Pirate Family

Chapter 1066 The Justice of the Navy

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

The infected were lying in front of the high wall of spider silk, roaring unceasingly.

Then, the buildings bonded on both sides of the high spider silk wall began to vibrate slightly.

The vibration became more and more violent, and finally, the entire high wall began to shake violently!

"The building next to it is about to collapse!"

After Oya saw this scene, she roared loudly.

Everyone looked at each other,


Bee Parker roared, he no longer has the physical strength to build a high wall of spider silk!


With the efforts of the infected, the entire high wall collapsed.

This group of infected people roared and rushed over like wild beasts that had broken out of their cages.

"We've done enough!"

Seeing that Pipac and Oya next to him seemed to want to stop the group of infected people with their bodies, Oya couldn't help but speak.

"The time we bought for the survivors was more than enough time for them to board the ship."

"As long as you board the boat in the port, everyone will be safe."

The ships in the port have become the hope of all life, Ain said to Anxi in a deep voice after being silent for a moment.

"We... retreat."

Her physical loss was not too much, so she helped Anxi and ran directly towards the port.

On the other hand, Oya picked up the exhausted Bee Parker and put them on his back.

"Where is Nana?"

Bee Parker seemed to remember something, and yelled at Oya.

"When the battle just started, the woman disappeared, she must have been hiding!"

Oya responded that she never trusted the unknown woman.

"I said we shouldn't believe her!"

"Is that so?"

Bee Parker said with some disappointment that this was the second time he was betrayed when he came to this small island.

It's just that the man quickly regained his composure.

"It doesn't matter, it's a good thing to be alive after all."

"You good old man."

Oya cursed, but there was nothing he could do about it. Bee Parker was such a person.

For pirates, or some villains, he may be a more vicious killer than them, but for some innocent and kind people, he can't be cruel.

The speed of the crowd was very fast, and after a while, the blue sea appeared in their field of vision.

Ahead, the group of survivors had found a ship that could sail, and under the leadership of a strong man, the survivors began to board the ship.

"Ahead, not far away!"

Ain roared, she even saw the navy fleet appear on the sea level.

At this time, she remembered that in order to encircle and suppress the pirates gathered on Golan Island, the navy gathered fleets, and these fleets became the life-saving straw to save Golan Island!

With the strength of the navy, it will definitely be able to solve the disaster that happened on Golan Island, and even help Golan Island to rebuild quickly.

But at this time, Anxi saw a small dark dot appearing in the sky, and this small dot became bigger and bigger, like a black ball.

"That is……"

Anxi squinted her eyes, then exclaimed.



The shells fell on the edge of Koh Larn, reducing a tall building to ashes.

"What is the navy doing?" Ain took out the phone bug in his arms, trying to dial.

"Here, there are still survivors!"

"Blu, blu, blu!"

The phone bug made a sound, and Ain had never felt that the sound was so long.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period... Hurry up and connect!"

she said anxiously. But when she raised her head, she froze.

Countless black cannonballs appeared in the sky of Golan Island, and then fell everywhere on Golan Island.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Endless, bombs bombard the ground, ignite a fire, and the afterglow of the explosion destroys everything!

Almost instantly, the entire Golan Island was covered by artillery fire.

"Is this... the Demon Slaughter Order?"

Anxi's pupils shrank, and she muttered to herself that she had heard her elder brother say that the navy would launch a demon-slaying order to cover up something.

The specification of a Demon Slaying Order requires at least one admiral and a fleet composed of more than ten admiral-level officers. The fierce artillery fire will directly sink the island they regard as their target.

Are they trying to sink the entire island?

Soon, the navy gave Anxi the answer, and several main battleships slowly turned their muzzles, aiming their huge muzzles at Golan Island.

Then, shells that were several times larger than ordinary shells flew out of these dark holes. Slammed towards Golan Island.


The first cannonball landed not far from them, the huge power destroyed everything, and the shock wave almost knocked them flying.

The second one fell into the ranks of infected people behind. Before countless infected people had time to react, they were directly evaporated into coke by the high temperature, and the pitch-black corpses rolled on the ground.

The third and fourth bombs destroyed the fruit orchard on Golan Island and all the buildings on the central mountain.

"Ain, what's the matter..."

At this time, the phone bug in Ai Yin's hand was finally connected, and an old man's voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, here..."

Ain was about to say something, but she saw a bomb land on the port, on the ship where the survivors were landing.

The entire ship, together with the entire port, was instantly reduced to ruins.

Those survivors didn't even have a chance to howl. It disappeared with the port.

"never mind……"

Ain said in a daze.

Even the hand holding the phone bug was a little unsteady.


"The navy's first salvo has been launched, and 80% of the buildings on Golan Island have been destroyed!"

In the naval fleet, the main ship, and the conference room.

A naval officer reported.

"Request, next step instructions."

Sitting in front of him was a resolute man with dark glasses and a wrinkled face.

The man was silent for a long time before finally asking.

"Has Sakaski arrived?"

"General Sakaski arrived five minutes ago."

"It's coming faster than expected."

The old man muttered to himself, then waved his hand and said to the navy.

"Let Sakaski use his ability to destroy this island."

"The plague cannot be allowed to spread."

The old man's voice was very haggard. After issuing this order, he seemed to have aged decades.


The navy hesitated for a moment, and finally said softly.

After the navy had left, the old man turned his chair, looked through the glass of the cabin at Golan Island, which was not far away into a sea of ​​flames, and said softly.

"This is...justice."

For the first time, he doubted the justice he insisted on so much.

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