Pirate Family

Chapter 1036 Vegapunk's Crazy Guess

Lorne's expression became serious. When he was fighting Kaido, he had no choice but to use another body to eat the potion "Awakening-02", which had not been fully developed at that time, and drain all his vitality Transformed into real-time combat power.

With the power exchanged for his life, Lorne was able to defeat Kaido.

After the battle, that body was also on the verge of being scrapped. Lorne tried his best to bring that body back to his lair, which is the sky city SKY.

"Has a new body been created?"

Lorne asked, losing a body is nothing to him, as long as the devil fruit invested in that body is brought back intact, Lorne can say that there is no loss.

That's why Lorne wanted to bring back the aging and disfigured clone that ate the "fluttering fruit".

Because as long as he uses the technology from Sky Island, Lorne can take the "Piao Piao Fruit" out of that body without any loss, and then transfer it to another clone without affecting his combat effectiveness at all.

After all, Lorne didn't want to make the mistake that "Fruit of Surgery" made back then.

"According to your request, the new body has been fabricated."

Vegapunk said slowly.

"Based on the original foundation, we have focused on strengthening the vitality of this body. That is to say, if we choose to take the medicine of the awakening series again, the combat power obtained by this body will be even more terrifying."

It is precisely because of the need to strengthen the clone that it takes more time to manufacture this clone than the previous ones.

"That's good."

Lorne nodded, he probably guessed why Vegapunk told him to stop. It was to prepare him to connect with the spirit of the clone.

Lorne was lying in the petri dish with ease, looking at the "self" next to him soaked in an emerald green liquid that was three points similar to himself, Lorne slowly closed his eyes.

Because it was not the first spiritual connection, this time, the connection went smoothly. After a while, the clone lying in the petri dish slowly opened its eyes.

Then suddenly, the transparent glass of the petri dish was shattered, and emerald green liquid flowed everywhere.

"This power..."

The clone Lorne said to himself. At this time, he hadn't eaten the devil fruit yet, but just relying on pure physical strength, he felt that he could easily crush most of the heroes in this sea, and even go head-to-head with Kaido at his peak, Nor will Lorne be afraid.

If the strength of the previous body was a stream flowing in the mountains, the current body is the river and sea rushing on the earth.

It cannot be compared with it at all.

Is this why Gage and Vegapunk have been delayed for so long...

"Then, bring me the fluttering fruit."

Lorne said slowly to Violet next to him.

After the fluttering fruit was taken out of his body, it has been kept in the treasure house of the Vinhill family. After tasting the powerful power brought by this fruit, Lorne didn't want to let it go.

Violet nodded, turned around and left the laboratory, walking towards the black iron castle located in the center of SKY.

"This time, do you still choose to use Piao Piao Fruit?"

But at this time, Vegapunk suddenly coughed slightly, and then said slowly.

"Why, is there a better choice?"

Lorne frowned slightly. He had tasted the power of fluttering fruit. He would never forget the feeling of playing with an island like a toy in his hands.

Powerful, suffocatingly powerful.

He could even say that the reason why Golden Lion Shiji had such a great reputation at the beginning was due to his own outstanding talent and character on the one hand, and Piao Piao Guo absolutely contributed to it on the other hand.

Lorne thought about looking for other powerful fruits, but even he couldn't think of any fruit that was more suitable for him than the fluttering fruit at this time.


Vegapunk slowly said the name of another fruit, and a rare look of madness appeared on his usually calm face.

"The improvement in combat power of this fruit may be far less direct than that of the Piao Piao fruit. But it has a unique characteristic."

Vegapunk said excitedly, and Gage next to him didn't stop his colleagues.

It seems that he already knew about Vegapunk's conjecture.

"Although his previous masters did not bring this characteristic into full play, any fruit can be awakened. As long as the awakened fruit really has this characteristic, even ten Piao Piao fruits can also be awakened. Far from it."

Lorne quietly listened to Vegapunk's crazy guesses about this fruit. After Vegapunk finished speaking, he asked slowly.

"The grand plan you conceived is indeed quite attractive, but I only have one question."

Lorne glanced at Vegapunk and Gage. Then he continued.

"Did you verify this matter, or did you guess it?"

To be honest, Vegapunk's conjecture was too crazy, but this kind of madness made Lorne slightly tempted.

He was weighing whether it was necessary to discard the Piao Piao fruit, and then expend a little of his energy to develop that fruit to the point of awakening, to verify Vegapunk's idea.

"My guess."

Vegapunk bluntly said that at their status, there is no need to lie.

There are not many things that can excite him, but creating a monster that can be said to be unsolvable by himself does make him slightly tempted.

At this time, Violet came back with the box containing the fluttering fruit. Vegapunk glanced at her, then said slowly to Lorne.

"However, the right to choose is yours."

"It's the first way, eat the Piao Piao fruit again, and continue to be an emperor in the new world."

"It's still the second way,"

Vegapunk opened his hands, as if he wanted to embrace the whole world in his arms.

"It's a gamble. If you lose, you may be taken advantage of by the navy and die. If you win, you will leave an indelible mark in the history of this world."

"One thousand years from now, this world will never forget your name."

"Vynhill Lorne."

As for Lorne, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His heart has not been so excited for a long time.

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