Pirate Family

Chapter 1049 Entrants

This sudden change made Oya and Bee Parker startled.

But before they could react, the little boy suddenly showed them a weird smile.

This kind of smile doesn't look like a naive child can show it, but it looks like a devil, smiling.

Then, the little boy's body suddenly leaned forward, before Oya could stop, the sharp fruit knife cut his throat in an instant.

When the sheriffs came to this alley, they saw only a horrifying scene.

The corpse of a little boy was lying by the wall of the alley, his head fell to the side, and the panic before death was still in his big eyes.

The rain fell from the sky and washed over the little boy's body. The blood flowed out along the little boy's body, converging into a trickling stream, and finally, it flowed to the riding boots of the sheriffs.

Dyed their shoes red.


"In the end what happened?"

Oya and Bee Parker, avoiding everyone's eyes, returned to their residence.

After making sure that no one was following him, Bee Parker locked the doors and windows, and sat down on the sofa regardless of his wet body.

"Why, then, the little boy?"

"I didn't do it. You should know that I was just threatening him just now. Even if he didn't say anything, I would let him go before the sheriffs arrived."

And Oya took out the fruit knife hidden in her clothes.

There was still some blood left on the blade.

The blood of some innocents.

"I know……"

Bi Parker's mouth was a little dry, of course he knew that Oya was not the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately, otherwise they wouldn't be partners. But a fresh and young life just died in front of him. This inevitably made Peter Parker feel a little guilty.

All this is her own fault, if she had stopped herself when Oya took the little boy away, this tragedy would not have happened.

If he had discovered the abnormality on the little boy earlier, if he had reacted sooner, if...

Unlike killing Cassie in a rage before, Cassie is a pirate, even though according to what he said, he has never done anything harmful, but he is a pirate after all.

It is always a matter of course for bounty hunters to kill pirates.

But this little boy, no matter how you look at it, is an innocent person.

"Perhaps, we shouldn't have come here at all..."

Peter Parker said dejectedly. This wouldn't have happened if he hadn't chosen to be here, so he's blaming himself now.

"Cheer up!"

And after Oya wiped her fruit knife clean, seeing such a slumped Bee Parker, she walked in front of him angrily, and then shook his shoulder suddenly.

"Even if we didn't come here, this kind of tragedy is still unavoidable!"

"Because since House announced the news, the tragedy of this small island has been doomed! And what we can do is to try our best to restore some tragedies before the tragedy happens!"

"A tragedy..."

Pepper looked up, a little puzzled.

"We're being watched!"

Oya said coldly. She is far more rational than Bee Parker, who has a sense of justice. After calming down for a while, she figured out the key to this matter.

This is not an accidental event, just like Mr. Wolf gave them a list before, asking them to assassinate some pirates hiding in Golan Island. Now they are also being targeted!

"This little boy must have been manipulated by someone for the purpose of killing us, or in other words, killing the competitors who he thinks are a threat to him on this small island!"

Oya said so, and after hearing Oya's words, Pipac gradually calmed down.

He has no grievances with the little boy, why did the little boy take the risk of death to assassinate himself, and why, when he and others are about to question the culprit hiding behind him, this little boy will show such a weird smile , and then commit suicide.

"Is it Mr. Wolf?"

Peter Parker asked with some bitterness. A person like him cannot try the feeling of being betrayed.

"Not necessarily. It may also be some pirate who just arrived on this small island, but no matter who it is, it is not a small role."

Aoya said slowly, at least in the past few days when she came to this small island, she never knew that there was any ability user who could create similar effects, hiding on this small island.

It seems that more and more "big figures" have been involved because of this "historical text".

"So we must calm down now. Since the enemy hiding in the dark has the ability to manipulate others, if we don't stop him, it will lead to unpredictable consequences."

She looked at Peter Parker, paused, and continued.

"This kind of thing...you don't want to see it."

After hearing Oya's words, Pepac gradually cheered up. He stood up directly, and then asked Oya.

"I see."

"So, now, we must be careful..."

Before Oya finished speaking, her face suddenly changed.

There was a light knock on the door of their hotel, and when the door opened, a young man in a blue gown stood at the door. He was holding an iron plate in his hand, and because of the lid, he couldn't see what was inside.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

Oya looked at the young man in the blue gown. , lived here for a few days, of course she knew that this young man was the clerk here.

She subconsciously thought that it was the sheriffs who found out their whereabouts.

But the next moment, Oya's face suddenly changed drastically.

After looking at them for a while, the young man suddenly showed a weird smile.

"Found...you guys."

A hoarse voice came from his mouth. Then the next moment.

A glimmer of light suddenly appeared from the plate in his hand.

Then, it exploded!


In an instant, the entire hotel was surrounded by raging flames.


"It seems that some incredible characters have come to this small island."

Golan Island, a certain street. A strong man about four meters tall, with blond messy hair and iron earphones, said to himself like a beast. Behind him lay a few ordinary people wearing clown masks and clothes of Golan Island residents. Their chests collapsed, and pieces of flesh flew all over the place.

Blood stained the ground red. Not even the rain can wash it away.

But at this time, the man suddenly stopped.

Because across from him, a young woman with a gloomy complexion appeared in a black tights.

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