Pirate Family

Chapter 1031 Side effects of devil fruit

"Master House!"

Meanwhile, the new world, a certain island.

House's men witnessed their boss die on the execution platform, and then embraced each other, crying bitterly.

House treats his subordinates very well. For this group of young pirates, House is like an older brother.

"I must kill those marines!"

A pirate stood up angrily, clenched his fist, and said angrily.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared straight at the TV, at his boss's body.

However, he soon sat down on the chair again.

To subvert the navy? These few words, even the most high-ranking emperors, dare not say them easily, but what are they?

They can't protect themselves, so what are they talking about subverting the navy?

"Master House is dead, but we will inherit his will."

"Those pirates who coveted our territory seemed to let go of the last burden in their hearts after seeing Lord House's death. Maybe in a short while, countless pirate ships will come to our waters."

A slightly older pirate said slowly.

"We must protect Lord House's legacy!"

He roared like this. All the pirates also stood up and shouted in unison.

"Guard the honor of Master House!"

However, they didn't notice that when they took the oath, there was a pirate with an unnatural face.

There was a miniature phone bug in his arms, and the other end of the phone bug was on a ship flying the black blood flag.

And this ship has already appeared on the edge of this sea area.


"Before he died, House actually revealed the location of the lost city of Poseidon."

Sidio, Violet was enjoying the rare afternoon tea while looking at the picture on the TV with some surprise.

She didn't expect much from House's clue at first, she just conveyed all the necessary information to little Anxi as usual, but she didn't expect that this little girl would be so capable, it only took three days Time, the location of the lost city of Poseidon was pried out from House's mouth.

If you let her know, Sissy didn't actually spend three days. She just met House and gave House a hint that the Navy wanted to know the location of the Lost City. It only took ten minutes. If so, Violet will definitely be even more surprised.

Little Anxi has finally grown up. She is no longer a little girl who needs to hide behind her brothers and sisters and wait for their protection, but has grown into a little girl who can take charge of herself.

"Ala Costa?"

Violet remembered the last place name that House left behind, and frowned slightly.

She had never heard of such a place.

"Get out a map."

She spoke softly into the air, and then a petite woman came out from the shadows and handed Violet a sheepskin map.

Violet began to search on the map.

As long as there is a name, it will be easy to handle. House’s meaning is very clear. He wants to let pirates all over the world, and anyone who is interested in ONE-PIECE, go to that place, so the place of Alacosta must be Not in some out-of-the-way places.

Otherwise, House's words would have no meaning.

As for other people who also knew about this place, Violet didn't care.

Because, when it comes to competing with others for something, the family is confident that it will not lose to any force.

"It seems that little Anxi has done us a great service."

At this time, a lazy female voice sounded beside Violet. Garrett was wearing a red dress, her eyes were slightly tired, as if she had just woken up.

She yawned and walked towards Violet, then saw the map in Violet's hand, and said softly.

"Have you found that place?"

"Not yet, but it should be soon."

Violet raised her head, looked at Garrett with a tired face, and said helplessly.

"You should take a good rest, or Lorne will worry about you when he comes back and sees you like this."

As a person who has been staying in Sdio, she spends more time with Garrett than with Lorne, so she knows very well that recently, or since she turned into a blood cocoon, she was killed by Lorne. It begins after salvation.

Although Garrett's strength has increased a lot, she needs more rest time than ordinary people.

Therefore, except when she is necessary, she usually rests in the castle.

"I don't know why, I feel uncomfortable sleeping on the bed recently, maybe lying in the coffin will make my heart a little more stable."

Garrett yawned and said with a smile.

"You said, am I going to die soon?"

And Violet looked at Garrett helplessly. When two people get along alone, they are more like friends and girlfriends than subordinates.

"Just kidding, it should be some side effect of fruit ability."

And Garrett laughed loudly when she saw Violet like this, she waved her hand,

"In the face of helping brother Lorne realize his ambition, I will not fall so easily."

"Is it a side effect of the fruit ability?"

After listening to Garrett's words, Violet began to think about it. She had indeed heard that eating some devil fruits would have some side effects, such as eating animal fruits, and gradually possessing some animal talents in a subtle way. There will be habits.

But didn't Garrett eat the Superman fruit? Superhuman fruits will have such side effects?

Violet didn't understand, so she looked Garrett straight in the eye.

"No matter what happens, we are all there, you don't face it alone."

Violet thought it was years of fighting that had left some hidden wounds on Garrett's body. This was what she had guessed when Garrett went to the City of Gold.

"Ah, ah, don't be afraid, I thought I had turned into something scary when you looked like this."

On the other hand, Garrett showed a rare appearance of a little girl, hugging Violet's neck, acting like a spoiled child.

The two girls hit it off.

But after a while, Garrett was taken aback, and then yawned big.

"I'm too sleepy, I'm going to rest, maybe I'll be fine if I take a rest."

"Enn, just leave it to me here. Once I find any news, I will notify you immediately."

Violet nodded. But she didn't know that, with her back to Garrett who was slowly leaving, her eyes gradually became cold.

One thing she didn't say to Violet was that the side effect she was talking about wasn't as simple as wanting to live in a coffin.

Rather, she wanted blood, the blood of the Pure.

An incomparable thirst for blood.

Just when she was hugging Violet's neck, she could hardly bear to bite down on Violet's snow-white neck.

Then, suck her blood as much as you want.

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