Pirate Family

Chapter 1043 Assassination

"I have plenty of stories! As long as I have wine, I can tell them for three days and three nights!"

Cassie laughed loudly, then stood up slowly, and said to Mr. Elson.

"It's just that my boss is urging me, so I'll go first!"


After saying goodbye to Mr. Elson with a smile, Cassie left this luxurious little manor.

Then he escaped the phone bug from his arms and called it carefully.

As soon as the phone bug was connected, a cold female voice came out from the phone bug.

"Have you committed your bragging habit again?"

"As soon as I landed on this island, I heard that a certain rich man on this small island likes to listen to stories, so he immediately left us and went to visit that rich man."

"Are you so fond of bragging about your pathetic experience?"

Hearing the woman's harsh rebuke, Cassie didn't dare to get angry at all, and hurriedly flattered her.

"I'm doing it for the sake of all of us. After all, it takes a lot of money to replenish resources. If we become good friends with that rich man, we can save a lot of money."

"After all, because you refused to accept Bailey from that family, thinking that the money they gave was nothing more than charity, we have been poor for a long time."

"If we don't replenish the inventory on the ship, I'm afraid we will starve to death before returning to our hometown in the South China Sea."

The South China Sea is their hometown.

The woman on the other end of the phone bug was silent for a while, and after a while, she spoke slowly.

"You come back first."

"By the way, remember to bring some ice cubes back. Because your brother's..."

"I see."

After mentioning the big brother, Cassie restrained the frivolous smile on his face and became extremely dignified.

The boss brought them out of the backwaters of the South China Sea, and led them to see the vast sea. All of them thought that they would follow the boss to make a career.

And they did something unimaginable for ordinary pirates, facing the well-deserved overlord of the sea, the Pirate Emperor. And witnessed the fall of a pirate emperor.

But it is a pity that his eldest brother died in that place forever, and there was no chance to lead them to sea together.

At the beginning, everyone on the ship, including the lady Ying Gongli who kept herself out of the matter, knew the eldest sister's feelings for the boss, only the boss himself was still foolishly ignorant.

Everyone thought that the two of them would hold back until the relationship between the two of them came to fruition.

But they never expected that they would never have the chance to express their feelings to each other again, and that farewell turned out to be a farewell forever.

The eldest sister was heartbroken, and because everyone lost the boss, they no longer had the idea of ​​​​conquering the sea.

After deliberation, everyone decided to decline the family's solicitation—even though this olive branch is something that many heroes of the new world dream of.

The eldest sister decided to take everyone back to their hometown in the South China Sea, and then find a quiet and peaceful island to spend the rest of their lives in peace.

I didn't expect that not long after I returned to the paradise, I encountered the navy declaring war on the pirates. Because I didn't dare to sail along the main waterways, the speed of the ships slowed down a lot. Everyone just seemed to be playing. Island, he lived on this small island for a period of time, and continued his journey after confirming that the limelight had passed.

They have lived in Golan Island for almost half a month. Some time ago, there was news that Golan Island hides a secret treasure related to ONE-PIECE. In order to avoid getting involved in this vortex, the eldest sister decided to leave the island immediately after the replenishment of the ship was completed.

Cassie walked into an open bar, and after discussing with the bar owner, he used Bailey to buy a large amount of ice cubes from the bar owner.

"These ice cubes should be enough."

Looking at the big bag of ice cubes in his hand, Cassie couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"If the boss is here, upon hearing the news, he will definitely not agree with us leaving like this."

He could almost imagine that when the boss heard the news, his eyes would shine, and he would turn the island upside down regardless of the eldest sister's obstruction.

No man can escape the lure of adventure, that's the mantra of the boss.

"Forget it, let's listen to the eldest sister. After the navy knows the news, they will definitely send heavy troops to approach this place. If they are caught by the navy, we will be in trouble."

Cassie murmured to himself, and then walked into an alley with a large bag of ice cubes.

Having lived here for half a month, he is familiar with these alleys, and passing through this alley can save at least five minutes of time.

The alleys are sparsely populated, and there are some weeds in the corners. Cassie had just walked to the middle of the alley when she suddenly stopped.

He frowned slightly, and then said slowly to the empty alley.

"After following me for so long, it's time to come out."

No one answered him, Cassie snorted coldly, and then the dark armed domineering covered his wrist, and he hammered heavily against the wall with his wrist.

The wall of the alley shook violently, and then a brick flew out towards the corner of the alley.

Wipe it!

A sword light flashed, and the brick was cut in half.

The brick fell to the ground, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror. Seeing this scene, Cassie couldn't help but took a deep breath.

The opponent is strong.

This level of swordsmanship, even the heroes of the new world, is rarely possessed. Among the people he knows, only the great swordsman named Ying Gongli controls this kind of swordsmanship.

A woman in a long red dress came out from the corner of the alley, holding a small island like a fruit knife in her hand. He looked at Cassie indifferently.

She used this knife to cut the brick into two pieces?

Cassie thought in disbelief that just as he was about to turn his head, he found a thin man with short black hair standing at another exit of the alley.

The man was lying on the wall like a spider, looking up at him.

Two people, the front and back roads are completely blocked!


"The boss is actually dead!"

At this time, in a certain tavern, a group of pirates woke up from their drunkenness. Only then did they realize that their boss had been assassinated without knowing it!

"Revenge for the boss!"

"Kill that bastard!"

The pirates picked up their weapons and roared angrily, every pirate has the consciousness of death when he goes out to sea.

Pirates who dare not die are just a joke in this sea.

But no pirate is willing to die in such a humiliating way. To die in such a despicable assassination is an insult to their pirate career!

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