Pirate Family

Chapter 1032 Elimination

House's death was originally just an inconspicuous wave of change in the world. But his declaration before his death attracted the attention of careerists in this world.

If you say, what is the hottest place in the world right now, even a three-year-old child will give the answer.

Ala Costa.

Countless careerists focused their attention on Ala Costa, and they frantically began to search for clues to this place.

Even if it is some fragments of words that have been circulated among the people, once these ambitious people overhear, there will be competition, and it may even turn into a bloody conflict.

But what is very strange is that three days have passed since House's death, and there is still no specific location of Alacosta in this sea.

This place, like the fantasy city fabricated by House, only exists in his fantasy.

"According to the information of the family intelligence network, plus the other names of the various islands in this sea that have been circulated among the people, and a summary of the places that House has visited in his life."

In the 10,000-meter sky city SKY, in a room in the central castle, countless staff members wearing the uniforms of the Vinhill family are looking for the information they need among piles of information.

A middle-aged woman with a slightly higher position said slowly to a young woman in a black suit standing in front of her.

"Ala Costa, it may be in these five places."

The middle-aged woman took out a world map, on which several islands were marked with red circles.

"Is it that far away?"

Violet looked at the map and said with some headaches.

Of these five points, two are located in the West Sea, House’s hometown, one is located in the first half of the great route, Paradise, and two are located in the depths of the New World. If you want to explore these five islands one by one, it is almost equivalent to across the whole world.

This is a feat that even Roger, the One Piece King, took almost two years to complete.

But the current situation in this sea simply cannot give the family so much time to explore these islands.

"If more accurate information is obtained, the scope can be narrowed."

The middle-aged woman said respectfully.

"For example, the two places in the West Sea are actually less likely, because according to the family's information, there has never been a piece of historical text that appeared outside the great route. That is to say, after excluding the two islands in the West Sea, there is still There are only three small islands left to explore.”

"Is that so?"

Violet nodded. What the middle-aged woman said was not unreasonable. Although I don't know who scattered the historical text on this sea, there is no reason why this last piece of historical text will be hidden outside the great route.

"so be it."

Violet said slowly.

"Starting to explore the two islands in the new world, I will send two teams to those two islands, and hand them a card at the gate of Sanchuan Road. Once I find anything, I will contact the family immediately."

"That way we can get to that place in the fastest possible time."

This is the most suitable method that Violet came up with, and it is also the fastest method.

As for the small island in the paradise, Violet frowned slightly, feeling a little helpless.

If it was the usual time, with the power of the Vinhill family, they could easily send a fleet to that sea area, but because the navy declared war on the pirates, the situation in this sea was extremely tense.

The atmosphere of the new world is still the same as before, but the paradise has completely changed.

The navy's fleet roams the various waterways of the paradise, attacking any pirates they find.

During this period of time, there have been more than ten prominent figures who have fallen into the hands of the navy, and many of them are heroes like House.

As the biggest pirate emperor in this sea, every move of the Vinhill family must be closely watched by the navy, so it is quite difficult to send a fleet to avoid the eyes and ears of the navy.

"Hope, luck is not so bad."

Violet prayed that there was a one-third chance that she would not be so unlucky.

Following the transmission of Violet's order, the entire Vinhill family turned into gears. On the surface, the Vinhill family sent two fleets to sail towards the depths of the new world, but secretly, Some forces that were secretly attached to the Vinhill family, as well as some secret agents of the Vinhill family hidden in various forces, also took action.

Countless pieces of information have been collected in SKY through the Wienhill family's intelligence network "Dark Moon".

Just three days after the Vernhill family sent out their fleet, Lorne and his party, who had gone to Fishman Island, finally returned to Sidio.

"This is the power that I have developed by myself after so many years."

Lorne stepped off the boat, looked at the steel forest-like city in front of him, and smiled at a woman with blond hair next to him.

"I'm no longer the helpless little boy I was."

Lorne will never forget the time when he was caught by Polusalino. How helpless I am.

Facing the powerful vice admiral, as a ten-year-old boy, he has no ability to resist at all. And after being imprisoned in the Infinite Hell of Advance City, within two years, he never saw a ray of sunshine again.

It was an extremely dark time, and Lorne almost didn't want to recall the feeling of despair for the second time.

If it weren't for the blond-haired woman in front of him who turned into his sister and gave him the care of his family, Lorne really didn't know how he should get through it.

"I know."

Domino, on the other hand, looked at Lorne with a relieved smile.

For so many years, as a CP-0 agent, she knew everything about Lorne's actions.

And Lorne just smiled lightly and didn't continue to say anything.

If Domino knew that Shiji, who was so powerful back then, and Kaido, who was known as the strongest creature in history, also died at the hands of his younger brother, she would be speechless in surprise.

The young man standing in front of him is no longer the little boy hiding behind him.

Lorne made very little noise when he came back, and some laborers at the port didn't even notice the ship, and Lorne had already brought his people back to the black iron castle in Sdio.

"This is the historical text of Fishman Island."

In the castle, Violet sat in front of a large pile of documents, frowning, as if thinking about something, because she was too focused, she didn't even realize that Lorne had walked behind her.

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