Pirate Family

Chapter 1069

Nana waited for a long time, and when she saw Bi Pake transformed into a half-beast in Golan Island, she already knew that Bi Pa Ke was the murderer who killed Cassie.

So when Bi Parker and the others clashed with Ain and the others, Nana hid herself and did not choose to do anything.

She followed the crowd all the way and hid in the small boat, and finally waited until Ain and the others left the small boat before she found a chance to do something.


Nana's face was splattered with Bipac's blood, but she didn't have the slightest intention of wiping it off. Instead, she stared at Bipac with her eyes wide open.

"When you killed Cassie, did you think about why?"

After the boss died, Cassie became her only companion, a family-like existence.

They were going to leave the strife at sea and return to the South China Sea to find a secluded island and live a hidden life.

But Bee Parker deprived her of her last wish and brutally killed Cassie.

When Nana saw Cassie hanging in the alley, she almost collapsed.

"Who is Cassie...?"

Bee Parker struggled to speak, and at the same time, the faces of enemies flashed in his mind. He was very sure that he had never fought against an opponent named Cassie.

However, the woman's anger in front of him didn't seem to be a lie, and Peter Parker still doubted whether there really was an innocent person named "Cassie" who died tragically at his own hands.

"Nana, right?"

Oya tightly held her fruit knife, and quietly came to Nana's back, and the gleaming knife touched Nana's neck.

The blade pierced into the skin, and a line of blood flowed down.

"If you don't let go, my knife may not only cut your skin."

"Are you threatening me?"

And Nana felt the threat from the people behind her, and said with a look of disdain.

"Since I chose to take action, I don't care about my own life."

"Or, you can bet with me on whether I can kill him before you stab the knife into my neck."

Although he didn't say anything, everyone understood who Nana was referring to when she said him.

The atmosphere became extremely dignified, and Peter Parker felt a constant energy that made him weak from the blade of the knife that pierced him.

This is Hailoushi. Any capable person, even if he just touches Hailoushi with his fingers, will feel weak and powerless. Not to mention, the dagger pierced directly into his body at this time.

Now Bee Parker feels that he can't even blink his eyes.

Blood continued to flow out of Bee Parker's body, and his complexion became paler and paler. If he wasn't treated in time, this man would soon die due to excessive blood loss.

A man who was determined to end this era of chaos in the sea died so aggrieved in such a corner, Bi Parker was not reconciled.

"I remember."

At this time, Bi Parker seemed to understand something, looked into Nana's eyes and said slowly.

"Are you the partner of the pirate on Golan Island?"

"That, the companion of the pirate who claims to know that man."

Thinking about it, it is strange that there are so many pirates with domineering control gathered in such a small Golan Island.

Therefore, Peter Parker had to associate Nana with the pirate he brutally killed.

"That man?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Nana's eyes, but she quickly realized it.

"You mean Lorne, right?"

"Sure enough, you know each other!"

A gleam of fire flashed in Bee Parker's eyes, and after thinking about it, he understood.

"You are all the accomplices of that devil, you deserve to die!"

Peter Parker said coldly, "This is a very simple truth. Lorne is the most terrifying demon in this sea. Then, all his friends and partners are all accomplices in the tragedy of this era."

None of their hands are clean!

And Nana understood everything after hearing what Bi Parker said.


There is no misunderstanding, after Peter Parker knew Cassie's identity, he killed Cassie on purpose.

Just because, Cassie claimed to know Lorne!

The man in front of him, under his gentle and kind appearance, hides madness and extremes that he didn't even realize.

"I will not regret the death of those who deserve to die."

Peter Parker said calmly.

"My only regret is that I didn't end Lorne myself."


A murderous intent flashed across Nana's eyes. She grabbed the dagger inlaid with sea iron fragments and pulled it out of Bi Pake's body. Bi Pake hadn't reacted yet, and the strength of his body hadn't recovered yet. He stabbed the dagger hard at his heart again.

For any capable person, if his heart is directly hit by Hailoushi, there will only be one result.

That is death.

No matter how powerful the ability user is, Lorne, Whitebeard, Kaido, and even the woman above Mary Joya are no exception!

"you dare!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Aoya's eyes, she never thought that Nana would be so decisive!

Once she did it, there was absolutely no possibility of her surviving.

Was that man named "Cassie" really that important to her? He even gave his life for her.

Oya didn't know, but it was too late for her to stop all this.

Nana's dagger was getting closer and closer to Bi Pake's heart, and just as the dagger was about to pierce into Bi Pake's body, a crisp crying sound broke the solemnity.

"Wow! Big brother, big sister! Why are you fighting!"

The little girl who was rescued by Nana burst into tears. Both Nana and Bi Parker were lifesavers to her.

She didn't understand why two brothers and sisters who were obviously so kind were suddenly fighting to the death.

Isn't it good for everyone to sit together and talk about it?


The dagger pierced Bi Pake's body, only less than a millimeter away from Bi Pake's heart.

Bi Parker could even feel the coldness of the dagger through the beating of his heart.

And Aoya also stopped her movements, and the fruit knife cut a long bloodstain on Nana's neck.

Blood flowed from her fair neck.

"Brothers and sisters, don't fight, okay?"

The little girl ran up from behind, grabbed Nana's clothes, and said with tears in her eyes.

"This big brother saved me, big sister you saved me too. You are all good people!"

"Good man, don't fight!"

In the little girl's young heart, the world is simply divided into black and white.

Bad people do all kinds of evil, and good people are extremely kind.

Brothers and sisters are good people.

Why do good people fight?

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