Pirate Family

Chapter 1034 I have always been...

Garrett's expression was flustered, and she was in a hurry to close the coffin, not wanting Lorne to see her embarrassed appearance.

But at this moment, a slender hand supported the coffin board.

"do not be afraid."

Lorne said gently, and with the other hand gently brushed away Garrett's messy hair, and then said softly.

"No matter what you become, in my eyes, you are Xiaojia."

"It never changes."

"Brother Lorne..."

Garrett looked at Lorne, her eyes were slightly moist, but the next moment, her face changed drastically.

A soulful thirst for blood almost swallowed her sanity.

Looking at Lorne's slender arm, she almost couldn't help but want to bite on it, sucking all the blood from Lorne's body.

"do not do that."

Garrett wanted to push Lorne away, she would rather die than hurt Lorne.

But the desire for blood became more and more violent, and Garrett found that she couldn't lift her hand at all.

The instinct of the body almost overwhelmed her rationality.

"Brother Lorne... hurry up, leave me alone... be quiet for a while..."

Garrett almost looked at Lorne with a pleading tone, she was afraid that she could not help her inner desire.

But at this moment, her eyes suddenly went dark, and Lorne hugged her gently.

"No matter what happens, we will face it together."

As Lorne said, the two embraced in the black coffin.

Garrett wanted to say something, but a warm lip blocked her.

The next moment, the coffin was slowly closed.


"About Alacosta, one of the fleets has sent back information."

The bedroom door was pushed open, and Violet walked in gently.

Holding a document, she pushed her glasses, and said slowly.

"Unfortunately, after their exploration, they did not find any buildings suspected to be undersea ruins..."

Violet didn't shy away from anything. In fact, as Lorne's secretary, she was obliged to take care of Lorne's basic necessities. She said with some regret, and was going to ask Lorne what to do next.

But the scene that appeared in front of her shocked her extremely.

The whole room was in a mess, as if it had been robbed by someone.

This is very unreasonable. Although Lorne has a casual personality, he still won't make the room so messy. And Garrett has a slight obsession with cleanliness. The place she lives must be in order.

But this was not what shocked Violet the most, there was countless blood flowing on the ground. Blood was spilling on the brown mahogany floor, some of it almost onto her high heels.

The whole room was stained blood red.

Someone came and attacked here? Violet thought so, and then she shook her head mockingly, denying this absurd idea.

This room can be said to be one of the safest places in this sea. The difficulty of looting here is no less than looting the treasury of Mary Joa, the sacred place of Tianlong people.

Violet walked in the direction of the blood flow, and saw a black coffin standing in the corner of the room, and all the blood flowed out from the gap in the coffin.

She stretched out her hand, intending to open the coffin, but at this moment, there was a harsh rubbing sound from the coffin, and then the cover slowly opened.

A man wearing a black cloak fell out of the coffin. His whole body was stained red with blood. There were countless blood. There were two tiny holes on his neck. The blood flowed from these two holes like a fountain. It flowed out.

"Little Lord!"

Violet screamed. The man lying in front of her was none other than Lorne who had just returned to Studio!

Lorne's face was pale, as if he had fallen into a faint due to excessive blood loss.


At this time, a charming female voice rang in Violet's ear. She raised her head and saw another person inside the coffin.

Garrett was wearing a blood-red dress. She wiped the corner of her lips, and a drop of blood dripped from the corner of her lips, looking extremely coquettish.

She tilted her head, walked out of the coffin, squatted down gently, and stroked Lorne's face lying on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't look in other directions, as if Lorne was the only one in her world.

"We are finally integrated..."

Garrett muttered to herself, a hint of madness flashed in her eyes.

Just when Violet was about to make a move to stop everything, Garrett suddenly closed her eyes. Then he lay gently in Lorne's arms.

Looking at the two well-known strong men lying in front of her, Violet was suddenly at a loss.

If it wasn't for the strong smell of blood in the air and the blood that hadn't dried up on the floor, she almost thought it was her hallucination.


"You really are a lunatic."

Sky City, SKY, laboratory.

Vegapunk in a white coat looked at the pale Lorne lying in front of him, and said flatly.

"After losing so much blood, a normal person might have died three or four times."

"It's a miracle that he's alive."

"If it's delivered to me a few minutes later, I'm afraid it's us, and we can only do nothing."

"In other words, there is still hope, right?"

Violet said anxiously, she could hear what Vegapunk said.

The man in front of him is known as the strongest scientist in the world, standing at the pinnacle of almost all sciences, and a man who controls the world's technology five hundred years ago. If even he couldn't help it, Violet really didn't know what to do.

At this moment, she blamed herself a little. If she had discovered the abnormality of little Garrett earlier, such a tragedy would not have happened.

Devil fruit, devil fruit, is the devil that manipulates people's hearts first, and then the fruit that can give people strength.

Seeing Garrett like this, Violet couldn't help but think, is it possible that when the power of the devil fruit is developed to a certain level, all capable users will involuntarily be affected by the devil in the fruit.


Gage next to him suddenly smiled. This laughter made Violet's mood sink to the bottom.

"You look down on us too much, or rather, look down on Lorne too much."


Violet didn't react for a moment.

"Lorne's body is our highest masterpiece. The fusion of savagery, and Adam's natural and powerful physical advantages, coupled with the cultivation of the blood factor technology mastered by Gage, in terms of body alone, Lorne can be said to be the best of the world. The most powerful monster on the sea."

Seeing Violet, Vegapunk was puzzled and said slowly.

"Although he can't live tenaciously after half of his body is smashed like Adam or Man before, but this level of blood loss still can't kill him."

"The reason why we are helpless is because if Lorne's own body cannot recover, the technology we have can't provide much help."

"He should wake up soon now."

As Gage said, Lorne, who was lying in the petri dish, raised his eyebrows suddenly, and Gage said with a smile.

"Or, he's already awake."

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