Pirate Family

Chapter 1035 Two things

"Do you know that if you lose a little more blood, you may never wake up again."

Seeing Lorne sitting up from the petri dish, who was still a little confused, Gage said with a smile.

The technology they have mastered can only repair the flesh. For a large amount of blood loss like Lorne, there is no other way than blood transfusion. But the Vinhill family has a special bloodline, and if they want a blood transfusion, they can only look for Caesar who doesn't know where they are.

Therefore, what they can do is to prevent Lorne's body from deteriorating as much as possible. Whether they can wake up or not depends entirely on Lorne himself.

"Little Garrett has her sense of proportion."

Lorne said weakly, he didn't expect that little Jiarete's thirst for blood was so crazy, and in the second half, little Jiarete almost lost her mind.

She was crazily thirsting for the blood in Lorne's body, like a person who had been hungry for a long time and suddenly encountered a table of delicacies.

Lorne couldn't imagine how long Little Garrett had suppressed her desire.

"Did you two guys quarrel? How could this be?"

After seeing that Lorne was fine, Gage finally asked the question in his heart, and Violet also pricked up his ears. She wanted to know the relationship between Lorne and Jialei during her absence. What the hell happened.

"Where is Xiaojia?"

Lorne didn't answer directly, but was concerned about the whereabouts of little Garrett.

"Her condition is much better than yours. It's like a weak person who suddenly received energy supplements and didn't have time to digest it. She should be sleeping and digesting the energy obtained from the blood in your body."

Vegapunk explained. He pointed to a petri dish next to him. Garrett in a red dress was lying in it, breathing evenly, as if she was in a deep sleep.

Seeing that Xiaojia was fine, Lorne felt a lot more at ease, and then took a deep breath.

"I guess, the reason why Xiaojia became like this should be caused by the devil fruit."

"Devil Fruit?"

A hint of doubt appeared on the faces of both Vegapunk and Gage at the same time, while Gage glanced at Vegapunk.

Devil fruit is not my field of expertise. On the contrary, the person who studies devil fruit most thoroughly in this sea is the man in front of me.

"You mean, little Garrett was affected by a devil fruit?"

"My guess is this."

Lorne nodded and said slowly.

"Xiaojia has the blood fruit and can control the blood. But every time she fights, she has to replenish the blood."

"And she didn't show much desire for blood before. Now I know that in order not to make herself look like a freak, she has been suppressing the desire deep in her heart."

"The Chicconi Effect," Vegapunk said slowly.

"The more a person can't get something, the more he wants something."

"It's as if an addict, after being isolated for a long time, has apparently eradicated his addiction, but if there is any opportunity for him to reconnect, he will become crazy, and this demand is even more than before. Still crazy."

"It's also like a person who hasn't had sex for too long, and once he has the opportunity, will he completely release his inner desire?"

Gage smiled and made a joke.

Vegapunk was expressionless, but glanced at Gage, and continued.

"I have researched before that there should be some substance in the devil fruit. Generally speaking, it is the soul of the devil that many people understand. Through this substance, I have researched a way to make the weapon eat the devil fruit."

"Later, more and more people realized that after eating a devil fruit, their character would be subtly affected by the fruit. Ability users who ate cats would become more cunning, and those who ate a devil fruit would become more cunning. Canine ability users will become even more cruel."

"This matter is something that many capable people know."

Lorne nodded, he had indeed heard about this incident, just like Lu Qi, after eating the cheetah fruit, the whole person seemed to become a ruthless killing machine.

"However, this kind of thing has happened to animal-type devil fruit ability users in the past, and it is the first time that it has happened to superhuman-type ability users like Garrett."

"If it's possible, let me study it, so that I may be able to unlock the secret of the devil fruit."

Vegapunk looked at Lorne with a rare look of excitement on his face. For a man like him who dedicated his life to science, nothing is more attractive than the unknown.

Lorne didn't speak, but looked at Vegapunk calmly. The two looked at each other for a long time before Vegapunk was defeated.

"I will try my best to research ways to help Garrett overcome her thirst for blood, but I don't guarantee success."

It was only then that he remembered that he had made a slip of the tongue just now, and his family members were against Lorne, so it was easy to offend Lorne.

"It's just that before that, you'd better stop doing such crazy things."

Vegapunk said slowly.

"Because Garrett's desire for blood is likely to overcome her reason. Not every time, she can restrain her desire."

"Not every time, the blood left on you can just keep you alive."

"This matter, I have my own measure."

Lorne said slowly, but at this moment, there was a sound from the petri dish next to it, and Garrett sat up from the petri dish in confusion, blinked her sleepy eyes, and said in a trance.

"Are you... talking about me?"

Then she saw Lorne at the side, jumped up from the petri dish, and rushed towards Lorne desperately.

Although her reason was occupied by desire before, it doesn't mean she doesn't have previous memory.

She knew exactly what she had done to Brother Lorne.

"Don't be afraid, I'm still here."

Lorne gently stroked Garrett's long hair, and then said softly.

"I am always here."

"If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

After a while, Lorne stood up weakly, and said to Gage and Vegapunk.

He vaguely remembered what Violet wanted to tell him before he passed out.

"Actually, there is one more thing."

Just as Lorne was about to leave, Gage suddenly called out to Lorne.

"About... the body you used up in Wano Country, and the plan to ascend to the top of the gods."

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