Pirate Family

Chapter 1044 The Stubbornness of Worms

The pirates overturned the table and roared.

The tavern was in chaos, and countless drinkers were chopped to the ground. More drinkers hid in the corner, shivering.

A pirate general blocked the exit of the tavern, the long knife in his hand reflected the light, shining brightly.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

Another pirate who could host came out and said slowly to the shivering drinkers.

"As long as we find out who killed our boss, we will never blame anyone else!"

"So, now, please put your heads in your hands and squat in the corner, let us check them one by one."

Hearing the pirate's words, most of the drinkers woke up immediately, quickly obeyed the pirate's words, and squatted obediently by the wall.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear what we said?"

But at this time, a pirate saw a strong man about four meters tall sitting in front of the bar counter of the bar, and the pirate immediately walked over clamoring.

"I still want to say, do you think you can deal with our swords and artillery with this big guy?"

The man still didn't speak, but was still drinking wine on his own. The pirate felt as if he had been insulted, and took out the flintlock in his arms angrily.

The black gun barrel was aimed directly at the back of the man's head.

"I'll give you a chance. If you turn around right now, then kneel in front of me and lick my shoes clean, can I spare your life?"


As if feeling threatened, the man sitting in front of the bar finally understood. He turned around and took off the iron earphones on his ears. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he pointed at himself with his fingers. Said slowly.

"Are you talking to me?"

The man's voice was extremely heavy, without a trace of emotion, as if he didn't realize that his head was being pointed at with a gun.

"Bastard! Do you want to die?"

Feeling the contempt in the man's words, the pirate roared angrily, and then slowly pulled the finger on the trigger.

"I will let you die now!"


Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and the flaming bullet hit the man's forehead directly, but the picture of the man being headshot and blood spurting as the pirates expected did not appear.

The bullet seemed to hit a piece of extremely thick steel, and all the impact force was fed back to itself. Because of the huge impact force, the entire body of the bullet deformed suddenly, and finally fell to the ground.

And the man's forehead, where there should have been a huge crack, did not leave the slightest trace.

"It's been a long time since anyone dared to point a gun to my head."

The man seemed to have known the result a long time ago, and said calmly.

He looked directly at the young pirate who dared to draw his gun at him, as if approving.

"you are very brave."

"The devil!!"

The pirate stared blankly at his flintlock, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of his eyes. After a while, he regained his composure, and then broke down and shouted.

He fell to the ground and crawled out the door, trying to stay away from the devil.

"The devil?"

The man is talking to himself.

"That's really my nickname."

He stood up slowly and walked towards the pirate who was crawling on the ground.

The other pirates saw this monster that kept walking towards them and wanted to escape, but they found that the door of the tavern, as if locked by someone, could not be opened at some point.


On the streets of Golan Island, an explosion suddenly occurred.

A certain tavern suddenly exploded without any warning, the raging flames were burning, and there were constant wailing sounds coming from the flames.

Like hell.

Sheriffs from Golan Island quickly arrived to stop the fire that threatened to spread across the street.

Fortunately, the flames did not spread further, except for the tavern that exploded for unknown reasons, and the adjacent buildings did not suffer any damage.

However, it is a pity that everyone in the tavern at that time, including the bar owner, staff, and some drinkers who were drinking in the bar, all died in the sudden explosion middle.

None survived.

At least, so the sheriffs thought.

No one noticed that a tall man left the crowd of onlookers and walked towards the depths of Golan Island.

"The clues have probably been collected."

The man said to himself,

"I didn't expect a bug to come up with such a way to play with others before dying."

"Is this the last stubbornness of the bug?"

The man's tone was flat, without a trace of emotion, as if in his opinion, that vicious hero of the new world was just a bug.

However, if someone knew this man, they would definitely not doubt the truth of what he said.

Because he is a "devil", no matter how powerful a person is, he is only a human after all, and any person is no different from a bug in front of the "devil".

"Have you started hunting your competitors?"

Feeling the tavern still burning behind him, the man continued.

"Let me see what you can do for a historical text."


Golan Island, in a certain alley.

Feeling the two people who kept approaching him, Cassie knew that he was in an unprecedented crisis.

This kind of crisis is extremely rare in his sailing career, and perhaps only the battle in Wano Country can compare with it.

Both of them are very strong, and Cassie asked himself if he had no confidence to win either of them.

"who are you?"

Just when the woman was about to walk ten meters away from her, Cassie suddenly spoke and asked coldly.

At the same time, his mind began to think crazily. He was thinking hard, thinking about when and what kind of intersection he had with these two people.

But the answer I got was that I had never seen these two people before,

"Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Cassie smiled awkwardly and continued.

"You are strong."

And at this time, behind Cassie, the spider-like man lying on the wall suddenly spoke.

"In the paradise stage, there are very few pirates who can master the skill of domineering."

"Based on this alone, you have surpassed most of the pirates on this small island."

"What are you talking to him about?"

The woman standing in front of Cassie said impatiently.

"Hurry up and solve this last goal, so we can end the mission."

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