Pirate Family

Chapter 1033 Garrett's Strangeness

"Ah! You are finally back!"

Violet didn't notice that Lorne had returned, and looked at Lorne, a little surprised.

She took the rubbing document in Lorne's hand, put it in the rubbing documents of other historical texts, and then raised her head, just in time to see Domino standing next to Lorne, with some doubts asked.

"Who is this?"

"She's my sister."

And Lorne replied like this.

After hearing this sentence, Violet's eyes widened, and she could hardly hide her shock.

"Young master, your...sister?"

Violet has followed Lorne for so many years and helped Lorne deal with countless family matters, but she has never heard that Lorne has a sister?

"Is she Lord Caesar's... daughter?"

For a moment, Violet thought of Lorne's father, the powerful pirate named Caesar, and then countless associations about Caesar followed.

However, she was a little puzzled. Because she had never heard that Caesar had a daughter.

Not only her, but the whole sea only knew that Lorne was Caesar's son, but it was never rumored that Caesar had a daughter.

"Her last name is not Vinhill."

Lorne explained in this way, he smiled helplessly, everyone had the same expression when they heard him say that Domino was his sister, even the secretary who had followed him for many years like Violet was no exception .

"It's just that she saved my life once."

"So, in my eyes, she is no different from my family,"

Lon paused for a moment before continuing.

"Just like...you."

"If it wasn't for her when we were advancing to the city, I, Fat Tiger, Jody, none of us would have been able to escape from that dark hell alive."

Violet showed a knowing expression.

"I see."

"Later, when everyone is around, I will introduce her to everyone."

"But right now, there is one more important thing."

Lorne looked at Violet, paused, and then continued.

"About what House said before he died..."

"You mean Alacosta?"


Lorne nodded. About Alacosta, but for a while, the hottest topic in this sea, countless pirates, regardless of whether they have the strength to compete for the final throne, are talking about it.

It seems that when drinking, if you don't talk about Ala Costa, you are not an orthodox pirate.

So even though Lorne has been staying on the ship for a while, he knew about it through the discussions of the pirates.

And when he inquired about the family, he learned that the reason why House said this was because of the family's help.

"not too good."

Violet shook her head and said bitterly.

"The family's think tank has exhaustively investigated, and finally locked five places."

"Two of the places are located in the West Sea, too far away, and the probability is too low, I rejected it, and one is located in Paradise, because the navy is heavily guarded, it is difficult for us to intervene, so there is no way to find out the authenticity for the time being."

"The remaining two are in the New World. I have sent two fleets to those two places. I should have definite news in two days."

"Is that so?"

Lorne showed a thoughtful expression. This House is really a well-deserved hero. Even if he was threatened, he had to tell his biggest secret, and before he died, he played around with the heroes of this sea. .

Lorne could almost imagine what House was thinking before he died.

"Do you want to know the whereabouts of the last historical text? Let me tell you, you can guess the exact location by yourself!"

"What a nasty bastard."

Lorne smiled helplessly, but there was nothing he could do.

No matter how powerful he is, there is no way to bring House back to life and pay the price.

"So now we can only wait for the information from those two fleets."

Violet said so. She thought for a while, and seemed to be a little hesitant, and hesitated to speak.

"Anything else?"

Lorne looked at Violet with some surprises. In his impression, Violet had always been a straightforward woman. No matter what opinion she had, even if she knew it might offend Lorne, she would speak out. So It was the first time he had seen Violet like this.

"There is one more important thing. I don't know if I should tell you."

Violet hesitated, she bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind.

"About Miss Garrett, she has been a little strange recently."


Black Iron Castle. Lorne's bedroom.

Unlike what the pirates thought, Lorne, who is the biggest pirate emperor in this sea, does not have gold bricks covering the entire room in his residence, no night pearls as big as fists to light up the room, nor is it a Eerie demon cave, there are no burning skulls in the corridor.

On the contrary, it is very simple, with only a very cozy big bed and a desk for working.

On the desk were some documents that Lorne hadn't finished processing, and a kerosene lamp. It's just that the documents on the table were neatly piled aside, and the table was spotless, as if it had been taken care of recently.

The only difference is that this bedroom has a huge balcony. Standing on the balcony, you can look down on the whole Sidio with the help of the bright moonlight.

But when Lorne walked into his bedroom, he frowned slightly.

Because what came oncoming was a strong smell of blood, which seemed to dye the whole room dark red.

Lorne walked over following the smell of blood, and saw a black coffin standing in the corner. The strong smell of blood came from this coffin.

The coffin was about two and a half meters high, black all over, with gothic patterns around it, and dark golden stripes all over the surface of the coffin, forming a weird pattern.

Lorne took a deep breath and opened the coffin.

A bloody smell ten times stronger than that in the room came from the coffin, and this smell made Lorne almost hold his breath.

It wasn't until the crimson gas dissipated that Lorne saw a woman in a gorgeous dress with long wine-red hair lying in a coffin and sleeping soundly.

Her face was pale, like a corpse, but her lips were a strange bright red.

It was as delicate and bright as blood.


Lorne softly called out to the woman lying in the coffin.

Because this woman is none other than Garrett!

Garrett slightly opened her eyes, as if waking up from a deep sleep, and then saw Lorne standing in front of her.

"Brother Lorne, why are you back?"

Garrett said in a daze, her voice was very soft, like the whisper of someone who just woke up and was still confused.

Then, her pupils dilated suddenly, and she looked at Lorne in shock.


next moment,

Garrett's scream resounded throughout the Black Iron Castle.

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