Pirate Family

Chapter 1050 Death Star

The woman is covered in blood and looks like she's been through a terrible fight.

However, when she raised her head and looked at the tall man in front of her, she didn't show any sign of retreating. Instead, she licked her lips, and a sense of fighting engulfed the street.

"Want to fight me?"

The man said in amazement that he did not expect that in the "weak" "Paradise", he would meet a person who dared to challenge himself, and a woman who seemed "incomparably fragile".

But the woman didn't speak, her body leaned down slightly, her legs were bent, and the muscles of her calves exploded suddenly. She rushed towards the man like a bullet.


The knife in her hand was completely covered by the armed domineering color, and it became extremely black.

But after the man saw this kind of skill that is quite rare in the paradise, he didn't have the slightest surprise in his eyes. Instead, he raised his hand indifferently and put it on his chest.


The dagger in the woman's hand rubbed against the man's arm, and she was surprised to find that the domineering attack covered with armed colors that was invincible in the past could not even pierce the man's skin.

You know, the man's skin is not even covered with black domineering.

What a terrifying physical strength this is. Seeing the monster in front of her, the woman couldn't help but think of the monster they encountered in Wano Country.

The Pirate Emperor who can transform into a dragon and rule the sea of ​​the entire new world with absolute violence.

If she hadn't witnessed that monster die in the hands of another pirate emperor, the woman would even think that the man in front of her was a disguised man.

It seems that this sea is not as simple as imagined. The waves change, and some real strong men who were originally hidden in the darkness gradually reveal their ferocious faces.

After blocking the woman's attack, the man's other fist was clenched, and then he casually turned red towards the woman's body.

But this kind of casualness was only for him. The moment he raised his hand, the surrounding air kept making shrill sounds due to violent friction.

If this punch hits, the woman's body will definitely be penetrated.

But in the face of this terrifying power, the woman was not afraid. Instead, she twisted her body in mid-air, narrowly dodged the man's fist, and then relied on her body's inertia to kick hard on the ground. on the man's shoulder.


The bodies of the two people collided, and a shock wave spread out from the position where the two people collided.

The woman was directly sent flying, and hit a nearby fruit stand where the vendor hadn't had time to evacuate, and colorful fruits were scattered all over the ground.

The man, on the other hand, did not retreat an inch.

"You have been to the New World, right?"

The man turned his head, looked at the woman, and said calmly.

"Even if the pirates in Paradise are lucky enough to master the skill of domineering, it is absolutely impossible to use it so proficiently."

Whether it's the technique of covering the weapon with the domineering aura just now, or the reaction force to avoid his own attack by relying on the domineering aura of knowledge.

This kind of technology is definitely not something that the "weak" of Paradise can master.

It's not that they don't have talent, it's that they don't have opportunities.

"This has nothing to do with you!"

The woman struggled to stand up from the ground, then looked at the man, and said fiercely.

Cassie is definitely not weak. In fact, after experiencing the tempering of the new world, most of the "supernovas" who have just arrived in the Chambord Islands dare not say that they can defeat him steadily.

But he died like this on this nameless island, in the alleys of this island without the ability to resist.

Those who do it are definitely the strong ones who came back from the new world!

And the man in front of her met all her judgments.

"You seem to hate me?"

And the man felt the anger in the woman's eyes, too. He tilted his head and said with interest.

"Have we met before?"

"I must kill you and avenge Cassie!"

The woman roared angrily, and she jumped out suddenly, flying towards the man. A leg kicked towards the man's waist.

The black rivets on the tights on the legs shone with a strange light.

But when she was about to rush in front of the man, she suddenly twisted her body in mid-air, and then took out a close-fitting knife from the tights.

Before the man could react, he thrust hard into the man's neck.

This small knife was a gift given to her by the boss before. The blade is inlaid with sea iron from the Vinhill family. It is extremely sharp and has a restraining effect on any capable person.

She firmly believed that there would only be one monster like Kaido in this world, and that this man's physical defense was so strong must be because he ate some kind of devil fruit.

For any devil fruit capable user, Haitie, which has a similar effect to Hailoushi, is their greatest natural enemy.

After seeing this black dagger, the man's eyes finally changed.

The woman's movements were still too slow. He raised his hand, bent his arm, and directly clamped the woman's arm with his own muscles.

The sea iron dagger is less than one centimeter away from the man's neck, but this centimeter has become a gap that women will never be able to overcome.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make the dagger move forward even a little bit.

"I have quite a lot of combat experience. I suddenly don't want to kill you."

The man lifted the woman up. He looked at the woman who was still struggling with her body lifted into the air, and said with some playfulness.

"I'll give you a chance, and if you convince me, I'll let you go."

He didn't know why the woman attacked him, but after the woman did it, everything was unimportant.

In the world of pirates, as long as you move your hand, you are the enemy.

When dealing with enemies, any pirate should not be merciful.

"I don't need your pity!"

The woman's legs kept struggling in mid-air, and because the man was pinching her neck, she felt a little out of breath.

But even so, she didn't want to beg for mercy from the man in front of her at all.

"You murderer!"


The man has many nicknames, descendant of the devil, successor of the devil, and thug, but this is the first time he has heard a title like a murderer.

"You should be the companion of the pirate who died tragically in the alley?"

The man thought for a moment, then said slowly.

After he came to this small town, he has been regarded as the murderer of his companion more than once, so he was not surprised.

"But unfortunately, the person who killed your companion was not me."

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