Pirate Family

Chapter 1060 Encounter (2)

"There is someone ahead!"

Bee Parker led the crowd to hide in the corner of the alley, and gunshots continued to come from the front. Accompanied by the wailing of the infected.

It seems someone is fighting the infected.

"You stay here, I will save them!"

Some small black fluff grew continuously from Pepac's pores, he said softly to Oya and Nana, it's not his character to refuse to save them.

But at this time, Oya who was next to him suddenly stopped him.

"What are you doing? Do you want to watch that innocent person die at the hands of the infected?"

Bee Parker said suspiciously, he didn't understand why Oya stopped him suddenly.

If they were faced with hordes of infected people, they could only run away, but if they encountered scattered infected people, he still had the confidence to fight.

Under the absolute speed suppression, it is impossible for this group of infected to attack him.

"See clearly."

Oya pulled Bipa back, then lowered her voice and said.

"That's the navy!"

Pepac followed Oya's gaze and saw a young female navy with long white hair standing in the middle of the street, picked up a musket, and shot in the head of an infected person who was trying to rush towards her.

The corpses of the infected people piled up like a mountain, but the navy didn't panic at all, as if this level of battle was not worth mentioning to her.

"She was wearing the uniform of a naval captain."

"Such a young navy captain, and still a woman."

Aoya thought frantically in her heart, and soon found a candidate who met the requirements.

"She is the naval hero, the avenger, Princess Sissi who has recently gained fame in the sea!"

After hearing the words "Princess Sissi", everyone's expressions became serious. Of course, they had heard of the heroic deeds of Princess Sissi destroying the magic cave on Su'an Island by herself, although there may be "Morgans" among them. "Artistic processing", but her combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

More importantly, Princess Sissi is another big figure in the navy, the star of the navy, and a subordinate of Commodore Ain of the navy headquarters.

She appeared here, which means that the navy's warship is also on Golan Island.

Or a little more crazy, a more terrifying guess appeared in everyone's mind.

That is, the navy's encirclement net may have already been laid. The entire naval fleet has surrounded Golan Island.

"She doesn't need us to save her!"

Oya said slowly.

"There are two options in front of us now."

"The naval fleet has already appeared on the surface of Golan Island, but now, they may not have completed the encirclement. If we rush out now, there is still the possibility of leaving this small island."

"I choose the second one."

Before Oya finished speaking, Bipac shook his head and said slowly.

"It's not in my nature to see death without saving. If I know that there are still survivors in the small manor and leave like this, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

After speaking, Bi Parker shook his head and turned to look at Nana.

"Is there another way?"

Sissy blocked in front of them. If she forced her way through, the navy would definitely be disturbed, thus revealing their position.

"There is still a road, but it will take more than ten minutes if you take the other closest road."

After a moment of contemplation, Nana said slowly.

"Also, I'm not sure if the navy that appeared on this small island is only Princess Sissi. There may also be traces of the navy on the other road."

"That's impossible."

Peter Parker gritted his teeth and looked at the young girl who was still fighting the infected in front of him.

I can only go this way.

An infected person leaped high and rushed towards Sissy.

Sissy raised her pistol and pointed the muzzle at the infected person's head.

Then slowly pulled the trigger.

But this time, the bullet did not come out of the chamber, but clicked instead. A wisp of blue smoke slowly emerged from the muzzle of the gun.

The bullet jammed!

Sissy's pupils shrank slightly, but she didn't panic. She turned around and narrowly escaped the attack of the infected person. Then she bent her calf and kicked the infected person's waist fiercely with a leg whip. .


Terrible force erupted from her petite body, directly kicking the infected person away.

"It cannot be delayed any longer in this place."

Sissy looked at the infected people who kept rushing towards her, and said coldly.

She had already wasted too much time in this place, and this group of infected people was like locusts, killing them endlessly.

"We must quickly find out the secret of this small island."

She has been undercover in the navy for so long, and she knows the style of the navy very well.

The residents of this small island are highly contagious. In order to protect the residents of other small islands, the navy is bound to destroy this small island. The navy's artillery fire should have been aimed at the island by now, and it may fire at any time.

As for Brother Lorne, the last clue of the historical text lies on this small island. She must find this clue before the navy fires, so as to avoid sinking into the sea with the navy's fire.

Time is running out and there is no opportunity to waste.

Thoughts were wandering, a pair of white wings slowly grew out from Anxi's back.

"Human Fruit, Phantasmal Beast, Angel Form!"

This is Anxi's fruit. Because she was well protected by her brothers and sisters before, Anxi's ability has never been shown in front of the world.

And this fruit also appeared in Qinghai for the first time, so Anxi was not worried that this ability would make the navy associate herself with the Vinhill family.

When she was at the navy base before, the reason why she didn't show this ability was because she was worried that the navy would doubt herself.

His own background is obvious. A princess who lost her country wandered to Paradise after the country was destroyed by pirates, and then settled in Qingfeng Island.

She has no way to obtain this powerful fruit.

But now, most of the Navy's forces are at sea, so she is not worried that the Navy will see her show her capabilities.

With a light flap of her pure white wings, Anxi jumped up on the spot, left the ground, and came to a height of tens of meters. She looked around and saw that not far ahead, there was an area burning with raging flames.

Countless infected people are gathering towards that area.

"It should be there!"

With a wave of Anxi's wings, the whole person rushed towards that area.

Several infected people who tried to attack her rushed to nothing, looking at each other with doubts on their faces.

Their simple brains couldn't figure out why their prey suddenly disappeared.

After seeing Anxi leave, Peter Parker and the others set off and rushed in the direction of the rich area.

He knew that the navy's target was the wealthy district, and they had to race against time to get the last clue to the historical text before she did!

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