Pirate Family

Chapter 1057 Something Scarier Than the Pirate Emperors

As an outsider, a man sees clearly.

What happened on Golan Island this time was secretly planned by the World Government in order to cover up the disaster created by the location of the last piece of historical text.

They don't know where the clues to the historical text are, and they don't need to.

As long as all relevant personnel on the entire island are killed, then no one will know the last piece of historical text.

I am afraid that even the navy is kept in the dark about this matter.

The man who had thought through all this smiled, then shook his head, and boarded a boat that had already parked on the shore.

He has already obtained the information he wants, and he doesn't care about the future of this small island.

At this moment, a navy boat sailed towards Golan Island.

A female naval officer in a navy uniform with long white hair stood on the boat, looking anxiously in the direction of the island.

Then, the man's boat passed by on the sea, the two looked at each other, and neither of them stopped the other.

"My God, what happened here!"

As soon as Anxi landed on the island, she heard the chaotic and noisy sounds on the island.

It was like countless beasts roaring on the small island.

The panicked calls for help from some residents, mixed with these chaotic roars, seemed even more desperate.

The corpses of several residents lay horizontally in front of Anxi. There was a huge black hole in their chests. The corpses' eyes were wide open and bloodshot.

Mosquitoes and flies surrounded the corpse, but they didn't choose to crawl on the corpse to suck the blood.

It seems that even they are afraid of something.

Before Anxi got close to these corpses, she smelled a disgusting stench, as if it was soaked in water for dozens of days, and then the body was blown up by a cannon, and the smell emanated from the corpses floating out of the water Same taste.

At this time, a huge explosion sounded suddenly from the center of the town, and then raging flames shot up into the sky, as if to ignite the sky.

Accompanied by this explosion, there were countless angry roars and howls.

Anxi felt the ground tremble slightly, as if countless people were running wildly on the ground.

And their destination is, surprisingly, the place where the explosion happened.

"Got to see what's going on!"

Anxi made a decisive decision and also rushed towards the direction of the explosion.


The waters near Koh Lan.

The warship slowly sailed out of the sea fog and surrounded the entire Golan Island, but the Warring States Period did not order the navy to land on Golan Island, but let them stay in the sea.

Any ship that escaped from Golan Island was targeted by countless naval artillery fire before leaving the port. These lucky ones who survived the disaster were not so lucky this time and were caught by the naval artillery fire. Surrounded, the ship was destroyed.

"Report to the Marshal! General Sakaski is on his way!"

On the main ship of the navy fleet, a navy hurried over and said slowly to a tall and old figure standing on the deck.

"According to calculations, it will take an hour for General Sakaski to arrive here."

"An hour?"

Zhan Guo muttered to himself, as if he was thinking about whether there would be any unpredictable consequences if the disaster on Golan Island was allowed to continue to develop for an hour.

It took him a while to make up his mind.

"I can't wait any longer. All the naval warships aimed their guns at Golan Island. After half an hour, all the warships fired at the same time."

"However, the entire Golan Island will be sunk! On this island, there are many nobles from other islands, as well as some innocent civilians. If we do this, we will fall into unfavorable public opinion..."

Behind the Warring States period, a slightly younger navy said with some fear.

They have always been the embodiment of justice, but he has never done this kind of thing of targeting ordinary people with gunfire.

"Justice requires trade-offs."

Warring States said slowly.

"The fruit of the plague has appeared again. If it is not stopped, it will lead to consequences that we cannot imagine!"

"Even today's few pirate emperors, the combined impact is far less than the power of this fruit."

Warring States' face was cold, and he remembered the description of the plague fruit that he had seen in the Navy's internal documents.

Hundreds of years ago, the man who controlled the fruit of the plague dominated the entire era, and no one could compete with him.

If he hadn't died there in the end, perhaps the world would have been devastated long ago.

The threat of the Pirate Emperors is nothing more than the sea, but the threat of the plague fruit is the whole world.

The two are simply not comparable.

The naval officer was silent, of course he understood the weight of the words of the Warring States Period.

For justice, there must be trade-offs. Even the result of this trade-off is somewhat unacceptable.

"Wait until this incident is over, and activate the power of the entire navy!"

Warring States said in a deep voice.

"We must find out the owner of this generation's plague fruit!"

This is a fruit that can truly destroy the world. Compared with the threat of this fruit, Lorne seems so insignificant.

At least, Sengoku thinks so.

And this time, the incident on Golan Island will reach Lorne's ears in the near future. He must first find the owner of this fruit before Lorne, otherwise if this fruit is stolen by Lorne If you master it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

A demon with no bottom line, controlling a fruit that can destroy the world?

Sengoku couldn't imagine what would happen.


Oya and Pepac leaned against the wall of the house, listening to the gradually leaving footsteps outside the wall, sweat continued to seep from their foreheads.

"Why did they leave?"

At this time, Bee Parker shook his sore arm and asked suspiciously.

After being reminded by the woman, they jumped directly to the second floor and entered this room.

The infected people outside instantly became crazy and kept banging on the door.

The wooden door, which was not too strong before, became even more precarious under the impact of these infected people.

He quickly blocked the door with his body, and was about to leave through the back door.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard a violent explosion, and then the infected outside gradually dispersed.

No, it shouldn't be said that they dispersed, but that they were attracted by something, and these infected people rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

"But no matter what, I finally got my life back."

Oya breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, but she met a pair of cold eyes.

"who are you?"

The woman who saved them asked.

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