Pirate Family

Chapter 1064 Run!

The navy will never back down, nor will it compromise pirates for any reason.

This is what Ain told her when her teacher, the man with the title of "Black Wrist", told her when she first joined the navy.

Although in her later career in the navy, Ain discovered that this sentence was not absolutely accurate, at some point, the navy would still compromise and tolerate. But these are all humiliations that must be endured for the sake of justice.

Ain understands this very well.

So she took the teacher's words as one of her life creeds.

Even if she dies, she will never be threatened by the pirates!

"It is our honor to die for justice!"

Ain roared, the blade was covered with pitch-black arrogance, and she rushed directly towards Bi Parker.

"Damn it, I met another dead brain."

Peter Parker said helplessly. Originally, he only planned to reason, but neither of these two women seemed prepared to give him a chance to reason.

The domineering naval sword pierced out from an incredible angle, and pierced against Peter Parker's neck.

A trace of blood appeared on Bee Parker's neck.

A look of helplessness appeared on Peter Parker's face.

He originally planned to come over and threaten the navy, to let her know that he would not be the opponent of the two of them, so he retreated. He didn't expect that the navy was so decisive that he planned to do it directly.

Before recovering the physical strength consumed just now, Bee Parker couldn't dodge this attack at all.

Feeling the coldness on his neck, Bee Parker said helplessly.

"Really, can't we talk about it?"

Ai Yin snorted coldly, and when she was about to do it directly, a woman's voice rang in her ears.

"I advise you, it's better not to do it."

Oya's fruit knife also appeared next to Ain's neck. The woman stuck to Ain's back and whispered in her ear.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid my hands will shake."

"Are you threatening me?"

Ai Yin raised her eyebrows and began to think at the same time.

If you do it yourself, you can undoubtedly kill the man in front of you, but you will definitely not be able to avoid the attack of the woman behind you.

One life for another is not something worth caring about for Ain, but she thought of An Xi.

An Xi, after all, was still a little girl, if the woman behind her wanted to vent her anger on An Xi, she couldn't imagine it.

Ai Yin doesn't know how terrible a pirate's malice is, but she knows one thing very well, that is, it is definitely not something a little girl can bear.

Anxi has no obligation to pay the price for her actions.

The two of them stalemate like this for a while, and finally Ai Yin snorted coldly, and took back the sword in his hand.

She also had to compromise with the pirates.

"That's it, let's talk about it."

Peter Parker breathed a sigh of relief.

"In fact, we are not pirates, but bounty hunters. To some extent, we are on the same front."

"Our enemies are all pirates. They are the lunatics who are at large in the sea."

"Both of us, there is no need to fight to the death in this kind of place."

"Bounty Hunter?"

Ain sized up Bee Parker, and then said suspiciously.

"Are you bounty hunters?"

If the other party was really a bounty hunter, then his behavior just now was indeed a bit reckless.

The navy does not recognize bounty hunters as an organization. According to the official definition of the navy, the bounty hunters association is nothing more than a non-governmental organization.

But in the eyes of some navies, at some point, these mercenary bounty hunters are even more trustworthy than their counterparts.

"Replacement as fake."

Pepper said so, and then took out a golden medal from his pocket. This is the token given to them by the Bounty Hunter Association to determine their identity.

Seeing this medal, most of the suspicion in Ain's eyes finally dissipated.

"So, what is your purpose? Why did you come here."

She looked directly into Bee Parker's eyes.

If these two people said that they came to hunt pirates, Ain would be the first to not believe it, because with their strength, they definitely came from the New World, and the bounty hunters in the New World, if there are no special reasons, are will not appear in Paradise.

Because... there is no need.


, Peter Parker hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"We are here for the historical text."

"It's this damn history text again!"

Ai Yin scolded angrily, because of this damn history text, no one knows how many people have died.

The high-ranking Pirate Emperors in the New World don't care about the life and death of ordinary people. In the eyes of the nobles who live in Marie Gioia, the death of civilians is also just a number.

Only those who have personally experienced the scene know how many tragic things have happened in this sea and how many families have been destroyed.

Some of these children who have experienced a tragic fate gave up on themselves and became pirates, doing the things they hated the most before, while some chose to become friends of justice and join the navy to stop all these tragedies.

When it was reported that the main text of the history was on Golan Island, Ain had a vague premonition that this small island might be completely destroyed because of this incident.

"Yes," Bee Parker nodded, and he counted slowly to Ain.

"I don't want it to fall into the hands of the Pirate Emperors, otherwise this sea will become even more chaotic."

"And now, as far as we know, the clues of the historical text may be in..."

"Stop your pleasantries for now."

At this time, Oya interrupted Bi Pake roughly, she pointed to the road next to it that was cleared by the shock wave, and said slowly.

"Listen carefully."

Everyone quickly closed their mouths and listened in the direction of Aoya's finger.

That is, countless slight vibrations, the vibrations became more and more violent, and finally, the ground even shook slightly.

"Is that... the sound of footsteps?"

Ain said solemnly. She saw that at the end of this passage, a puff of smoke rose, as if countless people were running wildly.

At the end of the thick smoke, there appeared a strong middle-aged man, several strong pirates, and some luxuriously dressed gentlemen and ladies who were extremely embarrassed.

They ran wildly on the road, as if there was a deadly ghost chasing them behind them.

And Ain quickly saw the identities of these "evil ghosts".

That is, the countless infected people.

Some exhausted gentlemen tripped over a stone, and their companions didn't even have the desire to help them. In the next moment, these poor people were directly devoured by the infected.


The person who rushed to the front saw Ain and the others, and quickly shouted.

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