was also the eve of a grand festival, and the people in Adela were all filled with enthusiastic smiles, and the atmosphere was extremely joyous. On the other hand, the streets of Oghongmu are deserted, perhaps because people are drunk and have gone home to sleep.

"Master, where are we going next?" Kofir asked respectfully.

"The slave auction that old Raleigh said is about to start, but before that, we must get rid of these annoying flies behind us."

Lorne said with a smile, when they left the tavern, several pairs of eyes were fixed on them.

The owners of these pairs of eyes thought they were doing it very covertly, but in front of Lorne, who possessed extraordinary perception ability, they were as dazzling as lights at night.

Harry is not happy now, he just saw a prey. That faceless priest actually ordered an expensive bottle of Aphrodite's Heart in the Knife and Sword Tavern, this expensive wine is only ordered by foreigners who come here for the fame!

And look at the attitude of the butler behind him who doesn't care about paying the bill. Harry concluded that this was a fat sheep, a rich man who had just come out of the house.

Let me teach you the laws of society. Harry looked greedy. He saw the fat sheep go into a corner, and he knew it was a dead end, remote, and almost no one would pass there.

Here's your chance! Harry rushed over with his men.

"I'm your Uncle Harry, you're quick to know..." Harry was stunned in the middle of speaking, because there was no one in this alley!

"Excuse me, are you looking for us?" A lazy voice sounded in Harry's ear. Before the Aughongmu native could beg for mercy, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

The old butler in a suit waved his hand and threw them into a dead end.

"My lord, I misunderstood." Cold sweat dripped from Harry's ears, and he begged for mercy. He knew he had encountered an iron plate this time.

"You started begging for mercy before I even spoke." Lorne teased, the current robbers are really worse than one class. If you don't fight, you know you can't beat it.

"I was wrong, my lord priest, you have a lot! Let me go." At this moment, Harry recognized the priest's costume Lorne was wearing, knelt down and crawled over to hug Lorne's thigh and cried.


But before he could climb up to Lorne, he was kicked away by Lorne.

"Who allowed you to touch me?" Lorne had a habit of hating unfamiliar people touching his body.

Especially the weak.

As it happens, this Harry has both.


Lorne walked up to Harry and knelt down gently.

Originally, after being kicked away by Lorne, Harry had already resigned to his fate, but today he might have encountered a ruthless character. But after hearing Lorne's words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Things may have turned around.

"Do you know where the slave auction is?" Lorne said with a smile.

The smile sent chills down Harry's body.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder in the previous life, the cold personality developed after being in contact with the prisoners in Jincheng Prison for a long time, combined with the smiling mask when facing believers, has become Lorne's current moody personality.

Even he himself didn't know what kind of expression he would show to others the next moment.

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