Pirate Family

Chapter 1022 Rolling

Lorne's body emerged in the void. His raised arm was tightly grasped by Hodi.

"caught you."

The muscles on Hody's face trembled, and he said a little crazy.

"This time, no matter what you become, I will never let you go."

Even if Lorne used his ability to distort his perception again, Hody would never let go.

No matter what Lorne becomes next, he will personally destroy the "thing" he caught.

Only in this way can he feel at ease.

And Lorne frowned slightly, he was negligent.

I just distorted Hoddy's sense of sight, hearing and smell, and forgot to distort the most important and most complicated sense of touch.

However, it doesn't matter.

Lorne sighed, then looked up at Hoddy.

"You may have misunderstood something."


The next moment, Lorne directly blasted Hody away with a punch.

"I use the ability, but I just feel that using brute force to solve the problem is too troublesome."

"It doesn't mean that I can't beat you head-on!"


Huo Di directly hit the thick roots of Yangshu Adam, and one of the vines of the roots broke.

"How can it be?"

Hody struggled to get up from the ground, a deep pit appeared in his abdomen, and his skin was broken. Because of taking the murderous drug ES, Hody's vitality surged, the muscles in the wound kept shaking, and the granulation grew, as if in a Desperately repairing this fatal injury is general.

And the next moment, Lorne appeared directly in front of Hody, standing not far away, looking down at Hody.

All he did was raise his hand and punch.

Boom boom boom!

Huo Di felt that he had encountered a monster, as if the person who took the evil drug ES was not himself, but Lorne in front of him!

Even in terms of his most confident strength, he is no match for Lorne at all.

Lorne didn't even use his ability, just relying on his physical strength, he completely suppressed Hody.

Next, what unfolded in front of everyone was a completely unilateral crushing battle. Hody was like a sandbag, being knocked into the air by Lorne continuously, without the slightest resistance at all.

Numerous wounds appeared on Huo Di's body, and the surging vitality continued to repair these wounds, but it was of no avail. His whole body was hammered into a blood man.

"This is the head-to-head confrontation you want."

Lorne appeared in front of Hody, looked at the bloody monster lying on the ground, and said calmly.

"You are far behind those monsters in the new world."

At this time, Huo Di was in a panic, his bones were broken, and he could no longer stand up.

Lorne, on the other hand, remained calm.

Not to mention "Kaido", known as the strongest creature in history. It is the Man with the title of the Chosen Son, or Adam. Howdy is far behind them.

And these people all died in the hands of Lorne.

After seeing these monsters with tyrannical bodies, Hody, who has such power after taking the evil drug ES, is still not enough to watch.

"How can it be."

Huo Di fell to his knees and clenched his fists desperately.

He couldn't believe that his last hole card, the strength he was proud of, was so vulnerable in front of Lorne.

Could it be that what I have been doing all this time is a joke in Lorne's eyes?

It wasn't until now that Huo Di finally understood why Lorne remained calm no matter what happened. It turned out that he knew a long time ago that he could not threaten him at all.


Huo Di tightly clenched his fist and hammered hard on the ground.

The ground cracked, the ground shook, and the cracks spread.

A murloc with such terrifying power is unprecedented!

But Howdy felt like a clown.

"It's time to end."

Lorne looked at Hody and said flatly.

No matter how wonderful the drama is, there will be an end after all. After the clown made the last hilarious action, it is time to end.

"I can not be reconciled!"

Huo Di raised his head, his pupils were bloodshot.

"The murlocs should not submit to the feet of humans!"

he growled. This last willpower supported him to stand up slowly.

Ka Ka Ka!

The sound of bones twisting and twisting in Hody's body could be faintly heard. He actually supported his body and stood up slowly.

"Want to die standing up?"

Lorne was slightly surprised.

Of course he knew how much pain it would take to stand up like this.

The willpower of this murloc was somewhat beyond his imagination.


Hody coughed up a big mouthful of blood. His body was extremely huge. After he stood up completely, Lorne was a little bit smaller than him.

He looked down at the little guy in front of him, and then said slowly.

"You are nothing more than that."


This time, it was Lorne's turn to be surprised. Does this Huo Di have any cards in his hand?

"No matter how powerful you are, you are only a human after all!"

Hody supported his body and said with difficulty.

"And as long as it is a human being, it has a fatal flaw!"

Hoddy said so.

Lorne felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

It stands to reason that Hody's strength is not enough to threaten him, so what is he worried about.

Lorne didn't know, so he wanted to stop Hoddy.

But it was too late. After saying this sentence, Huo Di suddenly turned around and raised his fist.

Lightly waved a punch behind him.

Behind him is Adam, the sun tree that supports the entire murloc island. Hody punched this giant tree that was like a mother to all murlocs.

The next moment, countless cracks appeared on Yangshu Adam's thick trunk. This giant tree couldn't bear the huge impact and began to deflect.

Boom boom boom!

Huo Di actually punched Yangshu Adam in pieces!

"Be buried with me."

Adam started to lean towards Hodi, and Hodi, who had done all this, turned around and looked directly at Lorne with bloodshot eyes.

"It's really... an honor to have a Pirate Emperor buried with me."

These were the last words Hodi said, and the next moment, this might be said to be the most powerful murloc ever, slowly closed his eyes.

Forever closed his eyes.

The consequences of overdosing on the murderous drug ES have now become apparent. Hody's vitality was burned out just now.

And Lorne's face changed drastically. Not only him, but all the people who were still alive showed shocked expressions.

Yang Shu Adam deflected an arc and stopped. Its vitality was still too tenacious, and Hodi didn't completely break it.

However, due to the connection of the bubble film covering the entire Murloc Island, this time the bubble film was cut open due to Yangshu Adam's deflection.

Then countless seawater instantly tore the layer of bubble film, and countless seawater poured in from the outside.

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