Pirate Family

Chapter 1067 Escape

The shock wave of the explosion centered on Golan Island and spread to the entire sea area.

The waves are rough, and the huge wave sweeps everything.

A tall man of about four meters stood on the deck of a sloop, looking at the small island that was being baptized by artillery fire not far away, and said to himself.

"It seems that after so many years, you haven't changed at all."

"In order to cover up one thing, everything will be destroyed."

He could even imagine that in the near future, the spokesperson of the world government would whitewash his righteous actions with the nonsense reason that this small island is occupied by pirates, or that it is a certain evil lair.

Those who are deceived are not only ordinary people in this sea, but even the navy itself is just a pawn in the hands of the world government.

After a long time, the man took out a phone bug and dialed the phone lightly.

"Case, my mission here is over."

The man spoke slowly to the other end of the phone bug.

"Have you got the text of the history?"

On the other end of the phone bug, there was a man's steady voice, and the sound of women playing in the water could be faintly heard around.


The man shook his head, "People from the world government stepped forward and directly destroyed this small island."


The person called Case said with some surprise.

He didn't expect that with the strength of a man, he would miss in a place like Paradise.

But think about it, it is also a matter of course.

The world government will not hand over the text of history to Lorne so easily. A Roger has already appeared in this world, and they don't want to face a Lorne who may even be more terrifying than Roger.

Therefore, once the clues related to the last historical text appear, the world government will definitely not let it go.

"Is CP-0 dispatched to secretly destroy the clues of the last historical text?"

Case teased, and he paused before continuing.

"Or is it that one of the five people made the move himself?"

"A fruit that should have disappeared in history has appeared."

The man said slowly.

"What happened on this small island, you should know from the newspapers in a short time."

"After this operation is over, I will return to the New World soon, and then I want to talk to Lorne."

The man continued.

"We and him should have a common enemy."

"That is, the World Government."

"Very crazy idea."

After hearing the man's words, Case became excited.

What will happen if the craziest man in the world and the craziest devil in the world cooperate?

Case was looking forward to it.

"It's just that before that, there is one thing I must ask you to do."

Case said slowly.

"Help me get rid of someone."


Case's voice slowly came out from the phone bug. After hearing the other party's name, the man's pupils shrank slightly.

"It's him?"

"With your ability, it should be easy to complete this matter."

Case's voice came from the opposite side.

"Don't let me down, Barrett."


Anxi supported Ain, who was a little lost, and avoided the shells fired from the sea.

A shell landed thirty meters away from them, and the huge shock wave knocked them all down.

Bee Parker got up from the ground in disgrace, and shouted to his surroundings.

"Get out of this place!"

The navy intends to destroy this island, if they continue to stay here, they will definitely be buried here.

"I still have a small boat docked behind the island."

Anxi said loudly at this time.

"We can take that boat and get out of here!"

That small boat was the boat she took to come to this small island. The small boat was not big, but it was more than enough for a few of them.

The speed of the crowd was very fast. With the help of the cover of the buildings on the island, they left the former peninsula, where the shelling was the most intense.

Along the way, the charred corpses of the infected were scattered all over the island. Some infected who were not affected by the shells rushed over howling after seeing them passing by, but they couldn't get close to them at all. , was chopped off by Aoya's sword.

Passing through the central city, they soon came to the slums. Since the buildings here are all flat and located in a low-lying area, the salvo of the navy has not yet reached here.

"The infected people here were attracted by the flames before, so it's safe here for the time being!"

Oya said slowly.

"Through the slums, we can reach the back peninsula of Golan Island! I hope your boat is still docked there!"

Aoya didn't give much hope, because the survivors on this small island may not be the only few of them. If others find those boats first, then they will have no way to leave here!


When passing a lonely two-story building, Pepac seemed to remember something, punched the door of the building, and then came to a corner.

There is a small wardrobe here.

"Hope, nothing will happen."

Peter Parker took a deep breath and opened the closet.

He saw that a little girl was curled up in the closet. She seemed to be sleeping soundly because of too much fear.

Because of the vibration of the closet, she slowly opened her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Bee Parker's anxious face.


The little girl just wanted to scream, but Oya gently covered her mouth.

"Fortunately, nothing happened."

Bee Parker said with some fear, now he remembered that it was too dangerous to leave this little girl alone in this kind of place.

If something happens to them and they don't have time to come back, then this little girl will be buried with them.

"Brother takes you out of here!"

Peter Parker picked up the little girl and quickly left the small building.

The next moment, a shell flew over from a distance and hit the small building accurately.

In an instant, the small building was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

"The navy's artillery fire has begun to radiate here! You must leave quickly!"

Oya said loudly to Bee Parker, and at this time, they also reconciled with Anxi and Ain who were outside.

"The boat is just ahead!"

Anxi crossed a small hill and saw the blue sea appearing in front of their eyes.

A few survivors were standing next to a small boat, anchored back and ready to set sail.

"Wait for us!"

Anxi yelled, but the few survivors just glanced at them, and then acted as if they didn't hear them.

The sails were lowered, and the boat slowly left the shore.

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