Pirate Family

Chapter 1073 New Discovery of Vegapunk

"Crack, click."

Lorne chewed the metal knife slowly, and he didn't swallow it until the island was shattered into pieces.

The mouth and throat are one of the softest parts of the human body, but miraculously, Lorne did not show the slightest discomfort during the process of swallowing the knife from the beginning to the end.

It was as if a child had eaten a little snack.

"Is the clue dead?"

There was a sneering smile on the corner of Lorne's mouth. The world government thought that by doing so, it would be able to restrict him from finding Ralph Drew?

too naive!

He took out a piece of paper, and slowly wrote down names one after another on the paper.

Raleigh, Jabba, Kulokas.

These are the crew members of the former One Piece Roger, who once followed Roger to Ralph Drew.

These people must know the exact location of Ralph Drew.

Among them, Rayleigh lived in the Chambord Islands all year round, so Lorne could easily find Rayleigh himself.

After pausing for a while, Lorne thought about it, picked up the pen again, and wrote down several other names on the paper.

Caesar. Redfield, Turner.

His own father also arrived in Ralph Drew.

And these people were the crew members that Lorne confirmed were with Lorne at the time, among them, the news about Ralph Drew was told by Turner.

"Full of copper leaks."

Lorne said to himself. As long as anyone on this paper is found, it is equivalent to finding all the historical texts!

He thought for a while, then dialed the phone bug next to him.

"What's the matter, young master?"

A crisp female voice came out from the phone bug,

"Remember this list and help me find the people on the list."

Lorne read out the list.

"I see."

The woman was very patient, and she spoke slowly after Lorne finished reading.

"After the incident on Golan Island broke out, I have already sent spies to the places where those people may be."

"As expected of Violet."

Lorne sighed, with a secretary like Violet helping him, a lot of trouble would be left behind.

"One more thing."

Violet paused before continuing.

"Mr. Vegapunk, there seems to be a new discovery."

"About... the plan to ascend to the top of the gods."


A quarter of an hour later, SKY, the city of sky.

Lorne pushed open the door of the laboratory, and a strong smell of potion filled the air.

Several men in white coats were surrounding a dead body, taking samples for research.

Lorne knew this corpse. It was a certain ability user who died in his hands before. Because his physical strength was not as strong as those warriors, Gaji did not transform him into an "experimental body" and kept it in the family's ice cave.

Now, what's the point of dragging this corpse out?

"I have made a new discovery."

And a man with white hair and glasses saw Lorne, adjusted his glasses, and said excitedly.

"Under certain circumstances, the corpse can be made to eat the devil fruit, thus imprisoning the devil fruit in the corpse."

He clapped his hands, and an experimenter immediately understood what he meant, took out a small knife, and stabbed at the corpse.


The corpse rubbed against the knife, making a screeching sound like metal colliding. The blade of the knife was bent, but the skin of the corpse was unscathed!

"This is the ability of one of your subordinates, Steel Haral."

Gage explained.

"After using that technology, this corpse automatically controls the ability to manipulate steel, and its skin is extremely hard."

Lorne frowned slightly.

Heral's death was the only regret of his Wano country and his party.

As the boss, failing to protect his subordinates is a sign of incompetence.

Later, Heral's ability was recovered by the family. He originally wanted to return it to the crew of Herald so that they could inherit this ability, and then gallop on the sea in the name of the family.

However, Nana at that time just wanted to return to her hometown and live a peaceful life, so she rejected Lorne's kindness.

And Lorne didn't have the habit of forcing others, so he sent a fleet to send them to the entrance of the new world. And made a promise.

No matter what happens, they are still part of the family, and the door of the family is always open to them.

"The dead can also become capable?"

Lorne frowned slightly.

"In this case, won't this ability stay in the corpse forever and cannot be retrieved?"

For Lorne, the steel fruit has a special meaning.

So when this fruit became a test product for Jiaji and the others, Lorne was a little unhappy.

"of course not!"

Vegapunk adjusted his glasses and said lightly.

He took out a fragment of sea iron, and then inserted the fragment into the body of the experimental subject with his own hands under the watchful eyes of Lorne.

Then, Lorne felt a strange breath gushing out from the subject's body, and an apple that had been prepared a long time ago began to deform.

From the mouth-watering red, it gradually became dull, and turned into a pitch-black fruit.

The surface of the fruit reflects the laboratory lights like metal.

"As long as an object containing sea stone elements is put into the bodies of such corpses, the demons in their bodies will escape. They will attach themselves to the nearest devil fruit."

"Very good breakthrough."

Lorne applauded lightly.

"But what's the point?"

Since he has obtained a devil fruit, it must be more valuable to give this fruit to his absolutely loyal subordinates than to use it on a corpse.

Therefore, this discovery of Vegapunk has no meaning to Lorne except for attracting people's attention.

"If it's an ordinary devil fruit, it really doesn't make any sense."

Vegapunk pushed his glasses and said slowly.

"However, in this world, there are still all devil fruits that can only be triggered after death."

"If you get these devil fruits, then this discovery will be very valuable."

Lorne's pupils shrank slightly, he really didn't think of this.

Devil Fruits, whose effects are only triggered after death, are extremely rare, and there may not even be one in an era.

However, this fruit does exist.

For example, that yellow spring fruit.

And Lorne happened to know the location of that Yellow Spring Fruit!

"I once participated in the compilation of the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, so I know a lot of quite rare abilities."

Vegapunk continued.

"Among them, there are several fruits triggered by death."

"And the greatest value of this technology."

He looked at Lorne with a flicker of fanaticism in his eyes.

"It's a perfect fit with your Ascension God Rank!"

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