Pirate Family

Chapter 1048 Strange Assassination

Today, the weather in Golan Island is not good. It has been raining lightly since the early morning.

The sky was gloomy, and the streets of Golan Island were washed over and over again. The black dirt, accompanied by some dark red liquid, flowed out from all the dark corners of Golan Island and flowed on the street. After a lap, it finally went round and round and flowed into the sewer.

Never see you again.

But the mood of the residents of Golan Island was not affected in the slightest by the bad weather. Because they all know one thing, that is, the grand event at Golan Island after a long absence is about to begin.

Bee Parker stood under one roof to take shelter from the rain, his face was a little gloomy.

Because Mr. Wolf has not contacted him for a long time. Specifically, after issuing those assassination orders to him before, Mr. Wolf seemed to disappear in Golan Island. his trail.

This approach made him feel like he was being teased as a tool man.

So he was in a bad mood.

"Tomorrow is the time for the grand event on Golan Island. At that time, the ability user hidden in this small island, Mr. Elson, will also show his face."

Beside Peter Parker, Oya said softly.

She was expressionless, because she had never trusted Mr. Wolf, and naturally she would not feel betrayed like Bee Parker.

"The clue of the historical text should be in that grand event."

Oya showed a thoughtful expression. If her guess is correct, then there are not many pirates on this small island who know this piece of information. In other words, even without relying on Mr. Wolf, they still have a great chance to get clues to the historical text.

The premise is that Mr. Wolf has not lied before.

"He came back for us."

Peter Parker took a deep breath, and then said firmly.


"Because the enemies on this small island haven't been cleaned up yet."

Oya knew what Bee Parker was referring to. In the past two days, more and more pirates arrived at Golan Island. Bandits.

These people are all their "potential competitors."

And not only pirates, Oya also found many passengers who were suspected of being navy passengers hidden in the merchant team.

The turmoil on this small island is destined not to be peaceful.

At this time, a child wearing a clown mask suddenly staggered towards Bi Pake, bumped into Bi Pake's arms, and fell to the ground suddenly.

"Alcohol is not something a little guy like you can drink."

Peter Parker helped the little guy up with a smile, and then he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, a sense of crisis that could take his life.

Almost without time to think, his body instinctively turned backwards, and then he suddenly heard a "bang". A piece of scorching hot oval metal touched Bipac's chest and brushed past, leaving a long bloodstain on Bipac's chest.

At this time, the residents of Golan Island, who were also hiding under the eaves to avoid the rain, froze for a moment when they heard the sudden sound of gunfire, and then exclaimed.

The little guy wearing a clown mask hid a small pistol in his arms at some point, and when he stood up, he pointed the muzzle of the pistol at Peter Parker's chest.

If Bee Parker hadn't reacted in time, this bullet should have hit his heart accurately.


Almost at the moment when the little guy made a move, Aoya next to him had already moved.

A flickering fruit knife appeared in her hand at some point, and then slashed at the little guy's pistol.

There was a crisp collision sound between the dagger and the barrel of the pistol, and then the pistol was cut in half. Before the little boy could react, Oya's fruit knife had already touched the clown mask on his face.


There was a crack in the clown's mask, and the crack continued to spread until it covered the entire mask.


The mask was broken and scattered on the ground, revealing the face of a little boy inside.

This is the face of an immature and somewhat excessive little boy. He raised his head and looked at Oya, with confusion, puzzlement, panic and other emotions intertwined in his eyes. The little boy pouted tremblingly, as if he wanted to beg for mercy.

"Don't hurt him."

At this time, Bipac's voice came from behind Oya, he struggled to stand up from the ground, the bullet just now tore through his clothes, leaving a long bloodstain on his chest .

"Someone is hiding in the shadows. It seems that our whereabouts have been discovered."

Of course Oya understood what Bee Parker meant, picked up the little boy with one hand, and then quickly escaped into the dark alley of the town.

"Tell me why you did this."

"And who instructed you to do this?"

Oya blocked the little boy against the wall, and asked coldly, while the fruit knife in her hand kept rubbing against the little boy's face, as if as long as the little boy's answer did not satisfy her, she would use the fruit knife at any time. The knife cut the little guy's throat.


But this little guy has never seen such a scene, he looked at Oya, and suddenly burst into tears.

This made Oya a little at a loss. At this time, she heard the real rush of hooves outside. And the noisy voices of some town residents.

"Damn it, the consuls are here."

Aoya knew that the change just now had disturbed the sheriffs of Golan Island, and the sheriffs were carrying out a carpet search in the vicinity.

In other words, there is not much time left for myself.

"I advise you not to cry. If you lure some other people over, I might just use this small knife to cut you a few times."

Oya pressed the dagger in her hand to the little boy's throat, feeling the coldness from the metal, the little boy finally stabilized his emotions. He looked at Oya in horror.

"Now, to answer my question, I don't want to repeat myself."

Oya said indifferently. The hooves of the sheriffs were getting closer and closer, and she couldn't help feeling a little irritable in her heart.

"I, I, I, I don't know..."

"I was just hiding from the rain...then...saw a man in a strange...clothes...and then...I didn't know anything..."

The little boy said tremblingly. He tried his best not to look so scared, but his trembling body still betrayed his original emotions.

"he tells me……"

The little boy seemed to be trying to remember something, Oya and Bee Parker also held their breaths and concentrated, they wanted to get some valuable clues from the little boy's mouth.

But the next moment, the little boy's body stopped shaking, and he suddenly showed a ferocious smile.

A sentence that did not seem to be able to be said at his age came out of his mouth.

"You... are all going to die!"

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