Pirate Family

Chapter 1056 Hiding

A young woman in a skirt is struggling on the ground.

Nana's bullet just now didn't hit her head, but only hit her leg, causing her to fall to the ground.

The blood spewed from several other crazy residents, as well as various white or brown sticky objects, stained her pure white skirt.

The woman raised her head and roared at Nana, looking ferocious and terrifying.


The little girl sobbed and said to the woman, her little heart couldn't figure out why her mother suddenly became like this.

"So you were calling her."

At this time, Nana finally understood that the little girl was not calling herself just now, but the infected resident.

"Mom has gone to a very distant place, and what stays here is just a shell of her."

Nana covered the little girl's eyes and said softly.

Then she slowly raised the pistol and aimed it at the woman's head.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your daughter."

And this woman seemed to understand Nana's words, and became much quieter. A line of blood and tears flowed from her bloodthirsty eyes.

She slowly closed her eyes, as if waiting for death to come.


The bullet sprayed out from the gun head and hit the woman's head accurately.

"it's over."

The footsteps around were getting closer and closer. Nana picked up the little girl and jumped directly onto the surrounding buildings.

"Find a safe place first."

Although she didn't know why these residents became like this, Nana knew that these residents had become beasts with only instinct left, and they hunted enemies mainly by hearing and vision.

As long as the little girl is placed in a sealed and safe place, these crazy residents will not be able to find her, and Nana will have time to solve the rest.

eye for eye!

She has determined that the mutation on Golan Island is inseparable from the murderer hiding behind the scenes, or it is the murderer who killed Cassie.

She had to make them, pay the price.

The infection spread like a plague, and within a short period of time, the streets of the entire island became chaotic.

There are roars of crazy residents everywhere. and the desperate cries of some survivors.

They don't understand what's going on.

Nana leaped across the roof with the little girl in her arms, and quickly left the block and came to the poor area of ​​Golan Island.

Compared with the rich districts and neighborhoods, the buildings in the slums are more low-lying, but relatively, there are many alleys with uneven levels, as well as various secret rooms built by the residents here.

Nana found a building located in a relatively remote area, and then jumped directly to the balcony on the second floor. After placing the little girl on the balcony, she took out a knife and cut a hole on the balcony window for one person. The entrance to enter.

"Wait here for me, I'll go and see if there's any danger inside."

Nana said softly to the little girl, due to the bad location, the lighting was dim. As soon as Nana got in, she smelled a musty smell.


An old woman growled at Nana, then tried to rush towards Nana, but tripped over a wooden chair.


Nana whispered to the old woman, and before the old woman turned over, she directly stabbed the dagger into the back of the old woman's head.

After a short period of contact, she has discovered that the basic body structure of these infected crazy residents has not changed much, and they will still bleed when injured. A shot to the head is the best way to incapacitate them.

After Nana searched the entire room again, she found that there was no one else in the room, so she carried the little girl in with confidence.

"Hide here, no matter what happens, don't make a sound."

"Whoever comes, don't open the door."

After Nana helped the little girl lock the door and closed all the windows in the room, she whispered to the little girl.

"I'll be back soon."

The whole room became extremely dark in an instant, but because of the domineering control of the knowledge color, this darkness had no effect on Nana.

Perhaps it was because of the darkness, and the quiet enclosed space gave the little girl a sense of security, so the little girl nodded to Nana half understanding.

Nana was about to leave through the window she came in, but when she just came to the balcony, she suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

When she saw clearly what happened outside, her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Just kidding..."

She saw that the infected residents of the slums turned into a long dragon, galloping down the street, chasing two young men, a man and a woman, in front of them.

The two young men seemed to be pirates too, possessing extraordinary fighting power. Some of the buildings blocking in front of them were blown to pieces by their punches or swords.

If there were not too many infected residents behind them, they might not be so embarrassed.

But this is not what shocked Nana the most. What she really felt a little helpless was that the direction of the two charging was the hut where she just hid.

"Are these people crazy?"

Bee Parker yelled at Oya, it was weird all day today, first he was attacked by a little boy he didn't know on the street, and then when he returned to the hotel, the bartender seemed to go crazy and detonated an explosive.

By the time they managed to escape from the burning hotel, the outside world had completely changed.

The residents of the small town turned into bloodthirsty walking dead, and the whole street was in chaos.

He and Aoya managed to pass through the alleys of Golan Island and came to this relatively quiet place, but they encountered a bunch of crazy residents hiding in the dark and not moving.

After they managed to deal with these few residents, the final wailing of the residents seemed to trigger a tide of corpses, drawing all the residents out of the slum.

Faced with these crazy residents, and also worried that they would be infected by these residents, Bipac and Oya had no choice but to run for their lives.

A lone building appeared in front of him. It would take at least three seconds to avoid this building.

Therefore, Bee Parker decided to go directly through this building.

"let me!"

The black domineering armor covered his fists, and Bee Parker was about to deliver a fatal blow to this building.

At this time, an indifferent female voice rang in his ear.

"I advise you not to do that."

Then, he saw the balcony on the second floor of the building, and a woman waved slowly to him.

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