Pirate Family

Chapter 1058 Collaborators

"We, we are just tourists who came to this small island by chance, and we didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

Oya said calmly.

She knew very well that the woman in front of her didn't trust them, and they didn't need her trust either.

"You are lying."

Nana obviously didn't believe what the woman in front of her said.

"You are very powerful, and you seem to be in control of domineering."

"This kind of skill, even those powerful pirates in Paradise, have not mastered it."

"You are pirates from the new world, are you looking for clues to the historical text?"

Nana's eyes seemed to see through everything, looking at Pipac and Oya.

The exquisite dagger was tightly held in her hand, as if she would strike at any time if the answers of these two people did not satisfy her.

And Aoya met Nana's eyes without fear.

She doesn't like to explain things to people.

Two powerful women confronted each other in this place.

"We mean no harm."

At this time, Peter Parker had to come out and play a smooth game.

"We are not pirates, to be precise, we are not pirates now."

"Not a pirate now?"

Nana chewed on the meaning of Bee Parker's words.

"Well," Bee Parker thought for a while, and decided to be honest with the woman in front of him.

"We used to be pirates, but now, the two of us have long since quit."

"Turned to become a bounty hunter."

"Bounty Hunter?"

Nana repeated Bee Parker's words, with a look of unkindness in her eyes.

Pirates, and bounty hunters, are like cheetahs and jackals. Bounty hunters regard pirates as prey, and pirates also regard bounty hunters as thorns in their eyes, bedbugs.

The relationship between the two parties has never been very good.

And, more importantly...

"So, you came to this small island, are you going to hunt the bounty criminals on the small island?"

Nana looked directly into Bee Parker's eyes, as if wanting an answer.


Pepper shook his head slowly,

"As you said before, our purpose is to come here for the historical text hidden on the small island."

He wasn't lying.

Nana looked at Bi Parker's unwavering eyes and made such a judgment.

"So, do you have any clues to the historical text?"

Nana asked again.

"Indeed there are."

Peter Parker paused, subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Oya who was standing next to him, and found that the latter did not respond before continuing.

"As for the clues about Alacosta that House mentioned before he died, we already have clues."

"This is not a place, or a code word, but the name of a wine."

Bee Parker told all the clues about Alacosta that he had learned from Mr. Wolf.

"Decades ago, here was the center of this sea area, and there was a winemaking competition,"

"And in that winemaking competition, the name of the wine that won in the end was Aracosta."

"I guess House was traveling to this island at the time and drank this fine wine called aracosta."

"As long as you find the person who brewed this fine wine in the first place, you can follow the clues and find clues to the text of history."

Bee Parker confessed everything he knew.

Only in this way can he gain the trust of others. Being deceived by Mr. Wolf did not discourage this sunny boy in any way. He needs allies now.

And the young woman in front of him, who saw through their domineering at a glance, was undoubtedly an excellent partner.

"And according to the information we have,"

Seeing that Nana didn't respond, Peter Parker continued.

"Because the pirates in Paradise were completely suppressed by the navy, the long-abandoned waterway on Golan Island was finally reopened. The winemakers from the previous banquet were invited to board the island again to prepare for a grand event. .”

"The man who brewed the wine Aracosta is also in it."

"The grand event will be held tomorrow."

Peter Parker said with some regret. They are preparing to lurk in that event, secretly looking for the trace of the mysterious brewer.

But unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened suddenly today, disrupting all their plans.

The mysterious brewer probably also died in this disaster.

The clues related to the historical text were completely cut off, which is why Bee Parker chose to reveal all the information he knew.

The brewer is alive, and this piece of information is worth a thousand gold, but if he is dead, then this piece of information loses all its value.

Information without any value is better exchanged for a powerful ally.

"Is that so?"

Nana began to think. She really didn't know the things that Bee Parker said.

It's just that this incident reminded her of something that Cassie had mentioned before.

As the rich man of the island and a close friend of Mr. Elson, Cassie was once invited to a banquet. According to Mr. Elson, the distinguished persons of the various islands were invited to the banquet, as well as some old friends of his who had been away for a long time.

Nana frowned, she vaguely remembered that the time of this banquet seemed to be today.

And the location is in Mr. Elson's small manor!

"Perhaps, that mysterious man is not dead."

Nana suddenly spoke.


Peter Parker's eyes widened. He had given up on continuing to pursue the historical text, but he did not expect that the unknown woman in front of him would say that the clues had not been broken.

"Mr. Elson invited celebrities from various islands to hold a banquet at his manor."

"As expected, the mysterious winemaker is currently in Mr. Elson's estate."

"The manor is heavily guarded, and it is not easy for those infected to break through that place."

Peter Parker's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly.

"That is to say, if we rush over now, it is possible to save them!"

"That's true, but the premise is that your information is correct."

Nana poured a basin of cold water and said coldly.

"As long as there is hope, that's fine."

Peter Parker chuckled, as long as the clues of the historical text did not fall into Lorne's hands, it didn't matter even if they were cut off.

Moreover, there is another very important thing now, that is, there should be survivors in Elson's manor. If those survivors were left to fend for themselves, he would never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

"We're going there now!" Bee Parker said excitedly.

But at this time, Aoya, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke. She stood in front of the window and looked outside, and it took a long time before she spoke lightly.

"I have to remind you of one thing."

"The place where the explosion happened just now seems to be in the direction of Mr. Elson's estate."

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