Pirate Family

Chapter 1023 Sister

At this time, Lorne understood what Hody said, what are the limitations of human beings.

No matter how strong a person is, he will never be able to violate his own flaw as a human being, that is, he will never be able to breathe underwater.

And Lorne, who is a capable person, is even more so.

The seawater pouring in from the outside is like tumbling magma, which is chilling.

The flood roared, tore off the layer of bubble film that covered the Fishman Island, and poured it directly in. Everything, the exquisite architecture of the Fishman Island, the coral reefs used for decoration, and everything else, all happened in an instant. Swallowed by this flood, and turned into ruins.

In the face of this great power of nature, the power of human beings seems too insignificant.

Not only Lorne, but even some murlocs showed expressions of fear.

The sea water swept everything, even hard buildings could not withstand this huge impact, so what about their flesh and blood?

"Hody wants the entire Murloc Island to be buried with him."

Lorne gritted his teeth and said.

He suddenly regretted that he didn't deal with Hody in the first place, but like a cat teasing a mouse, he gave Hody time to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, I will take you out of here."

Ying Gongli came to Lorne in a quick step, and while supporting Povar, she said respectfully to Lorne.

"I'm not capable, as long as I find a place to resist the first wave of seawater rushing in, I can take you out of here."

This woman has always been like this,

No matter what happens, always so quiet.

No matter what happens, always be so...reliable.

Lorne turned his head, looked at the fleeing murlocs behind him, and sighed.

After all, he still violated the previous promise with Neptune and failed to protect the Fishman Island.

"One more thing."

But it's not time to leave yet, Lorne said slowly to Ying Gongli.

"I haven't found my sister yet."

Daken and the others jumped from the sky, that is to say, their previous hiding place was on a certain branch of Yangshu Adam?

In other words, Bai Xing and his "sister" are all hidden there by him now.

Lorne took a deep breath, then made a sudden adjustment on the ground, as if stepping on something invisible in the air, and flew towards the sky.

Yuebu, this is an advanced skill in the navy, and many admirals cannot master it, but for Lorne, it is just a very practical little skill.


Lorne spread out his perception. The Yangshu Adam was extremely prosperous, and his canopy could even cover the entire Murloc Island. So, where did Daken and the others hide before?

He kept flying towards the air, getting farther and farther away from the ground, and the sea water that swept towards the entire Fishman Island was getting closer and closer to him.

Lorne could even smell the salty and wet smell of sea water, as well as some marine life washed in.

"found it!"

Just when Lorne was almost desperate, he finally sensed a familiar aura, and then flew towards the direction of the aura.

On a certain branch of Yangshu Adam, there is a simple camp, and a small seahorse carriage is parked here.

Daken and the others used this carriage to escape from outside the Fishman Island.

At this time, all the murlocs who were supposed to guard here were lying on the ground. A human woman with blond hair held a bloody dagger in her hand, and slowly slit the throat of the last murloc.

"Is there another one?"

The woman's breath was a little weak, but after feeling a breath that was constantly approaching this side, she still supported her body, turned around, and raised the dagger in her hand with difficulty.

But after seeing the visitor, the woman was stunned.

Not only her, but Lorne was also stunned.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

However, Lorne quickly reacted. He leaped to the front of the woman and held her up.

"It should be almost ten years since that time."

The woman's eye sockets were slightly moist, and the body she had been holding on to finally relaxed, and then she fell into Lorne's arms.

"Smelly brother, I thought... I would never see you again."

The woman said so. When she was kidnapped by Daken and the others, the woman really thought she would die in this place.

She is not afraid of death. In fact, when she decided to go back ten years ago, she was ready to die.

But the higher-ups didn't let her die, but instead let her join that organization. Let her linger on for ten years.


And Lorne gently straightened the hair at the corner of the woman's head, and then said gently.

"This time, let me protect you."

Lorne hugged the woman gently, then stood up, watching the flood roaring towards him.

Poker face.

The woman leaned her head tightly into Lorne's arms, and she remembered ten years ago, when Lorne was still a little guy. But it created the prison escape that shocked the world.

At that time, he was chased and killed by the former Director of City University. Lorne's bones were all broken, and he stood in front of him with a sword in his hand, protecting him with his own life.

Now, the roles of the two are reversed.

This time, it was he who would protect her.

"I won't let you get hurt in any way."

Lorne paused, and then said the woman's name.

"Sister Domino."

And Hei Snake, Povar, and even Ying Gongli who rushed up behind him showed a rare look of shock.

In this world, no one knows that Lorne has a sister.

At this time, Ying Gongli finally understood why Lorne was so angry when Miss Xia Li drew that portrait. She couldn't help sympathizing with Daken.

He even caught Lorne's sister who cherishes his family the most. I don't know whether to call him lucky or unfortunate.

"Get out of this place quickly!"

And Black Snake was the first to react, he said loudly to his idol.

"The tsunami has already spread towards this place. Lord Lorne leaves here as soon as possible, and then find a safe place to avoid the first shock."

"Later, we will find a ship and take Lord Lorne out of here!"

Black Snake believes in Lorne very much, but he also knows one thing, that is, Lorne is a capable person, and any capable person, in the environment of 10,000 meters deep sea, facing the roaring flood , and there is no room for manipulation.

Lorne wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end. He had to admit that what the black snake said was right. If he didn't leave here quickly, he might really die in such a place.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a soft, equally gentle voice.

A gentle female voice was singing.

Lorne turned his head, what a scene he saw!

Bai Xing closed her eyes, put her hands on her chest, and the sea water was falling beside her body, like countless stars!

She was singing softly, and her beautiful voice echoed throughout the Fishman Island.

"Beware, beware the Daughter of the Sea

Beware, I heard him cry

His words carried upon the ocean breeze,

As he sank beneath the tide

Those blood-soaked shores of Kalimdor,

Where sailors fought and died

The Admiral fell at Theramore,

because she left his side


The lyrics are sad, as if they are blaming themselves or crying.

It's like a girl crying about her helplessness after her father's death, and she also seems to be blaming herself for standing idly by when her compatriots need help.

All the murlocs stood where they were, closed their eyes, and listened to the song echoing in their ears.

Then, their eye sockets became moist.

Shadows swam in the sky, as if some unusually large creature slowly approached the Murloc Island.

Then, this creature used its own body to block the burst bubble film of Murloc Island!

The song is called the daughter of the sea, and the English version is called daughter of the sea.

A very nice song, I recommend it.

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