Pirate Family

Chapter 1074 The End of the Godly Steps

Lorne didn't expect Vegapunk's plan to be so crazy.

However, if this plan is really realized, then, just like the name of the plan.

Lorne will ascend all the long steps and become a true god.

"This kind of fruit is very rare, but in contrast, their abilities are also very terrifying!"

Gage spoke at this time.

"Death will only trigger it, which is equivalent to an ability user, who can only use it once in a lifetime. Before using it, they have no advantage of any ability user other than becoming a landlubber."

"So, this kind of fruit is often despised by those with abilities. After all, no one wants to be someone else's wedding dress."


Vegapunk followed Gage's words.

"This biggest disadvantage, with the blessing of this technology and your ability, will no longer exist!"

"This road can reach the end of the Godly Steps!"


Lorne thought for a moment, then nodded.

Although this plan is a bit scary, if it is known by ordinary people, then the name of Lorne Demon will never be taken off.

However, power itself is not right or wrong.

And Lorne is the one who pursues power.

"It seems that the work of collecting devil fruits is once again on the agenda."

Lorne spoke.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

As if he remembered something, he turned his head and looked at Vegapunk.

"You have participated in the compilation of the devil fruit illustration. So, do you know the plague fruit?"

"Plague fruit?"

Vegapunk chewed on the name, and then said slowly.

"I've heard of this ability before, but this fruit only appeared hundreds of years ago, and then quickly disappeared into the long river of history."

"Even if I searched through all the history, I didn't find any trace of the existence of the second plague fruit ability!"

"Is that so?"

A cold light flashed in Lorne's eyes.

An ability that hadn't appeared in hundreds of years suddenly appeared in a corner of the great route.

This really caught Lorne's attention.

You must know that once any fruit-capable user dies, the devil in their body will come out, possess a surrounding fruit, and transform it into a devil fruit.

Here are the rules.

And let a devil fruit have no second capable person for hundreds of years, unless the place where the previous capable person died is very remote, this possessed devil fruit has not been discovered by anyone for hundreds of years,

Or... In these hundreds of years, the first capable user has never died!


Lorne muttered to himself.

"World government, what kind of secrets are you hiding?"

The invincible woman above Mary Gioia, the woman who said she would never take a step beyond Mary Gioia.

A century of history gone.

For countless ages, the Pirate Kings who fell in Ralph Drew.

Lorne became more and more curious about all this.

And the answer to all these lies in Laf Drew, whom Mrs. Shi said!

"Have to go there."

Lorne said so.


The Great Route, the Chambords Islands, a certain shoal.

An old man is wearing a simple shirt, lying on a beach chair.

The old man wears sunglasses and holds a newspaper.

"So the vicious ability has appeared again? It seems that this era is getting more and more chaotic."

The old man said to himself.

"At that place, the answer you saw Roger, is it really correct?"

He couldn't help being suspicious.

At that place, Roger saw that twenty years later, this sea would change because of the appearance of a man.

So he gave up the chance of being able to live forever, and left there instead, and after finishing everything, he calmly died.

And now, this sea has indeed changed because of a man,

But the old man was not sure if this man was the one Roger saw at the beginning.

"Uncle Raleigh, what are you doing!"

At this time, a layer of bubbles appeared in the sea in front of the old man, and then an octopus murloc crawled out from under the water, shouting excitedly at the old man.

"Today, Xiao Ba brought you your favorite catfish meatball!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The old man put down the newspaper, took the food from the murloc's hands, and laughed loudly.

"Didn't you hear that you went to sea? Why are you free to visit me, an old man?"

While eating, the old man asked.

But the octopus murloc called Xiao Ba was a little confused, a cold light flashed in the old man's eyes, he lifted the murloc up, and then lifted his clothes.

There were countless scars on the murloc's back,

There are traces of sword slashing and bullet wounds.

Densely, the wound has just healed.

"These, who left them for you."

the old man asked coldly.

This murloc was his rare friend, and even his savior.

Many years ago, the old man accidentally drowned again. If it wasn't for the murloc, he might have been buried in the sea.

Therefore, he would never forgive the person who did such a thing to Xiao Ba.

"Yes... yes... human."

Xiao Ba said in a somewhat secretive way.


This answer made the old man a little confused.


Xiao Ba nodded seriously, and then continued.

"It's those bad guys!"

Xiaoba told the old man word by word the tragedy that happened on Fishman Island not long ago.

The old man's expression was as usual. He did not expect that such a thing happened not long ago on the Fishman Island in the Chambord Islands.

"The murloc who led all this has already been punished by him?"

The old man asked slowly.


Xiao Ba nodded, and then said with some longing.

"Many murlocs feel that that demon is the mastermind of all this and spurn him, but Xiaoba knows that if that man hadn't been on Murloc Island at the time, the entire Murloc Island might have been wiped out."

"The demon?"

"That, it is said that on the sea, the man with the title of devil."

"He saved Fishman Island!"

Xiao Ba said excitedly, and started dancing.

"You mean, Lorne?"

"Yes, yes! That is, his name!"

Seeing Xiao Ba who was a little excited when he heard Lorne's name, the old man showed a thoughtful expression.

"Uncle Rayleigh, you can go to Murloc Island now. Under the leadership of the new queen, Murloc Island has a completely new look!"

"Perhaps, I may not be able to agree to your invitation for the time being."

The old man shook his head slowly.


Xiao Ba was puzzled.

"There are guests coming."

The old man stood up and looked towards the sea.

Several warships appeared on the sea level, and the targets of these warships.

It is this small island.

To be precise, he is standing on this small island basking in the sun, old man.

Pluto. Rayleigh!

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