Pirate Family

Chapter 1029 Threat


Sissy thought about it seriously, then shook her head.

"The pirates that appeared in the paradise recently have become much rarer, so everyone's tasks have become much easier."

"Several adults are stationed at the key points of several waterways. Only when there is a fish that slips through the net, we have the opportunity to dispatch."

Sissy said so, but recently, the pirates seem to have been frightened by the navy, and they no longer dare to appear on the sea in a fair manner.

It is for this reason that Sissy did not carry out missions at sea recently, but stayed at the naval base Marlin Vandor.

"Is that so?"

The girl is a little lost, she still wants to go out with everyone to punish those villains.

"It's a good thing for you to have no mission."

Sissy looked at the girl and said softly.

"Because the ferocity of those murderers on the sea is beyond your imagination. It will be much safer to stay in the Navy headquarters."

These words came from her heart. In her opinion, the girl's strength is still too low, and she is still a bit unsatisfied in the face of those vicious thugs.

"Train well, and strive to grow into an excellent navy like Lord Ain in the future."

Sissy said slowly, patted the girl on the shoulder, and left.

Seeing Sissy's leaving back, the girl slightly clenched her fists.

"I didn't come to this place for safety."

The girl navy muttered to herself.

"I came here to eradicate the darkness that breeds in this sea."

The girl said so, and her words were also the voice of many new recruits who joined the navy.

They came here to fill the entire sea with the flag symbolizing justice.



Sissy said to herself that she had heard of the name House.

It is the name of a relatively famous big pirate in the New World. Some time ago, he happened to bump into a navy fleet. After a brief exchange of fire, he knew that he was not the opponent of the navy fleet, so he chose to cover his men to leave, and he Surrounded by the navy fleet, he is currently being held in the prison of the Navy Headquarters.

As the first great pirate of the new world captured by the navy, Sengoku decided to use House to establish the majesty of the navy. After the interrogation, Judiciary Island announced that House was responsible for 20 crimes including murder, plunder, abuse, and theft. Seven counts. These charges add up to enough for House to die ten times.

House's execution will be held in three days. At that time, the Navy Headquarters will broadcast House's death live to the world.

"It seems that we must see him."

Sissy said to herself, the information given by the family is very simple, that is, House holds clues to the lost city of Poseidon.

And this place was exactly what Brother Lorne had been looking for, so Sissy had to find a way to get this clue out of House's mouth.

The difference from Advancing City is that the prison of the Navy Headquarters is built under the Navy Headquarters building, and the prisons here are generally death row prisoners and prisoners waiting to be executed.

In the dark and humid environment, water droplets kept dripping from the ceiling, tick tock.

Footsteps came from the end of the corridor, and several spiders who were weaving webs hurriedly crawled away after hearing the footsteps.

"right here."

A jailer brought the person behind him to a cage, and said softly.

"Pay attention, he is quite dangerous. I suggest you keep a safe distance from him during the interrogation."

"Oh, are you impatient to execute me?"

Inside the cage, a strong man lazily opened his eyes. His body was covered with fresh wounds. The wounds had not fully healed, leaving many ugly scars on his healthy skin.

But the man didn't care about these scars, he lazily raised his head and looked at the man standing outside the cage.

It was a woman, no, it should be a girl.

One, very young, a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"No, I just want to make sure that you haven't hidden anything."

The girl found a chair and sat down, looked at House, and said calmly.

"House, nicknamed Howlion, is now forty-seven years old, the head of the Howlion Pirates, and rules the three islands in the New World."

"These three islands are Lokha, Urbu..."

Sissy took out the document in her hand and slowly read the information on it.

"Shouldn't you guys have known about these things?"

House picked his ears and said impatiently.

"Now, come and ask me what I'm doing."

"You have always attached great importance to your companions. The reason why you left the new world was to bury your subordinates who died in the battle with your opponents, and your behavior of covering your companions' escape during the battle with the navy also confirmed this point. .”

Sissy didn't answer, but continued to ask.

"Why, are you trying to threaten me with the lives of those little guys? But let me tell you, no matter what you want to do, you won't be able to get any useful clues from my mouth!"

House's tone gradually became cold. What he hates the most is someone threatening him with his companions.

"Besides, those little guys probably fled to the New World long ago. If you want to catch him in the New World, you have to ask those guys who are entrenched in the New World whether they agree or not."

House knows very well how powerful the emperors of the new world are, especially the "demon" stationed in the first half of the new world, who is as strong as a monster, even the terrible Kaido is dead in his hands.

Even if the navy has declared war on the pirates, House doesn't believe that the navy has the courage to enter the new world and fight against the pirate emperors in their territory.

"Your men did escape back to the New World."

Sissy put down the information in her hand, looked at House's reluctance, and said slowly.

"However, it's not just the navy that is interested in your subordinates. According to our intelligence, after you were captured by us, your old opponent, the black turban, expressed a strong interest in your territory .”

"Guess what he will do to your territory?"

Hearing this sentence, House's face finally changed. He said it was cloudy and cloudy. After a while, he said coldly.

"Winners and losers, this is a tradition in this sea, and it is also the default thing for pirates in the new world. This kind of thing, your navy will never understand."

"We really have no way to understand, but there is no need to understand."

Sissy smiled, and she handed a copy of the information in her hand to House. House took the information with a puzzled expression, and his face changed drastically when he saw the photo in the newspaper.

"What do you want to do?"

Please report this one, there is no other text, and there is only a yellowed photo.

There are three people in this photo, like a group photo of a family of three. Among them, the appearance of the father seems to have been destroyed by someone.

The other two were a very virtuous-looking woman and a cute little boy about seven or eight years old.

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