Pirate Family

Chapter 1037 Lorne's decision

Two days later, news came back from another fleet sent by the Vinhill family to the second half of the New World.

When Violet heard the news, she immediately dropped all her work.

But the result disappointed her.

The family's fleet searched the island carefully twice, but did not find any valuable clues.

In other words, the Ala Costa that House mentioned is not in the New World.

"So it was in Paradise?"

Lorne looked at the map in his hand and muttered to himself. At this time, the cadres of the family who could come to Sdio gathered in the main hall of the Black Iron Castle. They stood on both sides of the main hall, looked at Lorne, and waited for him to make a decision.

And Lorne showed a nostalgic smile.

Paradise, I haven't been there for a long time. I don't know how those old friends in the navy will "welcome" themselves?

Lorne began to look forward to it.

"Are you ready to start a war?"

Seeing Lorne like this, Violet said with some concern. Not only her, but many other senior cadres in the family looked at Lorne with the same worry, except war madmen like Enilo and Jody, and neutrals like Fat Tiger who didn't care about anything.

"It's not a wise choice to start an all-out war with the navy now, and Paradise is the old nest of the navy..." Violet said what most people thought.


To everyone's surprise, Lorne shook his head slowly.

"I don't want to go to war with the Navy right now."

"After all, the old man in the Warring States Period hasn't healed yet. In order to deal with the pirates, the navy has scattered its forces. At this time, even if we win a war with them, it seems that we won't be able to win by force."

Lorne said so.

"Then, there is only one other way." Violet looked at the shirtless, muscular man with long earlobes standing not far away, who seemed a little absent-minded.

"Master Eneru drove the Golden Proverb, and flew over from the sky from a height that the navy couldn't detect. Then it landed directly over the small island."


Anilu pointed to himself, looking a little surprised. It's just that he quickly showed a clear expression.

If you want to reach the small island in the paradise without going to war with the navy, Violet's method is indeed a good choice.

"But we have a better way."

And Lorne rejected Violet's proposal.

"Notify the people below to spread the location of this last island. It is said that the Vernhill family guessed that it is most likely to hide the clues of Alacosta."

Lorne smiled.

"But if this is the case, don't the people in the whole sea know about it?"

Violet said with some doubts.

Not only her, many senior cadres in the family showed puzzled expressions.

But soon, they figured out the key to the matter.

They made a very stupid mistake, the historical text is not an ordinary treasure. After ordinary treasures are discovered by a group of people, they will take them away and take them for themselves.

But the historical text is different. He is there. The document rubbed from the historical text is not different from the original. At best, it is just a key fragment that can open Roger's treasure, ONE-PIECE.

And there are more than one piece of such key fragments in this sea, and all the key fragments are pieced together to form a complete key.

Therefore, it is not a big deal for Lorne to let other people get one of the key fragments.

Because, in the entire sea, there are only a few people who are qualified to use this key to open the door of OBE-PIECE.

And no matter what, he must be among these people.

"Want to use the pirates in Paradise to explore that island?"

After thinking for a while, Violet understood Lorne's thoughts.

They rushed from the New World to Paradise, even at the speed of the Golden Proverb, it would take a long time. And if you use the pirates in the paradise, you can explore that small island in a very short time.

And any secret, as long as there are more people who know it, it will no longer be a secret. If the island really has clues about Alacosta, the family will naturally have a way to get it from the pirates who have arrived on the island. this clue.

As for whether other pirates also learned this clue, and then competed with themselves for the last treasure ONE-PIECE?

Lorne never thought about it.


Soon, a big news spread across the sea.

There was a leak from the intelligence department of the Vinhill family, and what they speculated was most likely the leak of the island of Alacosta that House said.

And this place is not in the extremely dangerous new world, but in the first half of the great route, Paradise!

After hearing this news, the pirates in the paradise boiled up, because of what the navy did during this time, the pirates from the new world could not enter the paradise at all, that is to say, this small island became the paradise of the pirates Exclusive "benefits".

At this time, countless pirates who were still hiding in various sea areas of the paradise, avoiding the vicious navy, turned their bows one after another, and sailed towards the mysterious island.

And the navy also got the news, they gathered their forces, prepared to ambush on that small island, and wiped out all the pirates who arrived on that small island.

The wrestling between the two sides is going on in secret, but what is strange is that the "big shots" in the new world have not expressed any views on this matter.

Paradise, in the middle of the front, has a medium-sized island called Golan.

There are all kinds of fruits grown on this island, so it also has another name called fruit.

Because it is adjacent to the wine capital of Oghongmu, most of the fruits on this small island are transported to the wine capital through the port on the island, and then the wine capital uses its own unique wine-making technology to make these fresh fruits The fruit is brewed into fine wine and shipped back.

The two sides have formed a trading partner and have always been in contact.

At least, this was the case before the age of great voyages opened.

After the opening of the age of great voyages, pirates in the paradise became more and more rampant. Many caravans were attacked by pirates shortly after they left the island. , extorting a high ransom from the island.

And once you encounter some vicious pirates, after these pirates ransacked the caravan, they will take the entire merchant ship as their own. Anyone who is unwilling to join the pirate group will be thrown into the sea by these pirates. to feed the sharks.

However, some time ago, after the navy declared war on the pirates, the situation improved.

And at this time, a ship docked at Guolan's port.

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