Pirate Family

Chapter 1059 Encounter

Golan Island, a wealthy area, was originally a beautiful and quiet small manor, but now it has been covered by raging flames.

Liesel used a knife to push away the corpses of several infected people who were burning with flames on the road, and then cut a path.

"Cough cough cough."

"Are these people crazy?"

The thick smoke from the fire made Liesel's field of vision quite narrow, and there were constantly crazy infected people rushing towards them regardless of the burning flames.

He stabbed a sword into the chest of an infected person whose whole body was charred, kicked him away, turned around, and yelled at the trembling guests behind him.

"What are you doing there in a daze, or do you want to be burned into coke too?"

"If you want to survive, follow Lao Tzu and fight out. Only by leaving this island can we survive!"

Liesel had never seen such a crazy person before, and he was so desperate. Even a few years ago, when he was competing with that fox for the dominance of the West Sea, he had never met him before.

Pirates are fierce, and they will be extremely fierce when facing a battle that can be defeated, or at least of the same level.

Because with this kind of ferocity, it may be possible to deter the enemy and win a battle that could not have been won otherwise.

But now, these residents obviously don't have any fighting power, but they are rushing towards them like wild beasts.

Aren't they afraid of death?

This was the only doubt in Liesel's mind.

However, there is no chance to dispel this doubt now.

He didn't care about the historical text, the secret treasure of the One Piece King, or the opportunity to connect with the One Piece Emperor.

He just wanted to leave this small island, leave this ghostly place, return to the West Sea, and continue to be his overlord of the West Sea.

Before that, Liesel looked at the gentlemen and ladies behind him with a greedy look in his eyes.

These people are the nobles of the small islands, who control a lot of resources, so before leaving the paradise, he has to make a big fortune, which is not in vain for him to travel thousands of miles to come to this world of pirates.

"However, the streets are supposed to be full of crazy residents. How can we get to the port area?"

Mr. Elson covered his nose with a wet cloth, and said in a low voice.

His words resonated with many guests.

Elson's castle is located in the center of Golan Island. To get to the port, you must cross the second street of Golan Island.

This road, I don't know how many dangers are waiting for them.

If possible, hiding in Elson's manor and waiting for the navy's rescue may be the best choice.

But since Liesel blew up the gate of the manor, this option has been ruled out forever.

"Do you want to stay in the manor?"

Liesel immediately saw through the guest's tricks, and he looked directly at the guest, with a ferocious look like a wild animal flashing in his eyes.

The latter felt timid and quickly lowered his head, not daring to meet the other party's gaze.

"I can fulfill you."

He waved his hand, and several of his subordinates immediately understood what his boss meant, and walked towards the speaking guest with a grin on their faces, and held him up.

"Send this distinguished guest back."

Liesel's indifferent voice came over, and then the two pirates ignored the guest's begging for mercy, held him up, and forcibly dragged him to the burning manor behind.

"Please...I have a lot of money...please..."

Feeling the scorching flames behind him, the guests felt a trace of despair. But his begging for mercy had no effect.

The two pirates threw him into the flames without mercy.

"Ahhh! I curse you..."

The desperate cries of the guests came from the fire.

"Anyone else, do you want to go back?"

Liesel glanced around and said coldly.

"I can send you back intact, free of charge."

None of the guests dared to stand up against this cruel pirate. In the hearts of these guests, the image of Liesel had already been equated with the devil.

Cruel and unkind, greedy and cunning, without mercy, is a devil.

"Very well, I'll give you a chance, because you don't want to go back."

Seeing that all the guests lowered their heads and none of them made a sound, Liesel nodded in satisfaction.

"Now, you'd better listen to me, otherwise you should have seen what happened to that person just now."

The fire spread and quickly ignited the surrounding buildings of the manor. After a while, the entire wealthy area of ​​Golan Island was enveloped in raging flames.

Infected people kept swarming from all over the island, and without any hesitation, they directly got into the fire.

Like a moth, chasing a candle, even though he knew he would die, he did not care about himself.

But the number of these infected people is too large, and soon, the road is completely blocked by the charred corpses of the infected people, and more infected people are blocked on the street, unable to enter the front burning area of ​​flames.

They roared angrily, and then continued to wander the streets.

If someone looks down from the sky, the central area of ​​Golan Island is completely red, which is the color of flames.

Outside the flames, there are countless infected people densely packed.

No matter which way Liesel and the others leave, they will encounter groups of infected people.

This is basically a dead end!


"The infected people in this area have become much rarer. It seems that they are really rushing towards the rich central area just like the infected people in the poor areas."

After Oya took the head of an infected person who tried to sneak attack them, she said slowly to the people behind her.

The once tidy streets had now become chaotic. There was a smell of charred barbecue in the air, and everyone was unwilling to find out where this smell came from, because once they thought of it, they couldn't help but gag.

"I know a trail. If you walk from there, you can reach the rich area in less than ten minutes."

At this time, Nana suddenly spoke.

Because she has lived in this place for half a month, she still knows the intricate alleys of this small island.

It's just that when she thought of this, she thought of the dead Cassie. If he was here, he would definitely be able to find a faster passage.

"Be sure to get there quickly. If we arrive late, the mysterious brewer may have died in this disaster."

Bee Parker said in a deep voice, even though letting the mysterious brewer die like this, cutting off the last trace of the historical text may be the best choice.

But he couldn't bear to see innocent people die like this again.

At this time, they suddenly heard a few gunshots.

"Bang bang bang!"

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