Pirate Family

Chapter 1068 Betrayal

By the time Anxi and the others arrived here, the boat was already nearly a hundred meters away from them.


At this time, even Anxi, who had always been well-behaved, couldn't help but swear.

These people actually stole her boat directly, and there was obviously enough room for so many people in the boat, but those people left directly. Not even thinking about waiting for them.

If she hadn't fought one after another and traveled long distances, she would have caught up and snatched the boat back.

"What should we do now?"

Oya asked in a deep voice.

Anxi's boat has been stolen, and the port has been destroyed by naval gunfire. If they can't find another boat in a short time, they will definitely be buried on this small island.

All of them are capable people, once they fall into the deep sea, there will only be one result.


"I still have a boat!"

At this moment, Ai Yin finally came to her senses, she said with a haggard voice.

"I still have a ship, which is docked not far from here."

Just now, the artillery shells fired by the navy completely destroyed her faith. For the first time, Ain began to question what the word "justice" of the navy on her shoulder really meant.

Justice, is it really justice?

Following Ain's guidance, the crowd came to a hidden area, which was a hillside, and there was a shoal below the hillside, and a small boat was hidden behind a stone on the shoal.

This is a blind angle of vision, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

This ship was used by Ain to chase An Xi, but luckily it was still docked there.

"My warship is in the sea fog not far ahead!"

Ain said slowly.

"As long as we rush to the warship, we can survive!"

Everyone slid down the hillside. The boat docked quietly on the shallows.

"The hull is intact!"

"You can Yang Fan!"

After a simple inspection, Ain said slowly,

Everyone worked together to push the boat into the sea. Standing on the deck of this small boat, Ain looked at the Golan Island that was turned into a sea of ​​flames behind him, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

The boat approached in the direction of the sea fog, and a warship could be vaguely seen emerging from the sea fog.

This is Ain's warship.

She could even see the deck of the warship, and her subordinates were watching nervously.

"Hide in the cabin!"

Ain seemed to have remembered something, and said to Bee Parker and the others.


But suddenly, everyone heard a loud noise, and a shell shot from a distance, from the direction of the navy's main fleet.

"Are you really the Navy? Are they going to kill us?"

Bee Parker, who just got into the cabin, looked at the cannonball gradually approaching him, widened his eyes, and said with an expression of disbelief.

And Ain was also stunned. She picked up a telescope on the boat and looked in the direction of the navy fleet.

A tall old man was also looking in this direction. After seeing Ai Yin, the old man shook his head slightly, and then put down the binoculars in his hand.

"The target of the shell is not us!"

And at this time, Anxi suddenly said, as the cannonball gradually approached, she found that the height of the cannonball was too high, and it didn't seem like it was shooting towards them.

Sure enough, shells flew over their heads.


Anxi turned around and saw that the shell landed on a small boat not far behind them.

The boat suddenly ignited raging flames, and then sank slowly, and the wailing of someone in pain could be faintly heard.

"That is, the group who stole my ship before..."

An Xi widened her eyes and said slowly.

"Navy, don't you intend to let anyone leave this island?"

"Perhaps, you have to hide here for a while."

At this moment, Ai Yin came to her senses, and said slowly to the few people hiding in the cabin.


Peter Parker was a little dazed.

But he quickly realized that the opponent's navy should have spotted them long ago, but they didn't do anything because they saw the navy clothes on Ain and Anxi.

If you let them know that you and others are hiding inside, their consequences may be no different from those of those ships.

The navy wants to destroy this island and everything related to this island!

The boat quickly arrived at the side of Ain's warship. A group of naval soldiers had been standing beside the warship's side for a long time. When Ain just arrived at the bottom of the warship, a ladder was thrown down from above.

After Anxi moored the boat to the hull of the warship, she followed Ain and boarded the ladder.


"Do you think they will betray us?"

At this time, Bi Parker, who was hiding in the cabin of the boat, lowered his voice, and said softly to Oya next to him.

Under the care of Aoya, the little girl leaned gently in Aoya's arms, not so afraid.

"I don't know, I don't trust anyone."

"Since we came to this island, we have been betrayed by others."

"Mr. Wolf, Nana, it's perfectly normal to be betrayed by those two navies now."

Aoya looked very ordinary. For her, being betrayed was too common.

"It's the same."

Peter Parker touched his nose and said with some embarrassment.

But there was nothing they could do. If they didn't follow that Ain's order, they wouldn't even be able to leave that small island.

And at this time, a woman's voice suddenly sounded behind Bi Pake.

"I didn't betray you before, I was just looking for a tool to escape."

In a corner of the cabin, Nana's figure slowly emerged. Bi Parker turned around and said excitedly after seeing Nana.

"I didn't expect you to hide here! I thought you abandoned us before!"

"Those two navies are now among the warships. We must hide here, otherwise..."

Bi Parker wanted Nana to hide in this cabin, but before he finished speaking, a cold bayonet was directly sent into his body.

"Now, I betrayed you."

Nana leaned against Peter Parker and said softly. Peter Parker could even feel the heat coming out of the woman's mouth.

Her tone was very flat, but the madness and hatred could hardly be concealed.

The knife squirmed slowly in Bi Pake's body. Bi Pake wanted to push the woman away, but found that he couldn't pull up the strength at all.

This small knife has Hailou stone on it!

"Why are you doing this?"

Peter Parker's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief.

He didn't understand when he had a problem with this woman.

There is no reason at all, this woman has no reason to attack herself at all!

Blood gushed out of Bee Parker's wound, and was about to spray on the cabin.

It was also sprayed on Nana's body, dyeing her black tights a strange red.

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