Pirate Family

Chapter 1046 The Lonely

"Why, it took so long and I still haven't come back."

Koh Lan Island, in the street, in a certain hotel.

A young woman in black tights looked at the bustling street outside the window, frowning slightly.

The furnishings of the entire room are extremely simple, with two bedrooms, two beds, and a small table in the living room in the middle.

There is a bouquet of daffodils on the table. Daffodils exude a fragrance.

It's just that because the walls are full of sachets, the smell of these sachets is entangled with the daffodils, and the strong perfume smell permeates the whole room, which seems a bit too much.

A black rectangular object was placed under the window, about three meters long and one and a half meters wide. The woman sits on this rectangular object, looking at the street below.


It seemed that the fragrance permeating the room stimulated the woman's sense of smell, and the woman suddenly sneezed.

"It doesn't make sense that Cassie would have been inking for so long..."

The woman frowned and said with some anxiety.

Although Cassie likes to brag about his experience and show his extraordinaryness, his essence is very simple and he is a very good boy. Back then, I, and...he, always regarded Cassie as my younger brother.

Before, everyone on board was like family.

Thinking of this, the woman became a little sad again. Because now, the family members are gone, only myself and Cassie are left.

In the past, the eldest brother promised Cassie's family that he would bring Cassie back intact. But now, bringing everyone back to the South China Sea is the only long-cherished wish of a woman.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion on the street, and then all the knights in the uniform of the sheriff rushed towards a certain place on horseback.

"Did something happen?"

The woman became a little uneasy. She squatted down, gently stroked the black coffin next to her, and said softly.

"Casey is a great guy, his future is still very long, no accident should happen in this kind of place."

"You'll protect him, won't you?"

The woman's voice was very soft, as if she was talking to her lover, but anyone who saw this scene would have a creepy feeling.

Talk to an object like a coffin, so what is lying in this object?

"I'll go find him, you wait for me here."

The woman left the room, looked at the coffin behind her, and smiled.

"Don't worry...I'll be back soon."

After leaving the hotel, the woman quickly disappeared into the crowd. She moved forward quickly in the direction the sheriffs left just now.

After a while, they came to a corner of the street, which was full of people.

The residents of Golan Island seemed to be watching something.

"What happened here?"

The woman patted the shoulder of a Golan Island resident who was close to her, and asked softly.

"It's miserable, another outsider died here."

The resident looked at the woman, shook his head, and said with some regret.

"Recently, this small island is not peaceful at all. In the past two days, at least a dozen outsiders have died."

As he spoke, he saw that the woman didn't look like a bad person, so he couldn't help sighing.

"Obviously the navy said that all the pirates will be wiped out, and the trade channel on Golan Island has been reopened. Everyone will soon be able to live a peaceful life..."

"Why, do you still want to kill?"

The resident was puzzled on his face.

"I heard that there is some treasure hidden on our island."

Another resident turned around, took a look at the woman, and sighed.

"I really don't want my life, for some illusory things, I gave my life for nothing."

The woman was silent and did not speak.

Although it seems that the pirates of this era are extremely rampant, from the pirates came out several pirate emperors who overwhelmed an era, as well as the vicious heroes of the new world and the seven warriors under the king.

However, ordinary people don't like pirates.

In this sea, many people do not agree with the pirates' way of life.

"Are you a pirate?"

Looking at the woman, a resident asked vigilantly. He has never seen a woman, that is to say, this woman is an outsider.


The woman laughed at herself. Then slowly shook his head.

"It should be... isn't it?"

Is a pirate who has given up the adventure of the new world and pursued a stable life still a pirate?

Women don't know. But she was a little tired.

She was tired of feeling powerless when her peers kept leaving her.

"It's fine if you don't..."

The resident seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then continued.

"The one who died there is said to be a pirate."

"What a guy. If he was an ordinary person, there should be many little girls who would fall in love with him."

But another resident interrupted his exclamation,

"Be careful what comes out of your mouth!"

After finishing speaking, the resident wanted to look around for a while before speaking cautiously.

"I heard that the pirate offended someone at sea, and then he was murdered here!"

"However, it takes a lot of hatred to do such a thing."

The previous resident seemed a little aggrieved, but he still lowered his voice and said with some dissatisfaction.

"He died so badly. If I were his family, I might not be able to sleep for a few days after seeing this scene..."

"It's really a bit miserable..."

Listening to the conversation between the two residents, the woman felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

Then, she pushed aside the crowd of onlookers and squeezed into the middle.

This is the entrance of an alley, surrounded by a few white strips hung by the sheriffs to stop the onlookers.

Blood stains hung on the walls. The woman jumped over all the obstacles and walked towards the alley.

"Wait for the idlers, don't come close!"

A sheriff noticed the woman and wanted to come over to stop her, but the woman gently pushed her away.

The woman walked towards the alley, and when she entered the alley, the scene inside made her eyes widen.

Countless spiders almost covered the entire alley, turning the alley into a lair of some kind of arthropod. In the center of the alley, there was a large cocoon, and the corpse of a young man was wrapped in the cocoon.

Blood flowed out of his body, dyeing the cocoon blood red.

When the woman saw clearly the face of the man who was hanging, she almost screamed.

Because, the hanged man was none other than his own companion.


She softly called the other person's name.

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