Pirate Family

Chapter 1047 Isn't it a matter of course for justice to defeat evil?

"What's your name, please?"

Golan Island, Sheriff's Office.

A young sheriff held a pen and asked nervously.

Behind him stood a few companions who were ready to fight. They put their hands on their waists so that they could draw out their weapons at any time in case of accidents.

And the prisoner who made them treat them so sternly was not some heinous and vicious criminal.

It was a woman, a very young and beautiful woman.

The woman's lips were extremely pale, as if she had been greatly shocked. The young sheriff asked her twice before she could react.


"My name is Nana."

"full name?"

The magistrate frowned. The name Nana was more like a woman's nickname. For example, the youngest daughter of an aunt next door had her nickname Nana.


The woman who claimed to be Nana nodded and repeated her words.

"My name is Nana."

"Okay, Ms. Nana."

The sheriff wrote down the name in his notebook, and then continued to ask questions.

"You...are you not a resident of Golan Island?"

The sheriff is twenty-two years old, a native of Golan Island, and has never left the island.

This kind of small place is often known to everyone, or at least has a familiar face.

So he was very sure that he had never seen this woman in his twenty-two years of career.

"Yes, I am a traveler."

Nana nodded and said softly.

"I, and Cassie, are both from the South China Sea."

"Cassie? Is that the name of the man who died?"

The sheriff asked.

"So, what is your relationship with Cassie, or what is your occupation?"

"I am his sister."

Nana gradually calmed down, she said slowly.

"As for occupation, as I have said before, we are passengers."

"Or in more fashionable terms, we are adventurers."

When his eldest brother was still alive, he never liked to call himself a pirate. Compared with the title of pirate, he preferred to call himself an adventurer.

An adventurer who gallops across the ocean and explores the unknown.


The magistrate stopped the recording hand, looked at his companion,

A slightly older companion nodded slowly at him. After the era of great voyages opened, pirates flooded, and some relatively friendly pirates like to call themselves adventurers.

For small island residents like them who yearn for peace, these "adventurers" are much easier to get along with.

After a simple inquiry, the magistrate wrote such a line on Nana's name.

Harmless for now.

After finishing writing, he looked into Nana's eyes and said with some regret.

"Then, Ms. Adventurer Nana. My inquiry is over."

"For your brother, Mr. Cassie's death, we are very sorry, but you can rest assured that we will catch the murderer soon, and then send him to the navy so that he can get the sanctions he deserves."

Nana, on the other hand, remained expressionless as if she hadn't heard what the sheriff said.

"And one more thing."

At this time, the magistrate seemed to remember something and continued.

"Until then, you can stay in Golan Island, we will try our best to protect your safety. But,"

He changed his voice, paused, and then continued.

"We do not guarantee this. My personal suggestion is that you leave this small island first to avoid the limelight."

"After all, your enemy is hiding in the dark, and this small island is too dangerous for you."


Nana nodded to the magistrate and said softly.

The nature of the residents of this small island is quite kind. Even after guessing her identity as a pirate, they want to protect her safety after making sure that she is not malicious.

But Nana still refused the magistrate's offer.

"However, I want to rest here for a while..."

She got up and bowed to all the sheriffs.

"So, now, can I take Cassie's body?"

"After all, returning to our hometown is our long-cherished wish..."

All the sheriffs looked at each other, and they all felt the sadness in the woman's tone.

After all, whether one's family members died in a foreign land, or died in such a way that could not be rested in peace, anyone's emotions would fluctuate.

It is already a lot of willpower for a woman to be able to restrain herself like this.

After a while, a slightly older sheriff came out and said softly.

"as you wish."


Nana left the sheriff's office with a coffin.

When she stepped into the street completely, her face was completely gloomy.

The midday sun was so hot that it shone on her body, but she couldn't feel any warmth.

Even though it was summer, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. Cold all over the body.

Nana returned to her residence with the coffin containing Cassie. The two coffins were placed together, adding a bit of coldness to the already dark environment.

Before, the two residents of Golan Island asked Nana if she was a pirate.

Nana was still a little hesitant at that time, but now, she can answer with a very certain tone.

"I'm a pirate after all."

And the hatred of pirates can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy.


Peter Parker returned to his residence near the port and went directly to the bathroom.

The faucet was running, and he tried hard to clean the blood stains on his hands.

This is not the first time that Peter Parker has killed people. In fact, no pirate dares to say that he has never seen blood. But when the pirate was hoisted up by himself and looked at him with desperate eyes, a trace of pity appeared in Bee Parker's heart.

Obviously, obviously, I have never been a bloodthirsty person, but when the pirate said that he and Lorne knew each other, he couldn't hold back the killing intent in his heart.

He just wanted to destroy everything related to Lorne.

After a long time, he came out of the bathroom. At this time, his whole body was a little white and peeling due to soaking in the water for too long.

"I'll get used to it."

As for Oya, she stood in front of the window and looked outside like a normal person.

"As a bounty hunter, killing pirates is a matter of course."

"No pirate dares to say that he is innocent, including you and me, and there is more than enough to die."

Oya turned her back to Pepac and said softly. Peter Parker responded with silence. He still hasn't come out.

At this time, Oya let out a slight eh. Then pick up the binoculars and look out the window.

She saw fleets flying the flags of other islands sailing towards the port of Golan Island.

banquet! It's time to start!

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