Pirate Family

Chapter 1030 The Last Key!

"Although you tried your best to cover up their tracks and placed them in your hometown, Xihai, even some of your subordinates don't know their existence."

Sissy put this photo in front of House, and said slowly.

"But we know."

"I said, you guys, what exactly do you want to do?"

House glared at Sissy, and said word by word.

"You said, if your opponents knew of their existence, would they do something unacceptable?"

And Sissy didn't answer House's words directly, but continued to ask.

"You bastards!"

House cursed angrily, but Sissy just smiled lightly, then got up and left the place.

"The winner is king, isn't this the creed of your pirates?"

"Despicable? Only the living are qualified to call others despicable."

"And the dead,"

Sissy stood at the end of the long and narrow corridor, with her back to House, and said calmly.


"Think about it carefully, do you have something that you forgot to explain to the navy."

"Asshole! Asshole!"

After Sissy left, the door slowly closed, and the entire prison was once again shrouded in darkness.

But House's unreconciled yells echoed in the prison for a long time.


After leaving the prison, Sissy thought about it and walked directly towards the Navy Headquarters building.

This time, she tried her best to win the task of interrogating House, and the purpose was to meet House.

After the interrogation is over, she naturally needs to provide the process of this interrogation to the higher authorities.

"Did House still say nothing?"

A thin old woman raised her wrinkled face and looked at Sissy.

"It's like this. House's will is extremely firm, but this time, he seems to be a little loose."

"It won't take long for him to explain what he knows."

Sissy looked at the old woman sitting in front of her and said solemnly.

There is no reason, just because the old lady's name is He.

Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Crane.

Lieutenant General He looked at Qianqian for a long time, and looked at Qianqian trembling all over, thinking that some of his small actions had been seen through by this wise woman.

Cold sweat could not stop streaming from her back,

Because she knew that Lieutenant Admiral Crane, who seemed weak and always had a kind smile, was the companion of Admiral Sengoku and Naval Hero Karp when he was young. out.

Compared with the carefree Garp and the Sengoku who has a firm stance on the Navy, this kind old man is even more frightening.

"well done."

Lieutenant General He took a cup of tea, moistened his throat, and then showed a kind smile.

"The future of the navy is in the hands of young people like you."

She walked to Sissi's side, patted Sissy's shoulder lightly, and then left the room.

Unexpectedly, after she had been gone for a long time, Qian Qian finally recovered.

And her back was completely soaked in cold sweat.

Later, House still couldn't bear his worries about his wife and children, and took the initiative to disclose some information about the pirates in the new world to the navy, as well as some secrets about the pirates he knew.

Then three days later, the man was escorted to the execution ground by two marines.

He knelt down on the execution platform, looking at the surveillance phone bugs lined up in front of him.

House knew that the picture of himself being executed would soon spread throughout the sea, and all ordinary people in front of the TV would see how a well-known pirate in the New World died in front of the banner of justice.

After his death, his territory will definitely fall into chaos, and these chaos may cause a bigger storm.

And the navy will also take advantage of this storm to march into the new world.

But House paid no attention to these.

He looked directly at the phone bugs in front of him, and a heroic voice came out.

"My name is House, Lion of the Sea, Iron Fist Avenger."

The two executioners next to them looked indifferent, and they were counting down the time of execution in their hearts. At the moment House spoke, the two executioners looked at the pirate with pity.

No matter how glorious the past of the pirate in front of him is, no matter how powerful he is, when he was pushed to this execution platform, his life also entered the countdown.

"Maybe you haven't heard of my name, but it doesn't matter."

"Because, what I'm going to say next, you will never forget."

The corner of House's mouth curled up in a weird arc,

"Roger, he used his death to start the age of great voyages. At that time, I thought that the future of this sea belonged to me."

"But, I was wrong."

"There are countless monsters in this sea, and my house is just an insignificant wave in the huge wave of the new world."

"I'm nothing in front of those real monsters."

When House finished these words, everyone present couldn't help but think of several shadows shrouded in the new world.

Some thought of a gluttonous lunatic, some thought of a strong old man holding a huge knife, but more of them thought of a young man with black hair and black pupils who looked like a devil .

What House said was right, he was nothing in front of these monsters.

A naval officer in charge of supervising House's execution felt something was wrong, and gestured cleanly to the two executioners, signaling them to shut up House quickly.

The Navy didn't want to make the mistake it made in Logue Town again.

"Can't bear it?"

Feeling the two executioners who started to move around him, House curled up a sarcastic smile.

"Treasure your few remaining peaceful times."

"A truly chaotic era is coming, and the beasts will be unleashed immediately. They who have lost their restraints will let you know what a real pirate is."

House roared, and the two executioners raised the spears in their hands, aimed at House's heart, and stabbed them suddenly.

"The ONE-PIECE left by Roger is real."

"And the last key to that place is in the lost city of Poseidon."

"There it is, Alacosta!"

The two spears accurately pierced House's heart, and at the same time, House's final roar spread throughout the world through the direct dial bug.

This pirate with the name of "Lion" fell down slowly.

Blood flowed down the execution platform.

The pirates standing in front of the TV were stunned for a moment, and then rushed to tell each other. They couldn't wait to tell their companions this important information.

The high-ranking officers of the navy also began to operate, and everyone's attention was focused on the place that House said.


No one noticed that House, who was lying on the execution platform, was holding something firmly in his right hand, showing a crazy smile.

It was a yellowed photo.

And behind the photo, there is a line of writing.

historical text.

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