Pirate Family

Chapter 1061 Encounter (3)

Golan Island, a wealthy area, Liesel shot off the head of the nearest infected person.

The white brain sprayed all over the place, but no one present had enough time to be sick.

Because, in front of them, there are countless infected people.

This group of infected people was densely packed, blocking the street, staring at the group of survivors who escaped from the fire with crazy eyes.

"How come there are so many people!"

Liesel yelled, he didn't expect that after escaping from the rich area just now, there are so many crazy infected people waiting for them outside.

If you want to use a metaphor, it is like digging out an ant nest, and countless ants crawled out of the deep pit.

"Get down!"

He roared, and took a bazooka from one of his men.

This is a high-end product that he managed to get from within the navy, and it is said to be comparable to the main bombardment of the navy's main battleships.

He was going to use this weapon to threaten the Navy that if they didn't pay enough ransom, he would bombard an island.

Although there is no way to sink an island at once like the legendary "three major weapons", it is still possible to cause heavy losses to an island.

But now, it can only be used in this kind of place.


Thick smoke came out of the black cannon barrel, and a shell flew out of the cannon barrel, flew to the center of the crowd of infected people, and then exploded.

Seen from the sky, a small mushroom cloud rose from Golan Island.

The numerous buildings on Golan Island have been cleared of a passage.

And this passage leads to the port of Golan Island!

The violent shock wave directly pushed back some guests who hadn't had time to lie down more than ten meters. And Liesel also threw aside the hot cannon barrel on his shoulder.

He felt that half of his body had lost consciousness, but the reward for this price was worth it.

On the street, a bottomless pit appeared, and the charred bodies of countless infected people were scattered in the pit.

All buildings were destroyed and the streets were cleared for a passage.

Some infected people were still alive, dragging their bodies that had been blown into half, they crawled towards Liesel and the others.

"Follow me!"

Liesel yelled. With the support of one of his subordinates, he took the lead and rushed towards the cleared passage before the other infected people could react.

Thick smoke rose, and burning gunpowder and blood mixed together, forming a disgusting smell.

They covered their mouths and noses with the wet cloths they had just rushed out of the fire, and followed Liesel.

Ahead is the only hope of survival!


Anxi leaned against the edge of a wall in an alley, without saying a word.

To be precise, when he was rushing to the fire area, he was blocked by people.

"Why are you here?"

She looked at the young navy in front of her, and said with some embarrassment.

"If I don't come, I don't know that you are hiding this ability."

And standing opposite her was a navy with long blue hair, the navy snorted coldly and said slowly.

"The devil fruit of the animal department, but it is not a common animal."

"Phantom beast, or ancient species?"

This female naval officer was wearing the uniform of a Commodore. She shook her shoulders and stared at Anxi.

"These two kinds of animal fruits are quite rare, and even the powerful natural devil fruit is far inferior to these two in rarity. It is impossible for ordinary people to get it,"

"Even within the navy, there are not many such fruits."

"Where did you get it?"

"Or, who are you?"

She looked at An Xi warily, and at the same time held down the hilt of her long sword with one hand.

It seemed that if An Xi's answer did not satisfy her, she would definitely do it.

"I'm Sissy."

"Princess Sissi of the kingdom."

And Anxi said with a calm expression.

Little did she know that she was secretly crying in her heart, she never thought that Master Ai Yin would follow her to this small island.

Then I discovered my hidden ability.

"This fruit was given to me by my mother when she sent me to escape."

"She wants me to have the power to protect myself even if I'm wandering all over the world."

This set of rhetoric was prepared by Anxi for a long time. She originally planned to find a suitable opportunity to find an inconspicuous fruit in the navy's internal treasure house through her accumulated meritorious service. It's a matter of course.

Unexpectedly, before his plan could be realized, it would be exposed in this kind of place.

Ain, on the other hand, stared at An Xi's eyes firmly, and the latter's eyes did not fluctuate in any way.

After a while, she said coldly,

"I believe your words for the time being, but whether you are lying or not will be judged by the people above after you follow me back to the interior of the Navy."

"Now, immediately, come back to the boat with me!"

There was a hint of doubt in Ai Yin's tone. If Sissy resisted, she must have a ghost in her heart.

So what should I do?

Even though Sissy's Sissy's identity was faked, she was still her "sister" who grew up watching her.

Can I really send her into that dark prison with my own hands?

Ain didn't know, so she looked at Anxi.

Hope, don't let yourself regret it.

At this time, Anxi was also caught in a dilemma.

If it really goes to the navy, let the high-level of the navy pay attention to this matter. With the power of the navy, maybe they will follow the clues and find the loopholes in their identity.

He even saw through his identity and used his identity to threaten Brother Lorne.

If he was captured by the navy, then with Brother Lorne's character, he would definitely bring all his family members to rescue him.

At that time, the navy will definitely set up an ambush, gather all the forces, and fight the Vinhill family decisively.

That war may be even more terrifying than the execution war.

Anxi didn't want her family to take this risk for herself.

Subconsciously, she stretched out her hand and touched her waist.

To eliminate this risk, the only way to get rid of Ai Yin is in this place.

However, after Anxi came to the navy, she has been under the care of Ai Yin.

In her eyes, Ai Yin has always been an image of a big sister who is tough to the outside world but gentle to her subordinates.

Do you really have to do it yourself?

Anxi didn't know either.

The two girls fell into the same dilemma.

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