Pirate Family

Chapter 1045 The Dead

Hearing the words "last goal" and "task", the last trace of luck in Cassie's heart finally dissipated.

They didn't find the wrong person, they came for themselves!

After confirming that these two people were his enemies, Cassie became serious, and his arms were covered with dark armed domineering.

The reason why they gave up their adventures in the new world and returned to their hometown was not because they had no strength to move forward, but because they lost their boss and didn't want to go on.

There is an essential difference between not wanting and not being able to.

He is no soft persimmon. He was baptized in the new world, one of the true pirates in this sea.

Cassie threw the bag full of ice cubes at the woman in front of him, and in an instant, rushed towards the man behind him.

Only by eliminating an opponent first can he have the possibility of escaping.

"Want to take my life! You may not be able to do it!"

Cassie yelled. Even the Pirate Emperor of the New World couldn't take his life away. Why are these two unknown people?

The bag burst, and countless ice cubes flew towards the woman. At this time, Cassie had already rushed in front of the man lying on the wall.

The domineering fist covered in armed colors smashed down on the head of the spider-like man.

And the man's eyes flashed with astonishment, he did not expect that Cassie would be so decisive, he chose to fight at the moment when he was sure that he could not escape when he was obviously at a disadvantage.

Caught off guard, the man was sent flying by Cassie's punch, and hit the wall of the alley heavily.

Cracks like spider webs continued to spread from behind the man.

"It's now!"

Cassie seized this close chance and rushed towards the exit of the alley.

He never thought about fighting these two tough opponents at all. From the very beginning, what he thought about was to run away, and then meet up with his eldest sister, telling her that there were some quite dangerous people hidden on this island.

Let the eldest sister take everyone out of this island as soon as possible.

Cassie brushed past the man without even looking back at him.

Twenty meters, fifteen meters, ten meters, five meters!

The exit of the alley was getting closer and closer, just when Cassie thought he was about to escape, his legs suddenly stopped moving.

Countless white spider silks covered the entire alley at some point, and wrapped around Cassie's body when Cassie was running.

The huge force slowly pulled Cassie back.

Cassie turned around in despair, and found that the source of these spider silks was the man who was knocked into the air just now.

"It's really cunning, I almost let you run away."

Countless spider threads shot out from the man's body, spread all over the alley, and wrapped tightly around Cassie's body.

"Are you a capable person?"

Seeing this scene, Cassie finally understood that the man who was his enemy was not an ordinary pirate, but a very rare person with the same ability as his boss in this sea.

"I was almost played by him. It's really shameful."

At this time, a woman's plain voice rang in Cassie's ears, and the woman brandished a knife and walked towards this side.

Under her feet, countless ice cubes were cut into slag and scattered on the ground.

"Perhaps we can talk."

Cassie tried his best to calm down his mood. He said sorry to the eldest sister in his heart, and then slowly said to the man who grabbed him with spider silk.

"I know some big people, if I were you, I don't suggest you do it?"

"Big man?"

The man didn't seem to realize that at such a time, Cassie would actually use this method to seek survival for himself.


Cassie nodded, then said seriously.

"The Pirate Emperor of the New World, you should have heard of it."

"Pirate Emperor?"

The man gave Cassie a questioning look.

"Do you know a certain Pirate Emperor?"

The man's eyes seemed to say, with your humble strength, can you recognize those high-ranking big shots?


Hearing signs of looseness in the man's tone, Cassie nodded hastily.

"You may not believe it, but I do know a Pirate Emperor, and I have a good friendship with him."


At this time, the woman spoke, she looked directly into Cassie's eyes, and said coldly.

"It's the hottest person in this sea today, the man with the title of devil,"

Cassie looked at the man and woman, paused, and continued.

"Vynhill Lorne."

At the moment of speaking, Cassie thought that he had brought Lord Lorne information about Wano Country, and it was because of this information that Lord Lorne decided to go to war with Lord Kaido.

I should be considered to know him, right? If Lord Lorne knew that he had borrowed his name, he wouldn't be angry, would he?


And the man opposite didn't seem to expect that he would hear this name here, and he was stunned.

"Yes, you should be very clear about Lord Lorne's character."

"If you kill me, you may cause some unnecessary trouble."

Cassie tried to convince the man in front of him. And he swears in his heart. If he could get out of this ghost place alive this time, he would definitely not be trying his best.

There are countless strong men lurking in this sea. Even if he returns from the new world, he may die in the hands of some unknown pirates.


And at this time, the spider-like man suddenly burst into laughter. He pointed to Cassie, and said slowly to his companion.

"Lorne, he said that he knew Lorne, and that Lorne might take revenge on us because of him, did you hear that?"

"I heard."

The woman said lightly.

Looking at the reactions of the two, Cassie felt uneasy. When normal pirates hear that demon's name, they will either fear or be in awe, but the two people in front of them seem to...do not take Lord Lorne's name seriously?

"I'm not lying, I really know Lord Lorne..."

Cassie quickly explained that he thought these two people thought he was lying.

But at this moment, the man suddenly walked towards him slowly.

"I know you're not lying."

"But I'm not afraid of Lorne."

"Because," a trace of madness flashed in the man's eyes.

"Sooner or later, I will kill that man."

"For...the sea."


A long time later, a drunken tourist came and broke into the alley. Then when he saw clearly the scene in the alley, he suddenly exclaimed.

A man was hung in an alley by countless spider threads.

Blood flowed down his body slowly.

dripping on the ground.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

Just like hell.

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