Pirate Family

Chapter 1038: Golan Island

A man in a leather jacket with short black hair came down from the merchant ship. He took off his glasses and said slowly to his companion.

"Is this the place where the last historical clue is hidden?"

"You really want to stop Lorne?"

Standing next to the man was a woman with a proud figure, almost perfect.

The woman frowned slightly, and said slowly.

"You should know what you are doing. That man is not a good man or woman. If you anger him, you may face something more terrible than death."

The woman took off her black glasses, revealing her good looks, and many people in the port were attracted by her.

Indifferent and noble, just like a rose with thorns, while possessing an almost irresistible attraction, it also has deadly thorns.

This is no ordinary woman.

This is the first impression of many residents in Golan Island after seeing this woman.

But immediately, they put the shock behind them. Because during this period of time, there were not many "extraordinary people" who came to this small island. Because of these special visitors, Golan Island became lively.

"Besides, I've never heard of Mr. Sotos in this sea."

The woman frowned slightly, adding a fatal attraction to her.

"This may be a trap set by Lorne to deceive others."

At the beginning, the two of them learned that Lorne wanted to get the text of the history in the bounty hunter's base. Then this man accepted the reward issued by that Mr. Sotos, thinking that if he wanted to stop Lorne, he had to intervene in this matter and prevent Lorne from getting the text of the history.

As long as the historical text is handed over to Lorne's enemies, or the clues of the historical text are taken as his own, then Lorne's ambitions can be prevented from going further.

At the very beginning, the two of them only wanted to find a force that could counter Lorne, so they accepted the reward without even thinking about it.

But now, the woman suddenly has some doubts about this.

Does the so-called Mr. Sotos really exist?

Aoya doesn't know, but this is not the most critical thing. The key point of the matter now is that they have not found any valuable clues.

The main text of the history is not so easy to find. They have been wandering around the sea for several months, and they just got some ancient rumors from some fishermen, and then they went to the place where these rumors are. As a result, nothing was gained.

Later, they chose to leave the new world and came to a paradise beyond the reach of the Vinhill family, hoping to find some valuable clues from this sea that was not completely polluted by pirates.

Still nothing.

Just when the women were about to give up and go back to the bounty hunter base to pick up another bounty, they suddenly saw House's declaration before he died from the TV.

Alacosta has become the most popular word in this sea, and countless pirates are frantically looking for clues related to Alacosta in this sea.

Men and women naturally joined the ranks.

And at this time, there was a rumor that Alacosta might be here, and the two of them happened to be in the nearby waters, so they rushed over quickly.

However, the woman has always been a little skeptical about this. After all, this news came from within the Vinhill family.

Could this be a trap too?

"Don't worry, Oya."

"After the Battle of Bislan, Lorne broke with the navy, and his power was completely driven to the new world. Even the old lair of the Vinhill family, Adela, who was called the country of flowers, was recovered by the navy. .”

"It's impossible for Lorne's hands to be that long, to be able to plan any big event in Paradise and under the eyes of the Navy."

The man smiled slightly, he seemed to have full confidence in the navy. In other words, he is full of confidence in the justice carried by the Navy.

"And this sea is so vast, it is also possible that there are some hidden powers."

"After all, the two of us are not the only ones who hate Lorne in this sea."

After hearing the man's words, the woman named Oya fell into a brief silence. Indeed, what the man said was true.

The Vinhill family has risen all the way, and the dry bones lying under their feet are almost filling the sea of ​​the New World.

The people whose families were ruined because of the heinous criminals being released, the heroes who were destroyed because they were enemies of the Vinhill family, and the villains who had a direct conflict of interest with the Vinhill family and were staring at each other.

They weren't the only ones who hated Lorne, the woman was sure of that.

"That Mr. Sotos may be someone who was offended by Lorne."

The man said slowly.

"Besides, as long as we get the text of the history, whether to hand it over to Mr. Sotos, the decision is in our hands, but if we don't get the text of the history, then the pirates in Paradise want to use this to curry favor Lorne's power is probably not in the minority."

The man looked at the several ships docked at the port of Golan Island, with a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

Even if they hide the flags that can symbolize their identities, the men can still deduce from the dark red blood stains on the deck and the marks of knives and guns on the hull that these ships are most likely hidden pirate ships .

The resentment of dying on these ships still wailed in the men's ears.

In just a few days after the news came out, so many pirates have come to this island.

But they will not be the last visitors to this small island. The man has a hunch that in these few days, more pirates will come here from all directions in the paradise.

Here, will become the center of a new chaos.

"So, in any case, in order to stop Lorne, we must get this clue about the historical text."

The man said so. And when a woman sees a man like this, she also understands one thing, that is, she can't stop him.

He is essentially the same type of person as Lorne. Once he has made up his mind, even death cannot change it.

"I see, Bee Parker."

Oya said slowly.

"I'll do my best to help you."

And at this moment, an inappropriate voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

A man with a black hood covering his face came to their side at some point, and then said slowly in a hoarse voice.

"Excuse me, are you here for clues to the historical text?"

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