Pirate Family

Chapter 1072 Hunger

Unlike the navy, Lorne saw it more clearly.

If there really was a person with the powerful ability to control the "plague fruit" lurking in a small island in the paradise, he would never have caused this tragedy.

Because this has no meaning other than exposing oneself to the world government and the navy.


In the whole incident, even the name, age, and even gender of the capable person were not revealed.


Threatening the residents of this small island with this ability will bring far more benefits than killing them directly. What's more, Golan Island has just returned to life, and several waterways have just been reopened, which is almost predictable. Well, it won't be long before Golan Island will become one of the most fertile small islands in this sea area. Controlling this small island is far easier to gain benefits than destroying it.

Moreover, not long ago, it was reported that clues related to the historical text were hidden on Golan Island. The pirates in the entire paradise were moved, and the navy even dispatched an entire fleet to surround Golan Island.

Aren't you afraid that you'll run into the Navy directly if you want to create a killing there?

Lorne didn't believe that an ability user who had obtained such a powerful ability and knew how to endure it for so long would be a fool.

"This incident should have been directed and staged by the world government. The purpose is to completely cut off the clues of the last historical text."

Lorne tapped the table lightly with his right index finger, and then said slowly.

"I just don't know what role the Navy played in this incident."

With the character of the Warring States Period, this kind of incident should not be allowed to happen.

Or is it that even the navy is kept in the dark by the world government?

"Plague fruit?"

But Garrett's focus is obviously in another place.

"I seem to have heard of this fruit. It was controlled by a certain peak power who almost dominated the entire sea hundreds of years ago."

"The navy at that time dispatched several fleets in order to destroy this strong man, and suffered heavy losses."

"It's just that I didn't expect that someone would get such a powerful ability."

No matter what the truth of the Golan Island incident is, one thing is certain, that is, the news of the reappearance of the "plague fruit" is true.

"Leave this kind of thing to the navy to have a headache."

Lorne said lightly.

Since the official statement of the world government is that the "plague fruit" has appeared, the navy must give an explanation.

Whether it's catching the owner of this fruit, or dispatching troops to kill the opponent. The navy must give an explanation to the inhabitants of the world.

Otherwise, the panic caused by this fruit will have a terrible impact on the whole world.

What happened on Golan Island is vivid in his mind, and no one can guarantee that the disaster on Golan Island will not befall him.

Lorne has worked hard for so long, and the threat is not as good as the fruit ability of an unknown user, which is a bit ironic.

"But the clue of the historical text is broken, so our previous efforts are in vain?"

Garrett frowned and said.

Since Lorne returned from Wano Country, he has been eager to go to Ralph Drew, so he mobilized the entire Vinhill family to collect historical texts.

It was hard to collect all the other historical texts, but there was a flaw in this last historical text.

"House is not the only one who knows the location of the lost city of Poseidon."

Lorne said flatly, if the dead House knew that what he said before his death had led to this consequence, he would probably laugh outright.

"This method of the world government can only be used once. If the same method is used next time, it will not be able to deceive anyone."

"Once the people's hearts turn to the side of the revolutionary army, then for the world government, this consequence may be even more unbearable than the location where I found Ralph Drew."

Lorne didn't care that the clues to the historical text were broken on Golan Island.

He is very clear that the clues of the historical text cannot be truly cut off, and some people who have been to Ralph Drew are still alive.

The World Government wants to prevent Lorne from going to that place, unless all the people who have been to Ralph Drew are killed, otherwise, this method has no meaning except to delay his pace.

Lorne wanted to say something, but suddenly, the phone bug on his desk rang.

Lorne frowned. The only people who could get through this phone bug were people within the family, plus some pirates who had been approved by him.

But now, nothing major happened within the family.

So, who is calling this call?

With such doubts, Lorne picked up the phone bug.

A woman's indifferent voice came from inside. Through the phone bug, Lorne could also feel the woman's coldness.

"I have decided that a peaceful life is not for our kind of people."

"I can only be a pirate, so, is your previous promise still valid?"

Lorne recognized who the owner of this cold voice was, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

He snapped his fingers.


"The door of the family is always open to you."

"After you arrive in the new world, I will allow you to hang up the family flag and ride the wind and waves."

On the other side of the phone bug, there was a sound of rough waves. There seemed to be a strong wind on the other side, and the boat was shaking.

It took a while for the woman to stand still, she replied.

"very good."

Paradise, a certain sea,

A woman in a black dress, dressed like a lady, stood on the deck, looking at the endless waves in front of her. She hung up the phone bug gently, and then muttered to herself.

"New World, I'm back."

Back in Sdio, Garrett frowned and said after Lorne hung up the phone bug.

"Who is this, the voice sounds familiar."

"A woman who yearns for revenge."

"And I can give her the power of revenge."

Lorne replied.

"Is that so?"

Garrett yawned, as if she didn't want to get entangled in such trivial matters, she said a little tiredly.

"Then, I'll go back and rest first."

Due to the further awakening of abilities, even to the point of affecting her character and body, the current Garrett is very lethargic.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, Lorne suddenly raised his hand to stop Garrett.

He took out a small knife and cut a wound on his hand, and blood gushed out instantly.

"Eat something first."

Smelling the strong smell of blood, Garrett's eyes were instantly bloodshot, and then she gently leaned on Lorne's body, sucking Lorne's blood.

After a long time, she left satisfied.

Lorne's face was pale, as if he had lost too much blood.

After thinking about it, he picked up the knife that had just cut his arm.

Eat this knife!

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