Pirate Family

Chapter 1065 The Justice of Pirates

It was a gentleman wearing a suit and sunglasses. Because he didn't exercise very much, his movements were a little slow.

It's just that, at the time of life and death, he still exploded with a potential far beyond his usual, running ahead of the team, even in front of several strong young men.

While running, he panted and yelled towards this side.

"Run! They're coming!"

"What came after you?"

At this time, Anxi just got rid of the spider silk sticking to her body, and walked out of the big pit, just in time to hear the man's roar, and said with some doubts.

However, she quickly understood what the man was talking about.

It was an overwhelming army of infected people with almost no end in sight.

"Is this the gathering of infected people from the entire island?"

Bi Parker cursed secretly, and said to Ain next to him.

"Now, it's not time for us to fight. If we continue to fight here, people on both sides of us may be left here!"

Seeing the large number of infected people, Ain's expression finally changed.

"This is the first time! The next time I meet you doing evil things on the sea, I will definitely not let you go!"

She said so, then pulled out the long sword at her waist, and walked against the running crowd, walking forward.

She faced countless infected people.

"Sissy, you take this group of survivors out of here!"

"What about you?"

Anxi seemed to realize something, and asked anxiously.

"I'm going to stop them!"

The jet-black armed domineering covered Ain's long sword, she took a deep breath, and said so.

"Because, protecting ordinary people is the bounden duty of our navy!"

A sword qi cut through the ground and directly cut into the team of infected people, tearing the few infected people who rushed to the front into pieces.

In addition to being a capable person, Ain studied under the black wrist Zefa, whether it is physical or swordsmanship, among the younger generation of the navy, they are all outstanding.

Even Zefa, who has always been strict with his subordinates, said that even at Ain's age, Jiyuan's swordsmanship was no more than that.

If you want to know who Gion is, she is one of the lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters, and she is even a woman who can compete with several generals for the position of general.

Zefa's evaluation is not low.

The escaped survivors brushed past Ai Yin, all showing expressions of gratitude, and then ran directly past Ai Yin.

Among them, after Liesel and the others left, they did not hide the sarcasm in their eyes at all.

The navy, for the pirates, why does this matter sound so ironic.

"A pedantic navy knows nothing of justice."

He said with a sneer, it's just that it's a good thing for someone to cut off the queen for him.

"Die for justice."

At this time, Ain remembered what he always taught. He once said that as a navy, it is a most honorable thing to die for the justice he abides by.

It is also his lifelong pursuit.

Have you finally reached this point?

The infected people were getting closer and closer, Ain took a deep breath and held his long sword tightly.

This sword has been with her for many years, and it is the only partner she can trust at this time.

"I won't let you step here."

As Ain said, she was ready to die.

An infected person rushed to a position about ten meters away from Ain, roared, jumped high, and rushed towards Ain.

But at this time, a ball of spider silk suddenly shot from the side, shooting the infected person on the wall of the nearby building.

"What are you doing?"

Ain turned his head and found that Bee Parker was facing this side, raised his hand, and then the man rushed to Ain's side.

"I've never had the habit of letting a woman break my dick."

The man said so. He took a deep breath, and his whole body suddenly swelled up.

Four jointed limbs covered with black fluff grew out from his back, and his whole body turned into a huge black spider.

Half-beast transformation is the most powerful posture for animal-type ability users to fight. However, in this chaotic battlefield, half-beast transformation is far inferior to animal-type ability users who release their inner demons. change.

"Spider Silk Wall!"

An inhuman sound came out of Bee Parker's mouth, and countless spider silks sprayed out from his mouth, sticking to the walls on both sides of the road, forming a large white web, completely sealing off the entire road.

Not only that, Bee Parker threw his whole body directly onto the big web, and the black arrogance spread from his hands to the spider web, and the entire spider web became extremely black in an instant.

Like, a steel wall!

Boom boom boom!

The infected directly hit the high wall, and the infected behind couldn't stop, and directly squeezed the infected at the front into a meat sauce.

With the bodies of the infected in front as a buffer, the infected behind stopped, but they were also completely blocked on this road. He could only roar angrily at Bee Parker through the high wall.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

"It turns out that your ability has such a magical effect."

Oya came to the side of the high spider silk wall, looked at Bi Parker, and said with some surprise.

He has partnered with Bee Parker for so long, and this is the first time he has seen him use his abilities like this.

This ability reminded her of a famous pirate in the new world, the man called "JOKER".

"My domineering can't last long, but it's still possible for the group of survivors to arrive at the port safely."

Cold sweat continued to seep from Bee Parker's forehead. It seemed that covering the high wall with arrogance consumed a lot of his energy.

"Lord Ain!"

At this time, Anxi also completed the evacuation of the survivors, walked to the high wall, and said worriedly to Ain.

"Next time, please don't do this."

She really regarded Ai Yin as her own sister. And just now Ain rushed in front of this group of infected people, without the help of Bi Parker, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"I can't let ordinary people die innocently."

And Ain just answered her like this, "As I said before, protecting ordinary people is our bounden duty!"

Anxi was silent. She had heard Ain say this before, but this was the first time that she felt Ain so intuitively, no, it should be said that a navy is obsessed with justice.

"Is this... justice?"

An Xi murmured to herself that she had a new understanding of the azure flag in her heart.

But at this moment, a tremor suddenly came from the high spider silk wall, and the tremor became more and more violent, and finally the whole ground trembled.

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