Pirate Family

Chapter 1062 Navy, Pirates and Navy

Seeing Anxi hesitate for a moment, Ai Yin's heart sank for the most part.


After Anxi struggled for a while, she said in a bit of embarrassment.

She is betting that the identity created by the family is perfect, and even the navy cannot find any flaws.

"very good."

Ain breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Anxi's hesitation just now was just a little strange to herself now.

It's just that Anxi's performance didn't disappoint her, otherwise, when the two sides had to do something, she would have a hard time doing it.

At the same time, Ai Yin made a decision in her heart. Even if there was any problem with Anxi's identity, as long as it did not involve the principle of the navy, she would definitely come forward to protect Anxi.

After all, in Ai Yin's heart, Anxi has always been a well-behaved little girl. She has always regarded this little girl as her own sister.

"Marshal Warring States ordered that all navies are not allowed to approach this island. I also came here in violation of the order."

She walked towards Anxi and said softly.

"Now, you follow me back immediately, so Marshal Warring States should not notice that we are missing."

And Anxi also let go of her hand.

She couldn't do it to Ain.

But when Ai Yin just walked in front of Anxi, the woman's expression changed suddenly, and then she rushed towards Anxi.

"Get down!"

Anxi didn't react. Could it be that Lord Ain knew her identity a long time ago, and she just wanted to gain her trust just now, and was ready to do it when she was close to her?

However, she didn't feel the slightest malice from Ai Yin. Subconsciously, she chose to believe in Ai Yin without resisting or struggling.

Ai Yin threw Anxi to more than ten meters. At this moment, a loud noise suddenly rang in their ears.


It was like the salvo of a navy's main battle gunboat, followed by the sound of countless buildings collapsing.


Anxi felt the ground shaking, the next moment.

A shock wave blasted away the building in front of them, clearing a passage on the street.

And the place where he was standing before happened to be within the coverage of that shock wave.

Ain saved herself?

Before Anxi had time to thank her, Ain immediately pulled her up and said in a deep voice.

"This kind of powerful weapon should not be controlled by ordinary pirates, or the forces on an ordinary small island."

What kind of secrets are hidden on this small island! ?

Ai Yin didn't have time to investigate, she only knew that the order of Marshal of the Warring States Period must have his reasons.

Now, you must, go back quickly.

And when they stood up, they happened to see a few young men with powerful auras standing on the other side of the street, looking at them vigilantly.

This shock wave wiped out their hiding place and completely exposed them to the two navies.


Ai Yin looked at these people and said coldly.

Even if they didn't reveal their identities, Ain could still smell a disgusting smell from them.

A strong bloody smell left on him after the pirates killed countless indiscriminately.

"damn it!"

Bi Parker cursed secretly, he never expected their whereabouts to be exposed like this.

Without an opportunity to greet them, the moment the two marines spotted them, they started to attack.

Nana reacted the fastest. The moment she realized that the two navy men had spotted them, she took out her pistol and aimed it at them.

Then several bullets were accurately fired towards their heads.

After the Navy declared war on the world.

When the navy and the pirates meet on the sea, there is only one result.

It's up to you.

In any case, even on this dangerous island, there is no exception.

Ain tilted his head, avoided a few bullets, and pulled out a long knife from its sheath.

"Pirate, damn it!"

She said softly, then disappeared in an instant, and rushed towards those pirates.

And Anxi easily avoided these bullets, and a pair of white wings grew out from behind her.

With a flap of her wings, she flew towards the other side.

The moment Nana pulled the trigger, Oya also moved.

She took out the fruit knife, which was a bit funny on this occasion. A wave of transparent energy covered the blade of the fruit knife, and then, this seemingly unsharp fruit knife suddenly shone coldly.

With a wave of her hand, several sword lights slashed forward.

Ai Yin's body emerged in the air, and immediately encountered these several saber lights flying towards this side.

But she didn't panic at all, her body showed amazing flexibility, and she avoided these knife lights with an incredible posture.


A knife flew past her neck, chopping off a few strands of her hair.

With blue hair falling in the wind, she coldly looked at the three pirates in front of her.

They are very strong, at least, in the paradise where domineering is not popular, they are so proficient in mastering domineering, even ordinary pirate supernovas can't match them.

But unfortunately, they met themselves and Anxi.

Therefore, it can only fall here.

"Aren't you able to speak properly?" Pepper had a bitter face.

Of course he recognized the identities of the two navies in front of him.

Commodore Ain, the star of the navy, and Sissi, the princess of the navy.

Both are stars within the Navy. And the most important thing is that these two navies have a high reputation among the people, and they are rare navies that are truly burdened with justice.

At least, Bee Parker thinks so.

Therefore, he didn't want to do anything to these two people unless he had to.

But unfortunately, the other party didn't seem to want to give them time to explain.

"It can only be presumptuous."

Bee Parker said helplessly, countless tiny fluff grew out of the pores of his skin.

It quickly covered his whole body, and at the same time, the bones of his back began to twist, and several arms grew out of his back. Looking at it from another angle, at this time, Bee Parker has become a humanoid spider.

This is the animal-type ability user, and they all have the ability to turn into a half-beast.

Compared with completely turning into an animal and losing the advantages of being a human, this kind of half-beast fighting power is even stronger.

This is also the most powerful fighting state of all animal abilities.

Previously, in a certain alley on Golan Island, Bee Parker relied on this posture to directly crush the pirate who was said to have an old relationship with Lorne.

Facing these two star navies, Peter Parker immediately showed his most powerful fighting posture!

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