Pirate Family

Chapter 1055

"Marshal Warring States ordered us to stand by?!"

On the edge of the sea mist, Ain said with an unbelievable expression after receiving this order.


She asked almost subconsciously.

This operation has almost poured all the efforts of the navy for a period of time. If this operation goes well, then the pirates in the paradise will be almost wiped out by them.

The next step is to prepare to enter the new world and let all those criminals who are full of crimes take their heads.

But now, when everything was ready, Marshal Warring States actually ordered to stand by.

Ain expressed his incomprehension.

"I heard that this is an order from Wulaoxing..."

The navy in charge of sending orders looked at Ai Yin in front of him, and said cautiously.

"Five old stars..."

Ai Yin just wanted to yell and scold a few times, but the word Wulaoxing made her feel stuck in her throat.

"Are we just waiting so stupidly?"

Ain said a little discouraged.

Obviously those pirates gathered on the small island not far away, but she could only watch them do evil on the small island like this.

She can't accept it. But there is nothing to do.

No navy can disobey the orders of the five old stars, not even the admiral of the navy.

And she, a little commodore, is naturally nothing in front of Wu Laoxing.

But at this time, Ain suddenly heard the sound of a boat launching, and then a navy soldier hurried forward and said to Ain.

"Report, report to Brigadier General Ain!!"

"Captain Sissy, took a small boat privately and left the warship!"

"The destination, the destination, seems to be Golan Island!"


Ain quickly turned around and leaned on the side of the boat, just in time to see a small boat gradually disappearing at the end of the mist.

"All of you stand by!"

Ain said to all the marines behind her, and then came to the side of the warship, where there was a small boat, and she kicked the small boat off the boat.

"I'm going to bring Sissy back!"


At this time, an unimaginable disaster is brewing on Golan Island.

A virus started from the sheriff at the beginning, and quickly spread. They seemed to have turned into irrational walking dead, attacking the surrounding residents.

And any resident, shortly after being pounced on and eaten, seemed to be infected and became crazy.

This disaster, like a plague, spread, and soon, all the residents on the street were infected by this plague. They are like walking dead, wandering in the streets.

His eyes were lifeless and bloodthirsty, looking at the surrounding buildings, as if looking for prey one by one.


A little girl hid in the corner of an alley, forcing herself not to cry.

She was following her mother home just now, when her mother heard the cry for help, she immediately asked her to hide here, and then walked out of the alley by herself, wanting to see what she found.

But as soon as her mother walked out of the alley, she was rushed by several crazy residents. After a while, she struggled to stand up, as if she had become a walking dead like them, wandering on the street.

The girl saw several shadows swaying at the entrance of the alley, and one of them was her mother.

She didn't know what happened, but she clearly had a premonition, that is, if she was discovered by them, she would definitely die!

A few shadows seemed to have noticed someone hiding in the alley, swaying their bodies, and walked in towards the alley.

Their steps were getting closer and closer, and they soon came to a trash can. As long as they took a few steps forward, they would see the little girl hiding behind the trash can.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to notice the little girl. They turned around and walked out of the alley.

"Hoo hoo."

At this moment, the little girl let go of the hand tightly covering her mouth, and her hanging heart could finally relax, but her hand accidentally bumped into the iron trash can behind her.


The trash can shook, the sound was not loud, but in this quiet alley, it was extremely ear-piercing.

"Ho Ho!"

The few infected residents who had already left immediately turned around, roaring and rushing towards the trash can.


The girl wanted to get up and run away, but found that her legs had become weak at some point, and she couldn't lift her feet at all. As soon as she moved, she fell to the ground.


The trash can was kicked away in an instant, and several blood-covered residents with hideous faces and crazy and bloodthirsty eyes stretched out their hands towards the little girl.

They opened their mouths, revealing their fangs, as if they wanted to devour the little girl whole.

Among these few people, the little girl even saw her own mother.

It's just that the mother at this time was no different from the others. She opened her hand and rushed towards the little girl who fell to the ground.

And at this moment, a woman's indifferent voice rang in the little girl's ear.

She saw a lady in a light yellow dress, sun hat and sunglasses, like a lady on vacation, came to the end of the alley, and she wrinkled slightly after seeing a few crazy residents rushing towards the girl. Frowning, he took out a delicate revolver from his pocket.

Bang bang bang bang!

A few bullets came out of the chamber and accurately hit the eyebrows of these crazy residents. Several crazy residents fell down in response, blood spraying all over the ground.


After seeing this scene, the little girl burst into tears.

"I'm not your mother."

At this time, the woman walked up to the little girl and helped the little girl up.

"My name is Nana, you can also call me sister."

Nana felt absurd. Not long ago, the island was peaceful, and the residents of the island were full of hope for tomorrow.

But it didn't take long for that to change. As if a plague had occurred, all the town residents infected by the plague turned into bloodthirsty walking dead.

"If you want to survive, you must leave this ghost place as soon as possible."

Nana held the little girl's hand and said slowly.

This way of infection is very special, as long as it is attacked by other crazy people and then injured, it will be infected and become as crazy as them soon after.

But fortunately, these crazy residents seem to have turned into beasts, with only some physical instincts and no thinking.

The gunshots attracted some crazy residents gathered on the street. Nana frowned slightly when she heard the approaching, scattered footsteps.

Just as she was about to go out from another path in the alley, the little girl beside her suddenly took her hand.

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